UPDATE 1/6 - Pet Wardrobe Generator

General help with pet/account decisions, galleries, CSS/HTML and so on.
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Re: Pet Wardrobe Generator. NO FOOLIN'.

Post by Fury »

This is seriously a great project and I'd love to help! I'd be glad to cut out clothes for you - I'll get started on random bits and pieces soon and post them here when I'm done. I hope that's okay, I really want to see this complete - it'll be an amazing help to people.

Thanks for taking the time to do this!
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Re: Pet Wardrobe Generator. NO FOOLIN'.

Post by Foghawk »

Right, I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates recently. I'd been holding off for a while because I was looking into sharing someone's server - but unfortunately for me, this guy knew enough about computers to put a firewall on his machine, but not enough to understand that secure shells are, well, secure. (Eventually he suggested I buy my own as they were 'just a few dollars a year'. I wonder if he knows the difference between the server and the domain?) Then school started... But now I should have a little free time, and updates should be resuming. I'm just popping in to say that Mutant, Maraquan, and Baby pets are now supported (those are all the colors that can't wear clothing, right?), and that I'm going back to adding more species. Enjoy. :3
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Re: UPDATE 11/7 - Pet Wardrobe Generator

Post by Foghawk »

Rather large update!

ALL existing non-redraw males, except Eyries (...unless I missed some or the FTP client dropped their files) are now up and running! (If you're wondering why not the Eyries, it's 'cos I'm holding them back to work on the next big feature - integrating redraws & zones - with.) Due to lack of server and the sheer volume of images involved, the rest of the females won't be put up until/unless I acquire one, but it's not too big of a difference and hopefully it'll do in the meantime. I'm currently putting in 404 images to make it clear which broken images are nonexistent combinations and which are actually broken - bug reports welcome.
Also, due to a jury-rigged network, I've got Photoshop and internet in one place again, meaning I'm going to be cutting out clothes in my free time; I'd therefore be infinitely obliged to anyone who can give me/link me to previews of individual clothes.

Question: What would you guys most like to see next (listed in increasing order of effort required)?
- The placeholders?
- Backgrounds?
- More clothing?
- Redraw pets (and therefore working zones)?
- Something else?
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Re: UPDATE 1/6 - Pet Wardrobe Generator

Post by Foghawk »

(apologies for triple post)
I've moved to a new host - you can now find us at http://syntactictariff.net23.net/ (although the awardspace site is still up and running.) Hopefully this will solve (or at least alleviate) the issues people have been having with the speed/functionality of the old site. Do check it out and tell me if things seem to be working now!
I'm still looking for comments on what to improve when - feel free to give your opinion :D
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