Silvermoon: the forum I am cheating on you with

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Twofold Black
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Silvermoon: the forum I am cheating on you with

Post by Twofold Black »

So, I've been pretty thoroughly absent for a while; a lot of this was my life being a total bastard to me for months at a stretch, but these days it's mainly that I'm not spending time on any pet sites at all anymore (though the Swallowed City still niggles at me from the back of my mind) and don't have a lot to say about 90% of the goings-on here. This is horribly sad for me, because whenever I stick my head in, what I see is awesome people I love talking about stuff I don't have context for or can't really involve myself in.

However, there is hope. (For one thing, I'm just making a point of sticking my head in more often.) I am online a lot these days, and I'm spending a great deal of my time at Silvermoon, a forum-based RPG which I think, and hope, is right up the alley of many of the writers and gamers here. Don't worry if you don't know your way around forum RPGs; I hadn't done this before either. On a continuum with tabletop D&D at one end and freeform round-robin writing at the other, it's a bit right of center.

Silvermoon is a pulp fantasy/space opera with its tongue firmly in its cheek. It concerns the politics of two empires -- the Golden Elysium, which rules most of Earth, and the Silver Millennium, which occupies Earth's moon and the rest of the solar system -- as they negotiate their way towards, or away from, alliance, and the relationships and dramas and pratfalls of those empires' people. The characters are the major movers and shakers of their homelands and homeworlds: royalty, government officials, high-ranking clergy, famous artists, corporate CEOs, sought-after detectives, and lots and lots of pirates and troublemakers. Silvermoon is slapstick jokes about serious things and serious conversations about ridiculous things. Silvermoon is about twisting the volume knob off and not even apologizing.

The setting is based very loosely, at the level of the basic structures of the world, on the Sailor Moon mythos (specifically the live-action cheesefest that was Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon), but I'm not particularly familiar with Sailor Moon and I'm not sure I would be able to spot it if I didn't already know. All the countries and planets are player-created (and there is plenty of room for more, especially on Earth), and include such delights as fantasy Shinto Japan, the Arabian Nights as remodeled by H.P. Lovecraft, reverse Gor, and entire nations and/or planets full of ultra-spiritual potsmokers, wacky Discworld-style philosphers and kids who SMS continuously at the dinner table.

Also, we spend a lot of time talking about beer. So if you're into that, welcome home.

A random sampling of my favorite characters, most of them not even created by me:

Leonel Irien (hilariously thinly-disguised Rahm Emanuel INNN SPAAAACE), Mordecai Jamin (rat bastard superspy Wilson to Leonel's House) and Delilah Varinius (who writes slash about the preceding two).
Sutton Vanceaux, the ur-teenager, and his terrifying mother.
Oberon, Titania, and Robin the Puck as you have never seen them before. Unless you watch a lot of mob movies while you drop acid, in which case this should be hauntingly familiar.
Tybalto Logmadr-Freyjason, who is played by Tim Curry -- I don't think I need to say any more about that -- and his sexually frustrated robot.
And Vlad Harvester, possibly the greatest character in anything ever. I just ... you have to read it. There are no words.

And favorite threads, which do mostly involve me:

Having That Dream Again
The Barfight at the End of the Universe
Fake Mardi Gras Presents: Spectacular Spectacular (anything involving Sutton and/or Francine is almost intolerably funny)
All Fun & Games Until Someone Loses an Eye
Not Your Average Emissary

Also check out the jukebox, which contains close to two hundred fifty songs assembled by seventeen people and is therefore completely insane, and also features drop-dead gorgeous character banners created by Cal, the game owner (and a few by me).

Come play with me. You can find me there as Squid or one of my enormous roster of characters; I am pretty active in the chatbox.
Last edited by Twofold Black on 18 Apr 2009 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Silvermoon: the forum I am cheating on you with

Post by AngharadTy »

*glomps Mr Black*

I'm not too good with anything that's freeform RP (I have a very short attention span so I need a rigid structure, which is why Dragonrealms is perfect for me), but I do love all forms of Sailor Moon, so I'll definitely check your forum out. To read for giggles if nothing else, if it's as funny as you say. ^_^
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Twofold Black
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Re: Silvermoon: the forum I am cheating on you with

Post by Twofold Black »


It's just un-freeform enough to be in my sweet spot (though obviously your sweet spot is in a different place) -- I can't deal with serious freeform because when my options are more or less literally 'anything I can think of' I can't think of anything, but there's a limit to the amount of game structure a forum RPG with multiple things going on at once will tolerate.

In retrospect, I may have downplayed the Sailor Moon aspects a little too much; it's definitely there if you know to look for it. Like, I'm playing Neptune (note her incredibly epic, and heavily Photoshopped, Subeta HA-maker jobbies), and she's a transhuman computer tech, monster-hunter and DJ (also kind of hard femme), but she's also got the mirror and I did some research on canon Neptune's temperament before I wrote her: she is Neptune, Crazypants Deep-Past Remix. On the other hand, none of my other characters interface directly with the Sailor Moon structures of the setting, except arguably Mordecai, as a member of Selenity's cabinet. So, it's possible to take or leave that stuff.

Addendum: if anyone has questions about the game, they can ask them here or in Silvermoon's shoutbox.
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Re: Silvermoon: the forum I am cheating on you with

Post by Huggles »

Oh Bobs, there are so many words here. I read all of the ones here, but the ones that go elsewhere are too much for me. But, it's good to see you and I'm glad you're having fun! I was afraid you'd been abducted by, by...well I don't know what. Something or someone. I rarely communicate on the internet outside of Neocolours. I've been thinking of making my own browser game. Well, eventually a game. I haven't got past the thinking part due to the fact that I would then have to write, a lot. I always figure I can buy decent artwork with money, cookies, or my love. The same goes for programming. But, whenever I think about how a good writer would write my story, the realization that I would have to be that writer makes my brain go numb. Even knowing that I just want to do it for fun. Then I go eat cookies and play Animal Crossing.
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