Two day site rollback

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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by Wingsrising »

I don't think anyone thinks that the staff are rolling the site back just for grins and giggles. I think the problem is more along the lines of what Seerow said: every time there's a major rollback we're reassured that there's a great new system in place and it will never happen again. Then it happens again.
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Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Post by bonecrivain »

I don't even know what to say. When I signed on Subeta about an hour ago, I was absolutely horrified to see that everything I'd done on the site over the weekend was gone. Fortunately, the Valentine's Day presents I sent seem to have made it before the rollback. I absolutely flipped out when I thought that I'd have to rebuy and resend them. So that's a little bit of a relief. But I lost the ones I received, which...well, that sucks. That was such a nice part of Saturday, and now they're gone. And it's the damn site's fault.

I think those are the only items I lost--at least, the only important ones--but the rollback essentially made any time I spent on the site over the past two days a complete waste. Keith's making all these efforts to keep people on the site for longer periods of time, but the only people emerging unscathed from this horrible rollback are the ones who stayed away over the weekend. I don't know how anyone else is feeling now--a lot of you seem relatively unruffled and ready to go back and do everything over again--but quite frankly, I'm worried that anything I do is going to be taken away again. I mean, the site's down right now. There's no squirrel up. No message. Which means it's not planned downtown, which means we could be losing even more items and sp and time and achievements.

I'm glad Alx put up a news post--it's definitely good to know what happened--but that's not enough. There are no guarantees that more information won't be lost, and no promises that it will be made up to us if that does happen. They obviously can't just give back incredibly time-consuming achievements, but we shouldn't have to do them over. We shouldn't be punished for spending time on the site, which is what this essentially turns into.

I have to echo Seerow and Wings, too. This isn't the first rollback, and I don't believe it will be the last. There are always assurances that it won't happen again, and that they're taking measures to ensure it doesn't. Those seem like empty words to me, considering the site's history and the fact that those "measures" they promised the last time clearly failed today. What guarantees that they won't fail the next time, too?
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by Pye »

Hmm, I think with any luck all I lost was the hearts from people's profiles. My partner was very nice in letting me on to click them every so often while they were working on the comp. Ahh well...

At least anything we bought we will still have the money for. I just hope I have time to re-claim the hearts. I was doing pretty well. =x
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by zebru »

It reset to somewhere mid-valentines day. I bought a huge bunch of gifts for a friend of mine later in the day and now she's empty handed - and rebuying the exact same gifts (given that i can remember what I bought -there was a lot of it) is such a tedious and underwhelming thing.

I was nearly constantly online on subeta ovet the past two days - picking up hearts and going to the Den almost every half hour, buying for my wardrobe and gallery. So all that time being completely wasted is frustrating as hell. We were assured last time it happened it was impossible to happen again, so this makes in annoying doubly so.
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by Kamil »

I suspect I'm in much the same boat as Topher, barring the work he did on his profile, as I did nothing of the sort. *hugs you*

But I too spent an incredibly long period of time over the weekend doing nothing but Subeta. I haven't gotten to see the site when it's been up, so I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing:

*100 candy hearts collected is gone
*cure 10 shops is gone
*three million in sales of lamouracillin gone
*managed to catch the token shop restock, lost that count towards the next achievement, and lost the book I purchased, which I planned to sell for a zillion sp during the next reading drive
*I bought something from Skitters almost every time she'd let me; setting a timer and using it - those are gone now too.

So I didn't lose nearly as much as Topher did, but unfortunately, the stuff I lost can't be replaced. Lost sales suck, but you still (theoretically) have the item, even if you lost the sp. Lost heart collections, and lost shop cures - there's no way to replace that, unless, as Topher said, the wait time is taken down to a minute or so, and the holiday extended, to allow for catching up to one's previous position.

It's been a lovely plot/holiday/whatever up to this point, one of the best Subeta's ever done, and I'd hate for my memories of it to be colored with bitterness over the way it ended. :/
Wingsrising wrote:I don't think anyone thinks that the staff are rolling the site back just for grins and giggles. I think the problem is more along the lines of what Seerow said: every time there's a major rollback we're reassured that there's a great new system in place and it will never happen again. Then it happens again.
Also? THAT.
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by Jessi »

Well, I just found out about this thanks to Bon, and unfortunately the site is down so I can't even assess what I might have lost. The biggest thing for me was my art contest ended this weekend, so depending on when people posted - Saturday night, Sunday all day, etc, I might have lost a lot of last-minute entries (there were quite a few up Saturday before I went out for dinner for Valentine's), which just sucks. I'll probably push it back another day or two to give people an extra chance.

