Site revamp/overhaul

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Site revamp/overhaul

Post by klaatu99 »

I felt this deserved a new topic rather than burying it in the established revamp thread. So on with the bitching....

I can honestly say that I do not like the new site layout. While it looks pretty, pretty isn't always better. As a person who is still on dialup (there are still quite a few of us out here), having all the extra geegaws to load, slows things down a hell of a lot. And my custom CSS no longer works, nor do my pet profiles, and likely shop profiles don't work either. So for those who spent lot of time or even money getting spiffy pet lookups and stuff, it was all for naught.

I'm not crazy about the dashboard and events being lumped into one overlapping entity. With it that way, I'm sure some folks will miss things that they otherwise wouldn't.

These are just my observations after poking around for maybe 10 minutes. My opinion may change later.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Wingsrising »

1) The default appears to be that the event sidebar is automatically on top if you have events.

2) Is there a way to clear all events? I want there to be a way to clear all events without clicking on each one.

3) I wish we had the option to see our active pet in the sidebar. You know, with this being a PET site and all?
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by AngharadTy »

It's soooooooo slow to load. But that might just be because everyone is flocking to check it out and change things--Subeta is never, ever fast when something new is released. Hard to say, though, because I can't seem to find the "# users online" function anymore. =P

I like that they have several layouts to choose from; I'll use the graveyard one for now. But I actually really liked the custom subeta header I made, using Deschain. I guess I'll try to make something else... preferably something shorter, because I feel so top-heavy right now. Might just be "ack, change" reflexes, but I dunno.

Hover drop-down menus! I hate those. But I've mentioned that before, and it's apparent that it's the trendy thing to do on the internet now, so I'm fairly resigned to them being inevitable on every site I go to.

Funny thing--content loads so slowly that you can see the ancient, ugly Subeta top banner before the larger, slow-loading images unroll on top of it. Way to leave that up still. ;)

Does it not highlight the news when there are new postings now?

I'm not... really... looking forward to spending hours trying to figure out what to turn off just to fix my pet layouts. Oh man, my galleries too, huh? I'm someone who's still incredibly irritated that they killed all the V1 profiles, even if I do like my V2 profile now.

Obviously, the site had to be redesigned in some way, especially because of that atrocious top banner. But I did like the minimalism. Even so, I think it's mostly good changes, and hopefully I can customize the appearance to not be so... overwhelming. I'm especially impressed at the foresight to put all our descriptions in a safe place! That's amazing. As long as nothing got left out.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Wingsrising »

Good point. How do we know when there's new news now?
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Silverevilchao »

I want to cry.

Ok, not really. But it sucks that my awesome-looking Eeveelution layout no longer works, and with college, the lack of information on what just CAN be done with the new layout, and the lack of a list of CSS variables for the new layout, I have a feeling that it'll take me a while to make a new Eeveelution version.

And I like all of the new shiny stuff, it just makes me want to make my new custom CSS even MORE!
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Heilos »

Totally gonna take some time to get use to this and I hope a lot of tweaking is done over the next few weeks but overall I'm liking this change.
I love the different layouts they have up right now, definitly using the delphi beach one right now, but I'm also rather peeved about the pet profiles not being compatable anymore. Probably a simple fix but still it's annoying to have to go back in a fix all my pets layouts x-x (or rather have my friend do it D; )

it's gonna be hard to force myself to look for the navigation on the right instead of the left but it'll grow on me i'm sure XD I do like what they did with the side bar and how you can add and remove specific things and move them around, thats pretty cool c:
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Keith »

I'm sosososo excited about the new layout, and we're working really hard now to address the things that we missed (IE: You being notified when there is new news!)

The pet profiles are still (sort of) compatible, we just didn't want to take the chance so you can click that link on the news to fetch all your coding and play around with it yourself. Over the next few days (once things settle down and we're done making huge sweeping changes) Alx and I are dedicated to making a CSS thread that'll show you how to change the top bar / make cool pet overlays (I'm working on an easier way to add them to the page).
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Silverevilchao »

Keith wrote:I'm sosososo excited about the new layout, and we're working really hard now to address the things that we missed (IE: You being notified when there is new news!)

