Subeta constantly logging me out?

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Subeta constantly logging me out?

Post by Elzaim »

Do any of you have a similar problem, or is it just me?

The past... 3 days or so I haven't been able to do anything on Subeta. I log in, and 1-3 clicks later I've been randomly logged off. So I log back in again only to have to keep doing this over and over. It's a real pain in the butt because I can't buy anything in user shops, do quests... or virtually anything.

Is this a subeta-wide problem or am I going crazy? I'm not using any crazy browsers (firefox only) and I haven't done anything special in the last couple days. Help please?
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Re: Subeta constantly logging me out?

Post by Pillow »

I think it's a Subeta-wide issue as I've seen a number of people complaining about it in the shoutbox while I've been on. I myself haven't been forcibly logged out; the only trouble I had was around 4 pm Subeta time when I had to log back in twice on a different computer.

So don't worry, it's not just you ^^
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Re: Subeta constantly logging me out?

Post by Usul_Princess »

I have the same problem too, just not as frequently. If I close out my browser window on Subeta, I'm instantly logged out, and I have auto-complete on. Depending on the day, I'll be logged out instantly, but it doesn't happen that often. (I use IE7, and I know that that's the 'verboten' browser, but Firefox doesn't act any better for me.)

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Re: Subeta constantly logging me out?

Post by Seerow »

I've been fine in FF, which is the browser I use most of the time, but I can't seem to get logged in using IE. Its takes me to the homepage like I've been logged in, but I'm not actually.

Hope you can get the problem fixed soon :( Have you tried using other browsers, like Chrome or Safari maybe to see if it will let you stay logged in?
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Re: Subeta constantly logging me out?

Post by Elzaim »

Soooo.... this issue still hasn't been resolved. I'm wondering if it's a problem with my work computer though, as subeta seems to work ok at home. I can't do virtually anything while on my work computer - trying to buy some books for my book collection is completely and utterly frustration because I go to buy something and get logged out.

Then again, I didn't have this problem until there was some massive downtime last week and subeta was having server problems (but when DON'T they have server problems?!).

Anyway, this sucks hardcore. All I want to do is buy some god-damned books on my lunch break. *sigh*

Oh, and I have firefox and IE on this computer - and because we aren't allowed to download anything at work I can't get any other browsers. And subeta will not work on either browsers I have.
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Re: Subeta constantly logging me out?

Post by Cranberry »

I get logged out every day; I think maybe my IP changes when I shut down the computer or something. I seem to be fine with staying logged in for the whole day, unless I restart the modem.

I could have sworn alx said something a while back about fixing it so we could stay constantly logged in, but I can't remember.
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