Summer: Books, films and a laptop

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Summer: Books, films and a laptop

Post by Tom »

In approximately a week, I will have finished all my exams for college, ever. This means that from the 24th June until the end of September, I'm going to have a lot of free time. I have very vague plans here and there but nothing major, and so, to make the most of this time, I thought I could at least reinvest in one of my sadly forgotten past times, reading. I'd say it has been about... seven years since I was last seriously into reading. Aside from the obligatory Harry Potter, of course. You see, around that time, I discovered the computer, and eventually its wonderful sibling, the internet. So anyway, where better to turn to for advice than here?

I think that I'd be most interested in reading books with some kind of philosophical undertone, or at least something provoking me to think, and wouldn't be adverse to non-fiction either. I intend to go back and read a couple of books from my childhood firstly, The Solitaire Mystery and Sophie's World, and am also quite interested in reading Fahrenheit 451. I am also very interested in reading some classic literature, however, as I do feel I am sadly lacking in such knowledge. So any recommendations with books, I'd be very grateful for. To a lesser extent I'm also looking for some classic films to watch as I have far too little knowledge of cinema. I'd be very interested to hear any recommendations.

Something else I'm looking to do this Summer (probably towards the beginning) is buy a laptop, but my knowledge of such sites and technical jargon kinda leaves me in a bit of a hole. One of the things said laptop must be able to do is run The Sims 3 adequately. I have no idea what is good value for money for me or what would work well, but currently I'm looking at around 4GB of RAM and a dedicated graphics card. Yes, that is the extent of my knowledge. My budget is around £700. I'm not really interested in getting a desktop as I'm looking for something portable. So if anyone could help with anything... I'd be very grateful. :) Thanks!
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Re: Summer: Books, films and a laptop

Post by Foghawk »

For books - do you prefer short stories or novels, and do you like a sort of tongue-in-cheek tone, more serious stuff, or a little of both? Got any favorite genres? In non-fiction, do you like popularized, entry-level treatment, or somewhat more in-depth or technical writing?

I take my book recommendations very seriously. :3
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Re: Summer: Books, films and a laptop

Post by Tom »

I'd certainly prefer to read a novel, I think, my perception being a greater involvement required, and leaning towards the serious side of things. I'd be happy to explore any genre really; I've been known to read crime and fantasy before really but would have no objection to broadening my horizons. I think I'd be quite interested in reading about interactions in societies, so to speak (add 1984 to proposed reading list) and perhaps different societies and cultures, but definitely have scope for other books. In terms of non-fiction I think I'd really like to gain something out of what I read and take something away from it. I'm pretty much a blank slate, however, and am open to any suggestions. :P I have a lot of nothing much to do, and of course hope to continue beyond the Summer, so am definitely not afraid of reading something different.
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Re: Summer: Books, films and a laptop

Post by thelonetiel »

If you like 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 and that sort of dystopian fiction, some that are in a similar vein I've enjoyed:
Handmaid's Tale (Read in the NC Bookclub yonks ago)
Brave New World
A Clockwork Orange (Tough to read at first, but the vocabulary grows on you)
Blade Runner (Androids!)
The Giver (And sequels; aimed more at younger readers I think, but very good)
House of the Scorpion (Similar to above, young adult stuff, but good)
Jennifer Government (Opposite of big government, shows a capitalistic future)
Fallen Angels (Similar to above, but shows an environmentalist future, Available for free apparently!)

Other intriguing fiction, that definitely provide food for thought:
His Dark Materials (The Golden Compass Trilogy)
Lolita (Well, okay, interesting, but he has a way with words that is to die for)
The Life of Pi
The Fountainhead
The Bell Jar (Depressing but good)
American Gods
Ender's Game

Non fiction I've enjoyed:
In Defense of Food (All of Pollan's books are really good if you are interested in nutrition, or food in general. Usually pretty easy to read too)
The United States of Europe (Maybe a little outdated, I read it a few years ago, but interesting comparisons of The US and Europe, though maybe not as fascinating to you since you already live there...)

I listed American Gods as it is probably my favorite work of his, but Neil Gaiman is hands down my favorite author. His short story collections are among my favorites, but most of his novels are really good too, though American Gods takes the cake. The Sandman graphic novel series is amazing as well, too good for words. I think he is definitely worth investigating.

