Altador Cup 09!

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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by chocolatefairy13 »

I've sided with Roo Island every year, including this one. :D
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by zebru »

I couldn't seem to play very well with the teams I was liking the most this time around (Tyrannia, Kiko Lake and Maraqua) so to stop fretting over it I asked my best friend to pick a team for me. I told her all the teams' jersey colour schemes over the phone and she liked black-purple combo the most... so now I'm Darigan.
It feels pretty weird but I can play with them just fine, so that's ok :-) (I wonder what crazy team picking method I'll choose next year - tossing the dice perhaps?)
Last edited by zebru on 01 Jun 2009 05:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by Xelio »

This'll be my first time doing the cup stuff, and since I have no experience with it I went with the Haunted Woods, popular or no, because my birthday falls on Halloween.
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by mellaka »

I signed up with Darigan for the fourth year now. I'm hoping to get to all star for the second year in a row.

Also, there is a glitch continuing this year that some people experienced last year where all of your YYB games may not count. The only way around this is to refresh the game window or open a new game window after every send.

I wasn't affected by it last year, but this year I had to play 9 games to get 5 to count because I forgot to refresh once or twice =/

Since the game doesn't appear to have changed in any other way, you'd think they would've fixed this by now.
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by zebru »

I think the neopoints award you now get for first 3 scores sent for all altador cup games messed the system up. First three scores count for your rank smoothly without having to refresh the game window; after that reloading the window for each new game is mandatory or nothing counts. Hopefully they'll find a way around this soon - I keep forgetting to do it each time too :I
Last edited by zebru on 02 Jun 2009 06:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by kerise1 »

I'm with KI this year. I was torn between KI and DC, but I went with KI in the end.

I played with DC in last year's cup, and Meridell in AC 2. I picked Meridell because they had the cutest shield, and I picked Darigan because the players looked hot xD I loved Tandrak's ripped shirt xD

This year I just picked KI because I wanted a shot at the top 3 trophies :P
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by shadowgem »

Fjorab_Teke wrote:Maybe this year I'll actually DO something with it, not just give up. It would be nice to have a trophy of SOME kind, as I only have one pitiful one from a previous year, and I'd like to get at least something like that to show for it again. I do terribly suck at all the related games though, including Yooyuball itself.
Too bad Neopets fails hardcore with trophies and prizes for the AC. Regardless of how many points you score individually, you get the same crappy participant medal as everyone else, unless your team is one of the top 3 overall. So someone who makes it to rank 20 on a "losing" team gets a lousy participation medal, and someone who only plays one game for a winning team gets a nice shiny trophy. It blows. :x

Oh, and I went with Kreludor again this year. I've always played Kreludor, except for the first year when you could switch your team after you got knocked out of the tournament. I switched to Haunted Woods that year after Kreludor lost. I even didn't play AC at all the year Kreludor was forced to sit out. I was really annoyed.
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by Wingsrising »

I decided to just do Roo Island, like last year, although if the past holds they won't do well. I like the Maraquan Eyrie. :-)

Anyone know some sites that talk about scoring with the "weird" balls? I've forgotten how to do it (not that I was ever that good at it.)
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by Kamil »

I find faerie balls the easiest of all to score with, Wings. Grab it and go directly down the middle of the field. When you get just to where the goalie can touch you, hit it straight ahead, don't angle it in any way, and it'll curve right around and score.

It's the one ball I never miss with. *touch wood*

As far as I know though, mutant can act like any ball in the game, so I always just try shooting as I would with a regular ball and see what happens. Sometimes you get lucky.

Darigan I can't be much help with. I can usually score, but I can't think of how to describe it - I'd totally need a .screenshot - and of course I lack linkage.

But if I can find the petpage I used, I'll come back here. It was great, had screenshots of all of the recommended methods.

I think I found it via the darigan chat last year, and if so I may be able to find it again. *goes to see*
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by Seerow »

JellyNeo has a guide about shooting the balls here: Click

Another year of my failing at this game it would seem. It took me all round (had about 20 seconds left) to score just one goal against Lost Desert. I really miss the first generation of this game, where I could get 8-0 or even 10-0 usually heh.
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by Gumdrops »

Can anyone tell me the minimum score for the non-YYB games? I remember last year I played about a billion SS games and never got my rank upped, come to find out, I had to send a certain score. That took my right out of the AC.
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by Jessi »

I'm amused that if I play on the large version of the screen, the game is terribly laggy. Normally, that would piss me off - but it lags SO bad it's really easy for me to dodge the other team and shoot in the ball xD I'm still not great at the game, but at least I'm winning my rounds thus far :3
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I spectacularly lost my first YYB game. I couldn't figure out how to shoot it past the goalie, and every time I tried something different, the ball would shoot wildly to the side. Bah. :P
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by lavender »

Gumdrops wrote:Can anyone tell me the minimum score for the non-YYB games? I remember last year I played about a billion SS games and never got my rank upped, come to find out, I had to send a certain score. That took my right out of the AC.
According to Neolodge:
Estimated minimum scores for games to count:
Slushie Slinger: 300
Make Some Noise: 3000
Shootout Showdown: currently unknown
I'm having fun so far. Didn't play at all yesterday (no computer time! :(), so I'll try to make up for it tonight!
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Re: Altador Cup 09!

Post by Usul_Princess »

300 SS games?! Last year I got to level 1 by only playing 137 SS games, 115 MSN, and 4 YYB. (Yeah, Gumdrops. You have to have a score of about 360 for it to count, a guesstimation I don't remember the exact number.)

Aw, crap. I knew it was over 100 to move to the next level, but I don't have that kind of patience. :?

*Re-reads*: Ooooh, the score! xD, for a minute there I thought you meant I had to play 300 SS games to get to level 1. :P

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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