Warm Fuzzies!

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Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Jessi »

Welcome to Warm Fuzzies 2009! For those of you that who have never done Warm Fuzzies before (or those of you that need a brief refresher!), the basic idea behind Warm Fuzzies is to spread the love to all of your fellow Neocolours members! Warm Fuzzies are little anomymous messages that will be sent out via PM to everyone who receives one!

Basically, you will have the chance to look through the list of Neocolours members and write up a little positive note about everyone you wish to! Then, following the alphabetic brackets below, you will send those 'fuzzies' off to each bracket leader. At the end of the deadline, the bracket leaders will combine all the messages for each member and send them a PM full of their fuzzies - completely anonymous! You can send out one fuzzy, or send out 50 - it's completely up to you. It's just a way to spread the love around Neocolours - after all, we are the greatest forum on the entire internet ;) All know this!

Sounds good? Good!

The Deadline for Warm Fuzzies will be midnight NST on July 12th!

It's a bit far away, but since it's summer, lots of people will be traveling, and I want everyone to have plenty of time to get their fuzzies in. This is over a month away, which should be plenty of time! I'm picking noon because that's what we did last time, and it seemed to work out - mostly because the three of us running the brackets were all hanging around then and were encouraging people to get their last minute fuzzies in ;D

The Bracket Leaders for fuzzies this year will be Bon, Tom, and myself! The brackets we are in charge of are as follows:

Tom: Numerical-H
bonecrivain: I-Q
Jessibean: R-Z

This means if you have a fuzzy that you want to send to Tom, you would send the fuzzy to me, since I'm the leader of the R-Z group.

Here are a few guidelines to make things easier!

• Please try to send all of your fuzzies in one PM! This will make our inboxes a lot less crowded. Of course, if you forget a fuzzy or two, don't worry about sending an extra PM.

• Please use the -full- username of the person you are sending fuzzies to! For example, (Angharad)Ty would go under "A", and therefor be sent to Tom, NOT me! Try to remember to use peoples' usernames as well, as opposed to real names or nicknames. It just keeps everything more organized!

• Fuzzies will be anonymous by default. If you wish to have your username included, please say so in your PM!

• Double-check to make sure you're sending your fuzzies to the right bracket person! I remember last time, Adi, Riddler and I were constantly having to forward PMs to each other. The reason the brackets are broken up this way is so none of the bracket leaders are spoiled about their own fuzzies!

• Looking for a convienent list of ALL members of Neocolours? Click here!

To quote Adi from last time, who was quoting Enri from the time before that --
Here's a more detailed example of three PM's you could be sending out. A good format would be to start with the person's name, then put their fuzzy afterwards. Leave a space, and do the next person. If you arrange your warm fuzzy PM's in alphabetical order we will worship you. Oh, and they can be told however you like. You can write them as if you're speaking directly to the person, or you can make it a more general statement.

PM to Tom
123Coolperson - You're so cool! Never before have I encountered such coolness in a person before.

_1337_ - 1337's a mysterious person, but that's fine. Their posts are always really well thought out, and I enjoy reading them.

Bob - Bob's an awesome member. His posts are great fun to read.

HissiLover - Ohmygod I love Hissies too! You've got an awesome taste in pets, and I think we'd get along well.

PM to bonecrivain:
Ilikespoons - This person's got a great sense of humour, and I always laugh at their replies.

Little Shoyru - You're one of the nicest people on the forum, you're always so helpful and generous.

OgrinDestroyer - You're an amazing artist, I just love all the pictures you draw.

Quailman - Quailman's my hero!!

PM to Jessibean:
Rabbitz - Rabbitz is never in a bad mood and she's always the first to cheer someone up.

Soup Faerie - It's great to have a mod like you!

Zebrastripes - Zebra's a really unique person, I like their music tastes and they've always got such cool avatar and siggy sets.
All of us will try to get the fuzzies out as soon as possible after the deadline. I know July 11th seems like a totally random day, but I swear, it's not - it's because it's a Saturday, and having Saturday night/most of Sunday should be enough time for us to get the fuzzies sent out =)

Also! I am personally volunteering to send out reminders for fuzzies if you would like them! If you want to receive reminders (constant reminders ;D Not daily, but often!), please let me know and I'll add you to a list :D I will send out mass PMs reminding people to get their fuzzies in - I know some people really love getting reminded often, so I know this will be helpful to some!

Questions? Comments? Anything? Just post it here and one of us will get back to you :3 We'll post frequent reminders here too, just so everyone remembers their fuzzies!

[quick note - Jazzy has requested we use her 'Jazzy' username for fuzzies this time around, not Dandelions - so send her fuzzies to Bon for J :3]
Last edited by Jessi on 08 Jul 2009 09:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Jessi »

Hey everyone! Bumping this (with modly permission of course ;D) with a couple of things!

