Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

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Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Jax »

Sadly for my sanity, it's based on a true story. I understand now these things happen, and it could have been worse but it was my first time handling this situation and I was alone. So yeah, I basically did this in between my finals to let out my anger at the situation and relieve stress during my finals XD

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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by AngharadTy »

The umbrella is so cute! I love umbrellas. Nebraskan winds ruined two of mine, sad.

I hate flying so much... although I guess mostly I hate airports, heh. The idea of getting a so-generous discount on a hotel room would have made me explode with sobs... of rage....
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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Atlanta airport is AWFUL for that kind of thing.

My mother and i had a 3-hour layover there once, and apparently whoever was assigning gates was pulling cards for the assignments and shuffling the deck just for fun. Our gate was changed twice, thankfully we got there in plenty of time. But all the people who were late? Running LIKE MAD. I especially felt bad for people who were obviously not native to this country and probably didn't speak much English, if any. This madness is bad enough if you CAN understand what people are saying.
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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Jessi »

I'm so lucky that I've never had a bad airport experience xD I've only had a delayed flight a very small handful of times (once flying home from Alabama and once in Kansas) and the one time I thought I was going to be late and miss my flight, we got there right in time - and at Kansas City International, the security gate is RIGHT at the check-in gate as well, so you don't have to rush around like crazy!

Knock on wood, of course, since I'm flying somewhere this Thursday e_e

I would probably be as hysterical as you if I were lost without my bags and without my airplane ;_;
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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Seerow »

Haha, that comic was adorable!
BUT I probably shouldn't have read it seeing as I'm flying for the first time in ohh....15 or so years and for the first time by myself. Jessi, you might be getting a phone call "OMGIMISSEDMYFLIGHTCOMEGETMEFROMCHICAGO" or something like that :)
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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Faun »

That comic was sooo cute!
Im lucky, nothing like that has ever happened to me before. :) but it sounds horrible :(
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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Officer 1BDI »

That comic was hilarious, Jax.

Ugh, airports. I've been fortunate that the worst experiences I've had involved late flights. Well, that and (spoilering for Seerow's sake):
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the Thanksgiving Eve trip where we took off (almost on time), only for my ears to start popping horribly. I then watched a stewardess race frantically up the aisle; a few seconds later the pilots turned the plane around because one of the doors had not closed properly. We ended up back on the runway for over an hour while they did paperwork and then took off again in the same plane with no more incident.

And, of course, my reaction to the whole thing was to laugh aloud and wonder how late I was going to be getting in. >_>
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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Kamil »

That's adorable, Jax. Although, I'm sure it's not adorable from your point of view. x.x

I HATE flying - by which I mean, I'm terrified of the entire experience. I know, I know, you're far less likely to die in a plane than on an interstate, but whatever. If you're killed on the highway, most likely, about the time you get to the "Oh, SHI..." part, you're already dead.

On the other hand, if your plane is falling out of the sky, towards earth at a ninety-degree angle, and you know there's no way you're going to miss -- you've got a minute or two to think about it first.

That's the part that I can't bear. Mind, I've flown many times, with not a skerry moment to report, but still. Damn, I hate it.
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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Usul_Princess »

Aw, what an adorable comic, Jax! You have a good way of illustrating feelings. I've only had one moderately bad experience through my own stupidity. Our high school senior trip was in Maui (Nice place to be on your 18th birthday instead of 5th period.) I don't remember my reasoning, but I purposely didn't bring my driver's license to the airport. Of course, post 9/11 they denied me on board and laughed at me. My class left without me, but the next flight was in 2 hours with a 30 min delay in Chicago.

OT: Have you ever traveled against the sun? I left Michigan at 5 AM, and got to Maui at 4PM. It was like a 32 hour day. -_-

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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Jax »

Yay! I'm glad everyone likes it <3 I do these little life comics from time to time so I'll make sure to keep posting them

@Ty, It was pretty much confirmed the next day that I only did get the room because I was crying, as I had ran into the girl behind me in line who said they made her pay for a horrible hotel room

@Seerow, I've actually only ever flown by myself and in my 6 trips in the last two years this was the only one with major issues, I hope you have a safe flight ^^

@Usul, I haven't actually, although when I came home from England I left at 4pm and arrived at 6pm in Boston XD
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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Wingsrising »

Man, that sucks.

Something that might (or might not) help nervous flyers... have you ever read the "Ask the Pilot" column at Salon.com? I find it very interesting, but one of the nice points made over and over is that a lot of things that FEEL dangerous from a passenger's point of view really aren't.

Turbulence -- almost never dangerous. Loss of cabin pressure from a door popping a leak -- not dangerous. Etc. etc.

My big worry when flying is always when they do those really, really steep banks. I try to recall what Ask the Pilot wrote about commercial airliners -- that they really, really want to be right-side-up and left to their own devices, will return to that position -- to reassure myself that the plane is probably not going to suddenly flip upside down. (I get the impression the planes are sort of like giant Weeble Wobbles. Do kids play with Weeble Wobbles anymore? At any rate, flipping one upside down would apparently actually be really hard.)

Doesn't always work, but I try. :-)
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Re: Jax Comic: Why I hate Airports

Post by Alicorn »

The comic is to cute. I would love to see more. ^-^

So sorry about the rough time at the airport. I've been lucky so far with my experiences. Though I've only flew a few times, all one way except once. I did do a two connection flight to see my family last year. That was a lot of rushing. At our first connection we got to the gate with plenty of time to spare. The second connection we get to the gate just as they are about to board. It was the last flight to the destination that got held up for a good couple of hours. First it was that they didn't know where the pilot was. Then they didn't know where one of their stewardess were (maybe hiding with the pilot) so we had to wait for a call in stewardess to come in. I'm just glad since we did have a hold up, it wasn't till our last flight. But I never want to do connection flights if I can avoid it, so crazy!
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