The Week From Hell

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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Slugawoo »

Normally I'd just lurk, but... what the fuck. I'm so glad you're okay. *hugs* God, just reading that shook me up quite a bit.

And I agree with everyone on the whole "get a lawyer" deal. Having something like that on your health record would be horrible if you tried to get a new job. Not to mention getting you fired from your current one, which you said yourself you love. :\ Really, raise hell. I'll be cheering for you all the way.

But anyway, I'm really glad you're alright, at least physically. And I hope this wont have any bad long term effects on you. :c
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Tom »

I'm most certainly happy to hear that you're well on the road to recovery, but... wow. That's just insane. I'd imagine it must be terrifying being attacked at work, especially considering how much you love it, and it just seems so unfair to be caught up in all this when you were just trying to do a good deed. :/ I hope you seek whatever justice you can - if the police aren't buying your story, then it makes me sad to see people just able to get away with something so malicious, when that's where efforts should be focused. I really hope you at least get to keep your job and do everything you can to get this resolved, and of course, are getting better.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Gibblywibbly »

I didn't see this today, wow. I'm so glad you're ok. You did a good thing and now you're going to lose your job and not be believed over it? The justice system in our country is really messed up sometimes, trust me, I've seen it too. :(

Everyone who says fight them about it, I agree. If they really have no proof that you tried to harm yourself, they legally shouldn't be able to fire you over it. From what it sounds like to me there's more proof to your story than theirs.

Don't lose hope and remember how lucky you are to be alive.
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