Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by TCStarwind »

I'm sure the hikei will grow on me. I do like it better with the duclaw, but I do understand why it was taken off for the final version. The malticorn is basically the same, but looks a lot nicer, personality wise. The hair on the old one made it look like a mean little monster, so I'm glad that was fixed. Now it's just cute. The keeto... I like it, but I don't like it. Kinda neutral. The face looks a little odd to me, and I think if perspective had been used (instead of looking down on the pet as it appears to be), it would have worked a lot better, but I'm fine with it as it is, mainly because I never planned on owning one, but I can see why others would be upset.

But overall, nice revamps. :)
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by Sunwolf »

Aww! The Hikei and Malticorn are just darling. The eyes on the Hikei just melt my heart.

I'm really, really glad that I changed my Chibi Keeto a few months back. Ye Gods, that is quite a drastic change.

Did anyone notice the new free gift, "An Idiots Guide to Constructive Criticism"? How charming. Suck it up, artists and Keith - not everyone is going to like your work/changes. Put your big-kid pants on and act like professionals.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by Seerow »

In regards to the new free gift:
I think it was mainly pointed at a few users posting about the recent revamped Galactic pets. Comments such as:
I would personally like to slap the artist in charge of the Hikei. Whomever it is, is butchering my favorite pet. *headshakes* That's not an improvement, it's a travesty.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by Rah »

Sunwolf - I really think you're assuming that that book was pointed at people like neocolours or people that say stuff like 'Ugh I hate this' - we really have no problem with the way neocolours talks about the pets anymore (you guys are, for the most part, very helpful to me!), and we don't get offended when people say they hate the pet.

But after the comment that was given that seerow posted above me, it's just another way for us to remind people to keep it constructive and not get personal. You can't tell me that you think comments like that are /fine/ and artists should just have to deal with it. Happy artists are productive artists, and insulting us isn't the way to get us to produce our best work. Suggestions on how to improve future things we do by saying what you like about something and features that you don't like help us identify how to better our work for the future. And if you don't know how to put things into words properly, or if you just outright dislike a pet then that is fine. We understand that sometimes people are just going to be disappointed. But there is no reason we should have to put up with outright abuse.

Also, I'm not sure that the comments on a new pet being released is a good place to talk about the release of a free gift. Correct me if i'm wrong!
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by Jessi »

Sunwolf, I think you are really taking that item out of line. It's because of people posting things like Seerow said, or just "Wow, this sucks", rather than posting actual critique.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by AngharadTy »

Item is unrelated to pet releases, no need to be off-topic.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I was just about to pass this topic over because of ALL the recent revamps, figuring this was from another recent one, then my brain went *poke!* that said CHIBI HIKEI. As in, one of the three pets that lured me onto Subeta in the first place.

I'm torn. I LOVED the old one. I'm going to miss some of the feel that it had.

But I do have to give a BIG handful of kudos to the artist who really did a good job trying to keep it essentally the same while doing a massive upgrade to the detail in the art! I guess my only real complaints are the bubbled cheek and OMG I'm going to miss the dished face, the shiny hooves and leg-feathering style that were on the old one!

I'm not upset, really. I just saved the old image (thanks for posting it for posterity and comparison!) and will probably take just a little while to get used to the new one.

And I really need to quit slacking on Subeta. I felt bad for not having gotten into plot stuff, and other things have grabbed at my attention more.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by thelonetiel »

Good plan Fjorab. *saves old Hikei image*

I've known for a while now that my Bryse was going to be pretty temporary as a chibi hikei because there was no way the inevitable revamp could be to my satisfaction. And it isn't, which I can't complain about too much because I liked the loose art, unrefined lines, cheerful expression. None of the personality I saw remains. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

This one is too... Innocent, I think. No punk left.

Now I have an excuse to get a chibi escalade... Or one of the other new cute ones.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Hey, is overlaying an easy option on petpages? I might be tempted into doing artsy stuff to overlay on mine. Maybe sometime I can coax my shy little muse out to play.

The thumbnail version of the Chibi Hikei is just - bluh ugly chunky nose.

And yeah, I'll miss the playful, good-naturedly mischievous character that issued from the old one.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by AngharadTy »

Pet overlay code:

Code: Select all

<style> {background-image: url(http://blah.jpg); 
background-repeat: no-repeat; width:200px; padding-top:200px} img {display:none}
Very easy code. ^_^
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by Huggles »

I love the new hikei! I want one. Gah. I don't like malticorns and the keeto is scary looking. Pass.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »


I went to make my new eventually-killer-rhino and abandoned Trogan, and I saw that my chibi hikei is back to her old self!!! I'm not sure if this was supposed to happen, but I squee'd over it. Maybe they're re-tweaking? Yes, the art was technically a major improvement, but - yeah I wasn't happy with the revamp.

EDIT: Oh, image server hiccup. :-( Nevermind.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by zebru »

Fjorab_Teke wrote: EDIT: Oh, image server hiccup. :-( Nevermind.
I had pretty much the same reaction once I realized Morea going back to her old galactic look was just a temporary fluke. Oh, well - it was nice while it lasted.
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Re: Revamped Chibi Hikei, Malticorn, and Keeto!

Post by Jessi »

*laughs* Funnily enough, I had the opposite reaction XD I went to go change something on Brie yesterday and was like "ARGH WHY IS THIS GALACTIC WYLLOP ART SO WEIRD LOOKING?" XD
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