There's a start for you! I'm not sure how much computer advice I can give, as when I wanted a laptop I knew I wanted a tablet PC and there were only a few to choose from (Though I still love my HP Pavilion tablet, it does good for me). My only suggestion is to look up Windows 7, as if you aren't in a rush to get a new computer and plan on using Windows, it might be worth waiting to get 7 as opposed to Vista. 7, from everything I hear, is leaps and bounds better than Vista. Of course, if you get a computer soon, you can get the beta version of 7 anyway... Something to think about!
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Re: Summer: Books, films and a laptop

Post by Tom »

I managed to amble my way towards the library today, somewhat unexpectedly, and got three books out on loan, while reserving four more (not a terribly large library, it has to be said). Thank you for the suggestions Tiel - I borrowed/reserved what I could remember from your listings, and methinks that I shall take a handy piece of paper along with me next time. Hopefully my small pile of books will last me for a while, but I'm very eager to get reading. :D

Also, thanks for the advice on the laptop - it really throws me into a bit of a dilemma. I start university come October so would somewhat like one for that, but then again, could attempt to reason with my mother and bargain the laptop for a term. Would you have to pay much of a premium for a newly released OS, though? I'm wary about splashing out for such a premium considering I may (or may not) be living in London, and am aware this may require some fiscal scrutiny on my part.
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Re: Summer: Books, films and a laptop

Post by Miguel »

Re: Vista vs. 7:
Retail prices for 7 are cheaper than Vista at release, by about 10%. If you buy a computer from particular resellers (such as Dell here), you get a free upgrade to 7 when it comes out.

As long as you don't have to buy 7 *as well* as Vista, you won't be paying a premium for it. If you want tech advice for buying a laptop, grab me on MSN one evening. In your case, I'd go to Novatech and pick it up in person, I rate them very highly.
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Re: Summer: Books, films and a laptop

Post by thelonetiel »

Oh, yes, if you can get an upgrade to 7 like Miguel's link, that's probably the best route to go. You can get the computer now, and still not be stuck with Vista for longer than you have to be. I hadn't even thought about that as an option, but it makes perfect sense. And the free thing makes the price not an issue, I probably wouldn't buy 7 separately without a very good reason.

Ooh, and I just found and read Flowers for Algernon, which was about a mentally retarded individual given an operation to make him a genius. It was rather touching and disturbing, I had very distinct tears when I finished. Which I did in about two sittings, it wasn't very long and I got absorbed and wanted to know what happened. Just another for the list.

Hope you enjoy the books!
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Re: Summer: Books, films and a laptop

Post by Usul_Princess »

Tom wrote: One of the things said laptop must be able to do is run The Sims 3 adequately. I have no idea what is good value for money for me or what would work well, but currently I'm looking at around 4GB of RAM and a dedicated graphics card. Yes, that is the extent of my knowledge. My budget is around £700. I'm not really interested in getting a desktop as I'm looking for something portable. So if anyone could help with anything... I'd be very grateful. :) Thanks!
I've played The Sims 3, at my cousin's house, and 4GB of RAM is good. I would seriously consider buying the most advanced graphics card on the market that your computer power supply can handle.

ATI Radeon/nVidia GEforce series 6000-9000 were made for running this game. I personally like NVidia better because they're much more reasonably priced, I currently have a 9400 series that I got for only $60. Laptop parts are generally more expensive than desktop, so it's important to not be ripped off, but don't settle for a cheaper card at the same time.

....Also. In the US the game in the basic package is $50. and I thought it was extremely dull compared to The Sims 2. There are still major glitches in it right now because I don't think there's a patch yet. I wouldn't recommend buying it unless you have extra money to burn. You'll be pretty disappointed.

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Re: Summer: Books, films and a laptop

Post by zebru »

Last book I read that had me thinking for days afterwards was The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan. It's urban fantasy and packs such a punch at the end that it leaves you breathless.

Another thing I never get tired of recommending is George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series. It's something else.

Oh, and thanks Tiel - it seems I had Gaiman recced to me left and right for the last few months. I'll definitely pick one of his books up.
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