Reborn Priggle and Manchu

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Reborn Priggle and Manchu

Post by Seerow »


You know, for a species I dislike in general, some of the recent Manchu colors have been fantastic. This one is no exception. I love the yellows used on the face and the swirly fires. The posing is a bit awkward, but I think that's due to the Manchu anatomy in general.

I want to like the Priggle more then I am as they are one of my favorite species, but I think this one is a bit to orange for me. I think if a more reddish hue had been used on the face maybe it would have helped. Or yellows, but there are tons of yellows in the amazing inferno of spikes, so maybe not. Still, it's good overally and yay for more Priggles!
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Re: Reborn Priggle and Manchu

Post by Tiki »

I think I would like the Priggle more if the fire had one or two more layers of color. The lightest yellows in the Manchu's fire would have helped- as it is, the fire looks rather flat and less glowy.

I really like all the colors used on the Manchu. Their markings give a lot of contrasting areas to work with, especially the tail.
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Re: Reborn Priggle and Manchu

Post by Jessi »

I actually really love the Priggle - I think the light yellow would make the quills seem rather washed out. I love how it's just a giant fireball, I definitely see a ton of glow in the flame xD especially on the tail, which is such a pretty whisp of fire. And I adore the face on the Priggle, too. I really need to get another Priggle sometime, hm ;_;

Re: Reborn Priggle and Manchu

Post by Pyrostatic »

This might be one of the few Manchus I like (the other being Chibi). The position of the hands makes it look like a Firebender off of Avatar. Probably unintended, but still pretty cool. I love the expression and the crisp bright colours. Very nice Rah, love it.

This Reborn Priggle is not really my favorite. I think if the fire was more transparent and the quills were showing a little, that would have been a bit nicer. I don't know how to really describe it, so I apologize. I guess there's just too much fire for my taste. The other thing that looks weird is the left front leg. It looks a little weird to be so close to the face. But, I do realize Priggles are vertically challenged, thus have short legs, so I can imagine how hard it is for them to lift those bitty legs high in the air. Ah well. Fans of the species will like it I'm sure. At least the shading on both, especially the Manchu, is pretty nice.
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Re: Reborn Priggle and Manchu

Post by Rah »

Lol, I've never actually watched Avatar but I've been told about it! The manchu was compared a lot to the flying lemur in that - Momo I think it's name is? So I suppose it's apt that he became a firebender in the reborn version xD

I just wanted to say oh my gosh that manchu was a bitch to colour, with the lightsource coming from every which way! I'm so much more aware of it than last year, where I kind of ignored that the fire was light xD (very obvious on the reborn kora!) I was wicked proud of how it came out though. I have been really enjoying drawing manchus since the glade version!
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Re: Reborn Priggle and Manchu

Post by TCStarwind »

The manchu is gorgeous. It's magnificent in every sense of the word. The shading is awesome, the pose is cool, and I love the colors of the markings. Everything just works so well, and I love it. :)

The priggle is good. I think if there was another shade for each the shadow and highlight, it'd pop a lot more. But it's not bad how it is.
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