The pet profiles are still (sort of) compatible, we just didn't want to take the chance so you can click that link on the news to fetch all your coding and play around with it yourself. Over the next few days (once things settle down and we're done making huge sweeping changes) Alx and I are dedicated to making a CSS thread that'll show you how to change the top bar / make cool pet overlays (I'm working on an easier way to add them to the page).
Yaaaay! That's great to hear. I'm just itching to do some new coding (not 'cause the layout's bad or anything, but because I've had little practice lately). I should probably start making my banner concept...
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Keith »

Oh -- And also there is a widget (you can get to it via edit sidebar) that allows you to add sidebar navigation like in the old layout. It's called the Navigation Widget.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Tom »

Overall, I think I like it quite a lot. It's pretty easy to use though is really really huuuuge on my screen. Really huuuuge. But I suppose I have said screen for a reason. I'm looking forward to getting to use it - hopefully the site will hold up as first impressions have.

Also, LOVE all the themes. :D Am using the Masquerade one at the moment. They're all gorgeous.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Pyrostatic »

Missing the Log In button. I only see a Log Out button in the drop-down. =/
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by TCStarwind »

Why aren't the log in and log out in different menus?

It looks nice, but it is very graphics intensive. There's a smaller repeating picture beneath the detail on the header that you can't see once the header loads. I'm not sure what its purpose is. But it does look nice and the color schemes aren't blinding like in the old layout. I like that we can add the navigation to the sidebar so that things aren't completely lost.

And there go my cohesive thoughts. If I find something else when I get home, I'll post about it. :D
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Seerow »

I was able to poke around with the new layout a bit before it went live - yay GA perks.

Keith, I am LOVING the new widget to add the navigation to the side. Like seriously. If that wasn't there I'd be tons more upset about the drop downs. It kinda redeems most of the changes for me really heh. Long live the sidebar.

I miss my pretty pretty CSS, but hopefully it's not too hard to recode. Aqua will be showered with love if so.

The new layouts are pretty and I'm using Riverside for now. However I keep wanting to scroll up and see more of the picture since it seems like we are just seeing the bottom portion and it's driving me crazy X_X

I'm also not a fan of the forums at all. There's a shit ton of white space which makes it even harder. Really really hoping the forums get tweaked some more and some background color is added so that the posts themselves are boxed in white and not the entire freaking page. Though it is somewhat improved from the initial design as posts are not longer super long and skinny.

The wardrobe seems to be completely broke with nothing whatsoever loading for me.

After the kinks are worked out and I get used to the new layout, I don't think I'll mind it. I still loved the old one and am sad that it is gone, but the new layout isn't near as bad as I imagined it would be, so I think I'll live :P

I am sad there is no notification for news :(

Edit 2: It is so weird seeing everything centered. SO much white space. I wish we could set how wide we wanted the layout to be, regardless of our screen size.

Edit 3: I wish we could see how many people are online. Somewhat related but I'm a little confused as to why it shows me as being online under the online friends widget. Seems a bit redundant heh.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Dollfie »

It's all beautiful and shiny. I want to like it but I'm still feeling agitated because it took me 30 minutes to load a page. In fact it never loaded on its own. My connection kept giving up after a certain point so I had to go into the code, load each image individually and then it finally came up. Once I was able to make the site function, I edited my custom css and took out the top header, postcard and the other things that were really crawling for me.

What I have now is just the menu across the top and the graveyard scheme and I'm pleased. I love the widgets in the sidebar and the more polished look, even if I'm not viewing it exactly like I'm supposed to be. Overall I'm happy to see Subeta growing up.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Joey »

This isn't bad at all. Quite lovely. Only issues I'm having are that the text is kind of overlapping itself all over the place, and the tables within the site itself don't match the layout, and look kind of jarring. The rest of my issues are just getting used to where everything is. It does look nice though, I think it's a good change.
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