Barf Boat

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Barf Boat

Post by daisybell »

I usually play all new flash games after they're announced in the news, so I went to play Barf Boat this morning...

I don't object to the vomiting part, especially, though I don't like it either. But that kind of humour has always been around on Neopets, with snot pets and dung furniture.

However, the game makes my computer lag so badly, even on the lowest quality and smallest size, I can't play it at all. And there are no warnings that it might be difficult to play on older computers, either. I really hope that it's not a Daily Dare game, because if it is, then I won't be able to play it- and that's the only reason I would have to want to play it again.

Also, who thought it would be a good idea to have the game actually load after you click to play it? Then every time you restart, it has to load again.

I think it's made me feel nauseous, too.
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Re: Barf Boat

Post by zebru »

I tried it out while it was still in the beta stage, and despite the lowest quality if completely freezes on my computer. Plus I end up needing to shut firefox completely because the whole thing dies because of it. I'll try it out at work where we have a bit better RAM, but I don't look forward to rebooting the whole thing if the same reoccurs.

If they keep it like this and it comes up in one of the game challenges next year I won't even be able to get Abi's score :/
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Re: Barf Boat

Post by Wingsrising »

I decided to try it. It plays fine on my computer at work (which is a new, dual-core desktop) but the controls are so sensitive I can't get more than a few points... and don't really want to try because it's frankly gross. (Especially when you, like me, brought split pea soup for lunch...)
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Re: Barf Boat

Post by Gumdrops »

It does lag horribly and I could barely play it. But, it's on my score list and I'll never have to play it again (hopefully!), so whatever.
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Re: Barf Boat

Post by Usul_Princess »

It has a pitch. Obviously aimed at adults with acquired tastes. I'm really not sure why they thought this game would be a lesser form of torture on slower machines than KQ, which doesn't run fast enough to hold my patience.

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Re: Barf Boat

Post by Cranberry »

Add me to the list of people who can't play it at all. Even on low quality, I can't get past the loading screen -- it locks Firefox up completely and I need to shut it down from the task manager. If it's a Daily Dare game, I will be pissed.
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Re: Barf Boat

Post by thelonetiel »

I just think the concept is horrendous, I hope they don't try to devote a theme day to it. When I saw it I was fervently hoping that it was some sort of early April Fool's prank...

Haven't tried to play it, but that doesn't surprise me. Lots of new games seem to be much more process intensive that they used to be, and often not for any good reason.
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Re: Barf Boat

Post by Rakumel »

Concept-wise, I still think Snowbeast Snackrifice is worse - but this game's a close second. Seriously, Barf Boat? Could they have at least come up with a better name?

After reading this thread, I tried to play the game on medium size and the lowest quality. Everything loaded OK for me, though much slower than it should have IMHO, considering I was using a DSL connection and a computer with a decent processing speed. The game itself lagged horribly. It couldn't even process the first button I pressed, and the game was over before I could do much of anything.

Not worth anyone's time. If this does turn out to be on the Daily Dare list, well, it won't be the first time a poorly made game ruins my DD experience. (Last year, I was one of the ones who got screwed out of the bonus prizes because the last game didn't function on my computer. You better believe I was mad.)
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Re: Barf Boat

Post by Kantark »

Barf? Isn't that how us southern types from the Home Counties pronounce 'bath'?

I sorta knew there'd be a topic about this game here as soon as I saw it in the news - and if you guys are having difficulty running it I won't even bother trying!
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Re: Barf Boat

Post by Seerow »

The game actually loaded fine for me, even on the high quality. That said though, my high score was something like 12 points. Is there a reason you get no lives and if a petpet drops into the sea you lose automatically 0_o

But seriously, TNT, I'm sure you could have come up with a better game then barfing. The game could have even been cute if it was less graphics intensive, had better controls, and didn't have the pointless barfing.
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Re: Barf Boat

Post by Cyaneus »

This game loads fine for me, and I actually love it. I usually find vomit jokes hilarious, however, so perhaps I am a niche market.
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