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Re: Belief-O-Matic

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Woohoo, I feel like I'm in old church company here! (too bad my local UU church turned to utter suckitude - I've heard things are better now, but the damage has been done and we've moved on) So many UU's here, and I've always thought we're an obscure and rare bunch! :D Hm, I wonder if in my YRUU wanderings I ever visited any of your churches...though the only one that's likely is North Carolina.

Oh, and if you UU's ever get invited to something at "the mountain" in North Carolina - that place is like an old sacred stomping ground for me, yay for youth camps and suchlike! I shall have to go back if there ever is an event there that appeals to me.

I was a proclaimed atheist through most of my youth, but that didn't mean that I lacked morals - I was more moral than most "Christians" I knew then. Then in college, weird and really funny things happened that I couldn't pass off as mere coincidence. I still have issues with a lot of the Bible though (read it through 3 times, the first time was when I read it in high school to see what all the big deal was about). And I certainly don't think my way is the only way, unless you're talking about social tolerance issues. ;)
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Re: Belief-O-Matic

Post by Alicorn »

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Secular Humanism (92%)
3. Neo-Pagan (92%)
4. Liberal Quakers (92%)
5. New Age (91%)
6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (84%)
7. Theravada Buddhism (79%)
8. Taoism (72%)
9. Mahayana Buddhism (71%)
10. Reform Judaism (67%)

I never did this before so I found it quiet intresting. Some of these I'm not sure what they are so I shall take a look into them. Truth is, I haven't really labeled myself on one faith. I'm for a mixture of things. I bet if I really look I could settle what I am. But I'm not really worried about it. When I was young, till I was in 7th grade, I practice Christianity. But I wasn't really hard core about it. I mostly went to church for the fun activities like day camp and such. Then when I hit middle school I started thinking outside the box and dropped the Christian title.
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Re: Belief-O-Matic

Post by Deku »

1. Scientology (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (98%)
3. New Thought (94%)
4. Liberal Quakers (88%)
5. Neo-Pagan (87%)
6. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (85%)
7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (82%)
8. New Age (82%)
9. Secular Humanism (81%)
10. Taoism (71%)
11. Mahayana Buddhism (68%)
12. Theravada Buddhism (68%)
13. Reform Judaism (68%)
14. Nontheist (59%)
15. Hinduism (55%)
16. Orthodox Quaker (53%)
17. Sikhism (45%)
18. Seventh Day Adventist (37%)
19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (32%)
20. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (31%)
21. Baha'i Faith (22%)
22. Jehovah's Witness (22%)
23. Jainism (21%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (14%)
25. Islam (14%)
26. Orthodox Judaism (14%)
27. Roman Catholic (14%)

I'm kind of disturbed at ... Scientology? That's about the last religion I would want, or imagine having as a result :S Then again there are lots of vague and umbrella terms in this (i.e. 'new thought' and 'new age'....what?) I would describe myself as a pretty staunch atheist (to put it simply and avoid lengthy explanations), so I don't know how I managed all of those :S At least the religions at the bottom all make sense, hah.
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Re: Belief-O-Matic

Post by KauKrazy »

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (99%)
3. Liberal Quakers (87%)
4. Neo-Pagan (83%)
5. New Age (76%)
6. Theravada Buddhism (75%)
7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (73%)
8. Nontheist (70%)
9. Mahayana Buddhism (57%)
10. Taoism (57%)
11. Reform Judaism (55%)
12. Orthodox Quaker (47%)
13. Scientology (45%)
14. New Thought (42%)
15. Sikhism (41%)
16. Baha'i Faith (36%)
17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (35%)
18. Jainism (35%)
19. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (24%)
20. Hinduism (24%)
21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (21%)
22. Orthodox Judaism (20%)
23. Islam (18%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (18%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (14%)
26. Roman Catholic (14%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (10%)

I have never heard of UU but now looking into it - it's quite close to what I believe about the world. Pretty interesting.
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Re: Belief-O-Matic

Post by Sayle »

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (90%)
3. Nontheist (76%)
4. Liberal Quakers (72%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (71%)
6. Neo-Pagan (63%)
7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (54%)
8. New Age (46%)
9. Taoism (44%)
10. Orthodox Quaker (36%)
11. Reform Judaism (36%)
12. Mahayana Buddhism (35%)
13. Baha'i Faith (26%)
14. Sikhism (26%)
15. Scientology (25%)
16. Jainism (24%)
17. New Thought (23%)
18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (20%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (18%)
20. Seventh Day Adventist (16%)
21. Hinduism (15%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (15%)
23. Eastern Orthodox (13%)
24. Islam (13%)
25. Orthodox Judaism (13%)
26. Roman Catholic (13%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (10%)

Not surprising; I'm an atheist. I'd probably be a Unitarian Universalist if I were at all religious, and it's nice to see Theravada Buddhism up there, as I grew up in a Buddhist family.
EofS wrote:Was I the only atheist who got annoyed at being group in with people who aren't sure or don't care? Would it have been so hard to have "no God" "not sure" don't care" as different options - because they're really different viewpoints!
No, that was pretty irritating. Atheism, agnosticism, antitheism and apatheism are really different. To be fair, they probably didn't make the distinction because the quiz was designed to determine which belief system we identify with.
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Re: Belief-O-Matic

Post by Webby »

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (88%)
3. Theravada Buddhism (83%)
4. Liberal Quakers (81%)
5. New Age (78%)
6. Mahayana Buddhism (76%)
7. Secular Humanism (74%)
8. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (71%)
9. New Thought (61%)
10. Reform Judaism (59%)
11. Hinduism (57%)
12. Jainism (57%)
13. Scientology (56%)
14. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (48%)
15. Nontheist (48%)
16. Orthodox Quaker (48%)
17. Taoism (46%)
18. Baha'i Faith (42%)
19. Sikhism (40%)
20. Orthodox Judaism (39%)
21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (31%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (28%)
23. Islam (28%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (27%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (20%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (18%)
27. Roman Catholic (18%)

Hmmmm. One side of my family's Roman Catholic and I think i'm meant to be too (which is interesting since it's last on the list), but to be honest I don't like it much. I don't like most religions actually, but I did have a thought about becoming Buddhist when i'm older simply because they were the first religion I could think of at the time that didn't feel the need to force their religion upon others and start wars etc. I know that's a gross generalisation of all religion, and in every religion there's lovely people. I've never heard of Unitarian Universalism before (or several other things on the list), but I think that fits me x)
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