Luckily for me, at least, Lindsey and I were moving furniture around our house all day yesterday, and I wasn't on Subeta that much - though i was on for a few hours in the morning, and I did get a ton of candy hearts, and bought some stuff from Skitters and what not. If it had been a normal weekend for me, I'd be a lot deeper in the shit hole.

Also, I don't normally do this, but:
Wingsrising wrote: I don't think anyone thinks that the staff are rolling the site back just for grins and giggles. I think the problem is more along the lines of what Seerow said: every time there's a major rollback we're reassured that there's a great new system in place and it will never happen again. Then it happens again.
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by bonecrivain »

So. As far as I understand, this is what happened.

1. The database crashes with corruption
2. The slave server fails in processing updates, which creates a rollback
3. The backup system had not been backing up

My question is: how did ALL THREE fail at once? And why was no one checking the backup system to make sure it was backing up? It's not like this is a new or unexpected thing for Subeta. They have the staff and resources to be taking better care of the site. There have been constant Mysql errors lately, and now this complete system failure. With all the errors happening, shouldn't SOMEONE have been checking the systems to make sure they were working properly, and that this wouldn't happen?
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by FreddyPrime »

They...really are not doing good at keeping the site up and running at ALL. there has been SO much downtime*even though most of its only a few minutes* over the past few weeks

And now this.. I mean it does not even SEEM as if they are doing ANYTHING at all to prevent stuff like this from happening, in fact it seems they are just letting the site fall down around their ears
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by Rustyblu »

bonecrivain wrote:
And why was no one checking the backup system to make sure it was backing up? It's not like this is a new or unexpected thing for Subeta. They have the staff and resources to be taking better care of the site. There have been constant Mysql errors lately, and now this complete system failure. With all the errors happening, shouldn't SOMEONE have been checking the systems to make sure they were working properly, and that this wouldn't happen?
I completely agree. It should be part of their job to check to make sure that the servers are running fine every so often.
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by Keshi~ »

"Trust me, if alx/Keith could have avoided the rollback, they would have. Yes, it is disapointing, but we're going to try our best to accomodate you as much as we can."

This is pretty much what I was going to say, yes it's disappointing but there was nothing more they could have done.

I'm glad I've been busy, I've probably lost a post or 2 on the staff forums... one on my buying art forum and some smails. I hope Keith and Alx can get things back in order, it must be so stressful for them :c
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by bonecrivain »

This is pretty much what I was going to say, yes it's disappointing but there was nothing more they could have done.
No. The point is that they COULD have been checking the servers and making sure the backup was working properly. They promised the last time that the backups would take care of these problems, so rollbacks didn't happen again. They didn't follow through. What is the point of a backup system that DOESN'T BACK UP INFORMATION? I'm saying the same thing over and over, but this is ridiculous.

If there's apparently something they can do now to ensure that "nothing like this happens again," as Alx's news post claims, then they could have done that earlier to ensure that it didn't happen today. No one thinks Keith or the programmers are sitting in a room, giggling and randomly unplugging the server. But there shouldn't be constant Mysql errors that have seem to have become a staff/site joke rather than being recognized as a serious problem. There shouldn't be unrecoverable crashes like this.

So I think there is a whole lot more that they could have done.
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by FreddyPrime »

Yeah. they are treating all the down time as one huge big joke with the idiotic squirrels.. And they should get programmers that can actually fix the site. Because like.. things have been going seriously downhill for weeks now. Longer then that really.
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by Figment »

I just played a bit of subeta yesterday or the day before after literally months away. Didn't do anything particularly earthshaking, so it's not like a rollback affects me much, but I cannot help but eyeroll and sigh a little to find something like this going on as soon as I return after a four-months-odd absence. Some things never change! Glad to know subeta is still as unstable as ever, since that was going to be my first question!
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by Wingsrising »

Like I said, this is all making me really regret buying anything in the cash shop over the weekend. Usually the pattern is that the "thing that makes me not want to spend money on the site" happens BEFORE I spend the money, though.

But... seriously? No one was checking to make sure the backups backed up?
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Re: Two day site rollback

Post by FreddyPrime »

I NEVER buy things from the cash shop. Heck no. I'm not spending REAL money on a site, much less a site thats so unstable

and yes they should of been checking. Someones not doing their job
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