Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Marah »

although at this point it's kind of beating a dead horse, it's a dead horse I quite like beating on
I feel the same way. I still have some pets whos current art I hate (a koi, a lutari), but I can't get myself to morph into another species because I still (!) have a little bit of hope that one day we might just get the choice to change them back.

Maybe we should make a new thread: "If you had the choice to convert your pets to neopets 1.0, which ones would you change and which ones would you keep to put clothes on?"
Of course I have the most fun with backgrounds and trinkets and they work with all pets! :)
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Jazzy »

Voted old all the way through.
Says the girl who has how many new-style pets? I want people to think about what they're voting and not just give a knee-jerk reaction. If you've actually specifically gone and morphed your pet into a post-customisation version of species x, it's a little difficult to believe that you think every single post-customisation basic pet is a mistake.
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by daisybell »

Usul_Princess wrote:Voted old all the way through.

But I was quite hesitant with the peophin. I want both. :P Jazzy this is a wonderful idea, that can make everyone who hates/quit neo to take a looksee back into our site.
I'm not sure there is any point in having the poll if people are going to take this attitude- voting for the old versions as a matter of principle. It's not that I think all of the new art is great, because it isn't, but there are some pets which are virtually identical and some with a far higher quality of art. Of course, everyone will have liked different aspects of the old art, and the expressions or poses which I thought were awful may well have been something that someone else loved, but surely there are some pets which have been improved.

I wouldn't want to see people who hate Neopets and quit come back here just to vote because they are still angry and make the poll skewed- personally, I would like to see people's considered opinion, judging the art on merit alone and not by the date it was released. We could have a poll here asking whether you would rather keep customisation or go back to the way things were, but I'm sure the result would be heavily against customisation. Here, we're voting on art, not politics.

There are some pets which I find it very hard to understand why the old version could be better than the new. The Draik, Kiko and Flotsam come to mind most easily, and I would like to know what it is about these old versions which makes them special enough that the new version isn't better.
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Iggy »

There are some pets which I find it very hard to understand why the old version could be better than the new. The Draik, Kiko and Flotsam come to mind most easily
I agree with the Draik and Flotsam (Not so much the Kiko, though You're right. The old Kiko was horrible.), and would like to add the Gelert, the Korbat, the Usul and the Meerca to this list.

I'm going to look into this right now, but I like a lot more post-customisation art than I thought I would. I thought I only liked a couple species, but even with the fist, I like some new art way better than the old.

Edit : After voting, I was surprised at some of my choices. Some of my favorite species, even after customisation, I liked the old art better (Lenny, Tuskaninny, Blumaroo), but in two of these cases, it's because they were revamped really close to customisation. And, there are some pets I thought I was neutral to (Peophin and Zafara) to notice I really liked the post-customisation MUCH better than the pre-customisation.

Overall, I voted for more new pets than old pets.
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Kantark »

The old Kiko was horrible - the new one creeps me out. Neutral, then :-)

I was genuinely surprised at how many pets I voted neutral or new better.
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Ailiel »

I actually really like the old Kiko. Much better than the new kiko. I don't like the sidelong view, and the closed fist. The old Kiko is just better for me, even if it's not as well shaded, I have the opposite reaction. The new one creeps me out!

I can also see how someone who has new style pets still prefers the old ones. The old ones aren't an option to own, are they? Just because you think the old ones were better, doesn't mean that you have to hate the new ones enough to leave the site for good and never own another Neopet.

I also took a long time to decide if I like the new draik better than the old version. It sounds silly but now I kind of miss the winsome looking old draik, all scrunched up and clutching its hands. Yes, the quality of the new art is better objectively, but I think the personality was lost into this bland paper doll version. But perhaps that's because I've seen so many draiks, customized so many different ways, and they all look the same to me. My favorite pet on the site is (and has been since before customization) the old faerie draik, which kind of shares the scrunched up look, although executed better.

In the end, I voted for the new Draik, but it took some consideration for sure. That fist, also! I tried not to penalize too hard on the fists, but there really are some new species I could NEVER own because of it.

Everyone has their own opinions and all of that should be taken into account with a poll. I don't think anyone is stuffing the ballot here, and telling everyone to vote one way or another. I don't find it unbelievable that someone would like all of the old pet art better than the new, quite a few of the pets that some people think are no-brainers I liked better in the old version.

Also I do hope that anyone who hated customization enough to leave would come back and vote, though I doubt they will. I really miss some of those people. And also the vote is already skewed, to the people who do stay and play, and to the people who have never seen the old versions and are used to the new versions.

It's not science, it's just Neopets. I don't want an objective poll of which is better based on art alone, to do that you'd have to get random people on the street who don't play and ask them. I much prefer the "biased" opinions of those who actually play the site and have some attachment to the pets, that's much more interesting to me.
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Kamil »

*raises hand* I never really liked the old Kiko, but the new one is just horrific. The horrible clenched fist, err. fin, the weird angle, which makes them look even more impractical than they already did - I much prefer the old one. Horrible shading and all.

