Help choosing a new colour/species for Emboite

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Help choosing a new colour/species for Emboite

Post by Kudosandhuzzah »

I completed my dance account well before customization/conversion happened. I have my bubbly Faerie Pteri Entrechat, my expressive Grey Yurble Releve, my quick change artist (permanent lab pet) Devlope, and my ballet master Royalboy Zafara Emboite. (All names of ballet steps)

Unfortunately, Emboite autoconverted and despite my best attempts to customize him (I painted him white and redressed), I just never warmed to the new look. I think he looks silly and not at all the way a proper ballet master should. As a result, I'm looking for advice in finding him a new look. I have two potential ideas but would welcome any new ones or help choosing between them.

Look 1: Faerie Lenny
I think he looks kind of like he's teaching a class, he fits with the rest of the pets very well, and he would match the Skree I have attached. I would target zap for him because morphing potions are under 30K.

Look 2: Gold Gelert with Royalboy clothing
One of my first pets was a gold gelert and I've had a soft spot for them ever since. I think it might be nice to have one again. The Royalboy clothes (probably without the crown) look just artsy enough to be for an artistic and eccentric dancer. I would have to morph and double paint him plus probably find a new petpet - I'm not sure the Skree is such a good colour match.

So there's my situation. Any suggestions/advice you may have would be greatly appreciated. All pets are up as options (except for UCs obviously). Thanks!
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