Due to the fact that Seerow's computer is currently under arrest and being interviewed by the cops (Damnit, Seerow, I TOLD you to keep that thing under control!), she's figured the best thing would be if someone took over her bracket. Luckily, Bon and I recruited Tom without too much trouble :D So Tom will now be in charge of the A-H bracket! Please make a note of it :3

Also, as another thought.. well, this thread's been up since the 6th of June, so almost 20 days, and so far we've received... well, hardly any fuzzies. Hardly any at all. So I just wanted to give everyone a reminder and make sure people are still interested! You have until July 11th, yes, but please don't all wait til the last minute, or you'll make us cry XD

OH! One last note! After talking about it with Bon a bit, we think it'd be a good idea of fuzzies are kept anonymous. I know you have the option to add your name... but that kind of defeats the purpose of getting nice little notes that make people feel good, and it ruins the secret and surprise! So if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want your name added... it's okay, we guess, but for the fun of fuzzies, lets try to do it anonymously!
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Jessi »

I'm here with another friendly reminder... because it's now July 2nd and we still haven't received hardly any fuzzies what so ever! You only have ten days left to get your fuzzies in! It seemed like people were interested, but so far there's definitely been a general lack of response. Time is slowly running out, everyone, so if you want to participate, please start to get your fuzzies in! I'll post constant reminders until the due date now =)
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Jessi »

So... Warm Fuzzies are due in three days, guys, and still we've hardly gotten any =/ I think maybe 3 or 4 people tops have turned them in.

Are you guys even interested in doing it? Because to be honest, this is kind of frustrating.
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by bonecrivain »

I've received PMs from three people; at this rate, very few people are actually going to be getting any Fuzzies. And that's sad! Some of you might be waiting until the absolute last minute, but...try to write them faster, if you're planning on writing any.

Fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy time! Who wants to write a Fuzzy? YOU want to write a Fuzzy!
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by thelonetiel »

I at least have several fuzzies written, but wanted to do more before sending them out. So people should bite me if I don't turn them in.

I've never written fuzzies before, so if I'm actually getting my butt in gear to write them, I think that's saying something.

*goes off to write more in hopes of finishing them prior to the deadline*
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Jessi »

I honestly don't mind extending the deadline by a week or so, but considering it's been about 3 weeks already and we've gotten hardly any, I'm not sure how much a week would help xD; But if enough people have interest in still doing fuzzies, I won't mind doing that.
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by thelonetiel »

I think it is like taxes, extending the deadline changes the date that people procrastinate to!

I guess if people ask for it though, it might be useful. I've just been trying to keep a notepad document open while I read NC and jot down a fuzzy as I see users and think of something to say.

There isn't a way to sort the user list by most recently active users, is there?
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Joey »

There is! Just click on the Recently Active until it shows the list from the top down.

I'm just procrastinating because my class has been keeping me busy. I'm totally going to do them, but if other people need to extend the deadline that's cool. I think we're all just procrastinators though.
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by bonecrivain »

All you procrastinators.

I...er....yes, well, mine will be written before the deadline.

And yeah, if you click on Members up at the top right, then click "Last Active" on the far right of that member chart, you can see who's been hanging around the forum. That's a handy link I'd never noticed before.
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Jessi »

I think I'll just bump this with daily reminders then ^_^; I know Ty doesn't mind, she's given me permission to bump this whenever I want xD Maybe Bon and Tom can help too, haha, that way you guys can't be on the site without seeing WARM FUZZIES DAMNIT in the Chithat board >D
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by bonecrivain »

Joey, were you talking about a different link than I was? Apparently the one I pointed out is only visible to mods (which I hadn't realized -- I've seen that area of the member list lots of times, just never clicked on it to sort by that section). Maybe that's only a special stalking feature for mods.
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Jessi »

I just go through the usernames alphabetically and write down the people I want to send fuzzies to xD It actually doesn't take as long as it sounds, and I usually just scroll through until I see a decent number of posts anyway, which makes me stop and see who it belongs to. It works rather well.

I think I will at least extend the deadline until midnight on SUNDAY, to give people the entire weekend to get them out. it might take a while longer for the actual fuzzies to arrive (I work both Monday and Tuesday so I won't be awake at midnight Sunday when they finish, for example xD) but I think it'll help :3
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Joey »

I think I was referring to the same link as you, Bon. I was worried it might be a mod only thing. Boo! My master plan, it is ruined!
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Re: Warm Fuzzies!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Agh! With everything BUSYBUSY, I totally forgot how fast it was coming up! I shall have to work on them in earnest tomorrow. Thankfully I'll have most of the day free.
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