Same for the new Flotsam - I can't stand the new one, simply because there is no way on God's green and verdant earth for that raised fin to look either natural or becoming. I'm learning to stand some of the pets with raised fists or fins, so long as it can be made to look natural somehow, either with the clothing/hand items that already exist, or with the possibility of such in the future. But those fins, like the new Pteri's wing, are just never going to work for me. Kills the entire pet for me - there is no way I can do anything but wince when I see one.

In the end, I voted for far more new pets than I thought I would; like I said, I'm coming to terms with some of the fists. Not many, but a few. xD
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Usul_Princess »

Wait, what did I say that made people think this? I have like, 6 converted pets, and 11 unconverted. And when I was voting, I kept in mind how many colors I liked VS the colors now, as well as the styles. And who assumed I voted old all the way through simply because I don't like 2.0? Basic peophins, and a handful of their colors are the only customization pets that I like. Even that said, I'd still take 1.0.I also meant that re-rating would eliminate some of the negative attitudes towards 2.0, not that everyone who quit as a result is going to suddenly resurface. I have absolutely no idea how my words could be twisted so much out of 3 lines. Way to take things out of context.

...I'm sorry if you don't like how I voted? That doesn't mean I didn't give any thought to it. I'm also sorry how an attempt to compliment the idea of this thread gets warped into something else.

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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Foghawk »

At first glance, I thought I was going to vote for more new pets than I thought I would; it's undeniable that a lot of old pets could really have used the update. But like Aliel, I found that mechanically better art didn't really mean as much to me as the personality of the pet. At some point I quit asking myself "but which is better?" and just said, "If these were two different pets, and you could own either, which would you choose?" Then it was clear. I ended up voting for a lot of old pets - very often based on their expressions.

The Draiks took me a long time to decide on. The new one is much, much better art, and I'd probably own one if I had the opportunity. But in the end, I voted for the old Draik. When I was a kid, I drew a Draik out of the How to Draw pages and pasted it on the refrigerator, even though my parents would rather I did original art. And doing that would never have occurred to me for the new version.
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Jazzy »

Usul Princess wrote:And when I was voting, I kept in mind how many colors I liked VS the colors now, as well as the styles.
But that's specifically what I told people not to do, and that's my problem. I asked people to vote on the blue pets on that page alone, ignoring the effects on any other colours of that species as far as possible. You're meant to look at image 1 and image 2 and decide which is better as a representation of a blue pet of species x, and that's all. Nothing further.
Remember, you are voting for the effects on blue pets only. Don't vote as though the old one combines all the best features of the Plushie, Darigan and Maraquan Krawks and the new one is blue.
For this poll to have any meaning at all, everyone has to be judging by the same criteria. Think of it this way: when you rate a Subeta pet, say you're rating Lasirus colours. You don't look at a Bloodred Lasirus image and say "I'd give this pet 4/5, but the Darkmatter Lasirus is rubbish, so I'm only going to give the Bloodred Lasirus a 2/5", or a Dawn Lasirus "I'd give this pet a 2/5, but the Bloodred Lasirus is brilliant so I'm going to give the Dawn Lasirus 4/5". Similarly, with these blue pets, you need to look at them based on what they look like (pose, expression, appropriateness for the species, how distracting any fist is, etc), not any other colours. You shouldn't be saying "I like the way this blue Bori looks and I like the new speckled Bori, but I hate what they've done to the Darigan and Plushie Boris, so I'm going to vote for the old"; you should only be saying "I like the way the new blue Bori looks" or "I like the way the old blue Bori looks".

This is not a poll for people to judge how badly affected all of a species' paintjobs were by Customisation; I'm willing to conduct a poll like that, but this isn't it.
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Usul_Princess »

An error in judgement by weighing past colors? Yes. Voting strictly on past colors? No.

Style=anatomy. Anatomically speaking I still like 99% of the pets in old execution. Very little of my vote would have changed anyway. If I had to do it again, draik would be neutral, peophin would be new, and I would have voiced nothing about how I voted, nor how I think it's still a wonderful idea.

I shouldn't feel so attacked over so little, but I do. I'll leave it at that because I'm actually going to give myself a stroke over varying opinions and am letting myself get too angry over it.

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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Jazzy »

I'm not attacking you - all I'm saying is that you've said that you've done it based on more colours, whereas I'm asking people to just look at the blue pets there. That's all; it's not supposed to be a personal attack, and I'm sorry if it feels that way. I'm just trying to make sure everyone's doing the same thing.
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Usul_Princess »

Oh, I know. I just need to chill from being stressed out from work/school. You'd never know I was on vacation for a whole week...

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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Enriana »

I just now got around to doing this. I put it off mainly because thinking of the whole customization debacle makes me fret, for various reasons that I won't get into.

Anyway, despite disliking customization, I voted new on nearly all of these pets. It's the redraws where I'd go for the old, but for basic colourfills, the art is almost always more pleasing to me. Of course, they're smaller - I didn't realize how much until seeing them side by side - which I'm not a fan of, but a lot of the shading/lines/posing is much better.

Is there a reason that over a quarter of them are waving/shaking/holding up a fist? It seemed random on the first one, but on the tenth or so, I started wondering what was up.
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Re: Come and re-rate the basic Neopets!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

They have the "fist of doom" for holding things like custom accessories.
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