Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
Fullmetal Dragon
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

Zekumi, the paws are supposed to be the same size as its nose. That's how big they are on all of them.

I don't care if people want to not like my art/revamps/whatever, really. I want people to be able to point out what they do and don't like. It just doesn't make sense to try and make an argument out of nobody trying to argue with you, you know?
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Sarivonne »

At first it threw me off, and yeah it bothered me, but I knew this was the new style for wyllops. At first I was kind of meh on it, but over time I have, however, learned to like the new look quite a bit. I think because when I first saw the wyllop my original reaction was not that it was a mouse. I like the species more with each recolor. I still, however, will wish for darker shading.

Oh, and sorry I should have explained the shading. Give me a moment to grab an example if I can find one. Unfortunately I cant find a good example to compare, but on some of the wyllops, the shading is very light so it looks, in my eyes, a little flat. If the shading was a little darker, I think it would pop a bit more. The graveyard looks okay, but the shading on the hydrus is super light. I don't know, it's just my thought. Obviously I cant change how you shade :) I just wanted to give an honest opinion, that didn't sound like I was bashing the art! I am sure it's hard when you have to do a revamp when you know you're going to be critiqued by everyone and their mother.

Okay maybe this will work?


To me, the lain has really bold shading, and so do the keeto and the ruffie, so to me it pops more. Then again the Lain and Ruffie have a few extra markings so I'm sure that contributes. But the leg on the ruffie uses a lot of the darker shading, as does the back of the lain. I don't know it this is helping my point.
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Re: Revamped Reborn Anyu and Wyllop

Post by Tiki »

I can agree that the shading on newer reborn pets is very muted, but you have to keep in mind that there is a fine line artists have to walk with this color. The Lain may be shaded very boldly and thus stand out more, but look at how little sense the shading makes with the fire- none of the fire crawling up the back is casting any light; that's the darkest area of the pet for reasons unknown. The light source is coming from directly above the pet, where there is absolutely no fire. LOL.

The Wyllop, on the other hand, is actually shaded to match the fire- but with fire coming from both the bottom and the top, the result is very little shadow and a rather flat looking pet.

So, what should the artists do? Follow the physics of light and shadow, or make the pet "pop"? Of those 4 you posted, I think the Ruffie is by far the most successful at finding a balance, and this is really rare in reborn pets.

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