Gallery Advice

General help with pet/account decisions, galleries, CSS/HTML and so on.
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Gallery Advice

Post by Jamie »

A few of you may be familiar with my gallery, The MOOseum. It's been as finished as it ever will be for more than a year now, missing only one item, the retired Hidden Tower item 'Kaloras Battledeck'. I've always wanted to win the Gallery Spotlight, but each and every year I miss out to an Altador Themed gallery, since the Altador Cup is started the same week that Kau Day falls on. So I've lost most of my interest in the gallery, since only a few Kau Items are released a year.

Lately I've bee thinking of dismantling and selling it off and then starting a gallery full of items I like... but I'm not sure. I know it's ultimately my decision, but knowing what some other people would do in my situation would help.
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Re: Gallery Advice

Post by Larkspurlane »

Would you consider moving (mooving HEH) it to a side account? I don't know how much it would cost to up your side's gallery size to the appropriate sq. footage. I think it would be sad to see such a near-complete collection dismantled.

Or you could make your current gallery into a side category, and make your main category "pretty things" or what have you. But then you'd have the same issue of cost because at size 62, upgrades must be getting up there in NPs.

I think it's easy for me to say "don't sell it, it's so cool" from over here, but I could totally understand if you want to sell it off, too.

In conclusion, my post doesn't help at all but since I've taken 8 mins to type it out I'm not going to not post. :P
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Re: Gallery Advice

Post by AngharadTy »

Wow, it's all arranged so well and everything... but a gallery is for you foremost (and for the gallery spotlight, too, a little ways down the list!), and if it's not fun for you anymore, or it doesn't bring you any pleasure, then by all means, get rid of it.

Do you have ideas for a new gallery already? If there's something really itching at you to do, then doing it might make you feel even better than you realized.

There are a couple of options to make you feel like you're not rushing it too much. Like Larkspurlane said, you can move it to a side account. Or start a new gallery on a side account and see how much you like it--maybe it'll fizzle out on you. Or dismantle the kau gallery and don't sell it yet, just store it all--maybe copy everything (code, item names) to a text file in case you want to replicate it. Then you won't regret not having the items in a couple weeks, just in case.
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Re: Gallery Advice

Post by Kamil »

Have you thought about trying for the spotlight one last time, and then, if you still don't win, going ahead and dismantling it? Kau Day should be coming up before too much longer, so you could think about your options while you wait - not that I think you haven't already thought about it, but yanno.

I do agree with Ty, though. If there's something itching at you, then by all means start on that now and see if it doesn't make you feel better than your Kau items do. But again, like Ty suggested, save all your coding and stuffs, so if you find yourself missing it you can redo it all without too much hassle.

Basically, what Ty said. =D
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Re: Gallery Advice

Post by Jamie »

I think I will keep it for one more Kau Day, and cross all my fingers and toes. It's only another 4 months away. Keeping all the items in storage is a great idea as well that I hadn't even considered, thanks for the help everyone!!
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Re: Gallery Advice

Post by EofS »

Try sending a question into the editorial about them always choosing Altador Cup over Kau Day for a gallery theme.
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