Powerpuff Girls 10th anniversary pics! (image heavy)

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Powerpuff Girls 10th anniversary pics! (image heavy)

Post by Usul_Princess »

I recently bought the Powerpuff Girls 10th anniversary DVD boxed set! ^_^ I've been a rabid fan of the show since its debut. (I was 15 then. I'm old...) After watching some of my favorite episodes 10,000 times, I got inspired to draw them again. During my downtime/planning hour at work, I decided to bring my sketch book and get to work. I have random drawings of the girls, but I wanted to draw my own style. As much as I hate PpG Z, I like the anime hair (and Buttercup's mallet) they're given as 7th graders.

I googled some online pictures and found a parallel of the two styles as the American 6 year olds and the Japanese 13 year olds. Then I found another artist who merged the two styles and I thought it was the cutest thing ever! The "extreme" look was toned down, but kept the flamboyant hair and personality of the girls.

I made a sketch, then went to Office Max to make a color copy of the penciled version. Then I colored it in with ultra fine Sharpie and pastels. (I didn't have the heart to color over the original because I like to see my "before" version. Also, pastel + unerasable pencil marks will magnify the imperfections of the sketch.) The end result wasn't a masterpiece, but worth sharing.

These pics are huge, and I might upload the ones I drew 10 years ago too from my Powerpuff collage timeline for amusement. (Now in the second spoiler)

Edit: Ajkdhkla! When I went to do "take 2" of the pastel copy to get rid of the excess smudge, the bottom side of the page bent! Oh well.
Spoiler: open/close

Z hair but with the original American styles. On day 2, I just gave up on fixing Bubbles' pupils. Her head was supposed to be a 3/4 tilt, but by the time I realized I was drawing a head-on shot, it was too late to go back without starting all over. I do love the way Buttercup turned out though! Nothing special about Blossom except her hair is nicely positioned and out of the way. Her broken iris thing in Buttercup's hair was just a sharpie goof.
Spoiler: open/close

My very first attempt ever on May 19, 1999. A sketch on August 26, 1999, and Whoopass Stew on May 21, 2001 respectively. I love this collage thing! Not even to look at ma mad drawin' skillz, but for nostalgia. Can't wait to see the 2019 version that'll be a slight improvement.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Powerpuff Girls 10th anniversary pics! (image heavy)

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Oh man, the Powerpuff Girls. That was an awesome show. My little sister and I used to watch the show back when she was still into cartoons. I never got into PPG Z, but I love your "fusion" pictures.
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