If anyone remembers me....at all =P

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If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Garrett »

Well, hello. I used to frequent here maybe 2-3years ago. For those who don't know me, I'm Garrett. I was a complete menace when I first joined this forum back in 2004. I was banned once, only to return 3 days later under a different name to show them I could be civil and mature, even though I had been caught out. I then revealed who I was and there was a lot of indecision on my fate, however I was allowed to stay. Eventually I stopped playing Neopets, and I was just frequenting the Non-neopets boards, until I eventually just stopped coming on.

Anyways, that is my story. So for those who remember me, I just wanted to check in and tell you what's happened since I stopped coming on. I won male vice captain at my school last year by default (because I scared off my competition). With this power I was able to run the committees in my school, so I ended up with a lot of responsibility, which I didn't have to worry about, as the committees ran quite well on their own. I ended up speaking on school assemblies and formal events to around 900+ people, and MC-ing our presentation night to around the same number. I graduated last year, along with the 150 other seniors in my grade. It was the best night of my life, and I haven't forgotten anything about it. I now go to university, and I'm doing a Secondary Teaching degree majoring in Business/Accounting and minoring in English/Literature Studies. I'm really enjoying it. I am now over half way through with my first year. I turned 18 in March, which is the legal age here in Australia =]! So I am going out a lot now with my friends. I have a license and a car. Her name is Debbie, and she is a '96 Daewoo hatchback. I love her, but she is slowly dying on me, so eventually I will be updating cars.

Yeah, so I think that's about it at the moment....um. If you wanted to know anything else, please feel free to leave your questions on this thread. Those of you who remember me, I'd love to here from you as well, so if you could give me a bit of an update that would be awesome. =]


EDIT: By the way, I only just got my warm fuzzies from 2007, and I just want to thank everyone who sent me one. They've made me feel really good haha.

EDIT No. 2: Can someone please message me when the next round of Werewolf starts? I really love that game, and I'd love to play a round haha! I can be active for that most of the time! However, sometimes I may miss voting on Friday/Saturdays if I'm busy with work and prac.
Last edited by Garrett on 09 Sep 2009 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Madge »

Hihihi Garrett! How could we forget you, seriously? Aussie pride woo and all that.

Congrats on all your highschool/car/RL acheivements. It's amazing to think how some of us grow up in our time on the forum. Because it's been a fuckload of time that this forum's existed that's for sure!

Neocolours mostly consists of bitter people bitching about neopets whenever they make a decision. So it's about the same ;)
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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Garrett »

MADGE! You're still here =]! Aussie pride all the way, never be ashamed of being an Aussie =P!

Haha, that's exactly it. I didn't want people to think I was just that annoying fifteen year old brat anymore. I wanted those who remembered me to see I had grown up. Plus you should never leave on a bad impression (however, I don't think I really did, but who cares!)

And I'm glad the forum is still running the same :wink:. Who are the moderators now? I don't remember how to look all that stuff haha.
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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Madge »

I dunno some people! Members on the top right will find it for you I guess.

Also there is more than one coast in Aus. The west coast is the best btw. Just fyi.
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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Well hey there! It sounds like you've had a lot going on with life, sounds like you've accomplished a lot! Good job, and congratulations!

Yeah, most of the core group is still here. Some people have wandered off, and others have joined in (probably the majority of them with Subeta). And yeah, the main thing we still do is whine about crazy things that have happened on Neopets, along with random real life things and of course now Subeta.
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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Heya, I remember you. :)

I just recently returned to the forums as well after a long hiatus from Neopets. There's a lot of new faces here, but many of the old gang is still around so it shouldn't feel too different. ^^
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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Usul_Princess »

I remember you too :) (I still have some of your PMs saved.) I thought you were very nice.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by AngharadTy »

I'm glad to see so many familiar "faces" coming back around NC. =)
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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Kantark »

I remember you, Garret! I remember you from various Werewolf games too, probably still got some of your PMs in my inbox. Interesting how there's been a steady influx of previous NC members revisiting us lately.
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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Joey »

Hey, I know you. Good to see you again, and glad to hear you're doing well. Man does the time fly...
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Re: If anyone remembers me....at all =P

Post by Garrett »

Ahhhh! I love how there are still people I know here! It makes me so excited! I feel like I've returned home in a way haha! I logged into my Neopets account last night, and boy hasn't that changed a bit! I think I might start playing Neopets again, for the games.
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