Revamped Angelic Kora

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by Mistress Morbid »

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Another excellent and needed revamp. I don't really like Koras too much, but this one is pretty adorable. I like the change in paw positioning so that it looks like it's covering its mouth. The ears look especially pretty as well, and the wings look much better. I think the paws could have kept the little pads underneath, but it's not a big deal. The shading and colouring are, of course, fantastic looking. :)
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by ZomgethMew »

It's so cute! 8D I was very hesitant about this one since I liked the old one (and this *is* pretty diferent), but it's a good revamp :3.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by Sayle »

I have one of these! This is one of my favourite revamps; definitely an improvement over the old one in terms of shading, anatomy, etc. but it's even cuter than the old one with the new paw positioning. I love it! :)

Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by Pyrostatic »

Aww, I love it! This is definitely a good revamp. Although, my only nitpick is the lack of paw pads. I love the little pads on the old one's feet. I don't know, that's just my preference. But other than that, I like the new positioning of the front paws and the shading is much better. Rah, you win my heart again with your lovely Koras. :D
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Actually, now that I look at the other Kora colours I realize none of them have paw-pads when the bottom of the feet are visible.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by bonecrivain »

I don't like the revamped version at all. This is particularly disappointing because with her last couple of revamped pets, Rah has done a pretty good job of maintaining all the elements of the original while merely updating the lines and shading. This kora is an entirely new pet, and I think it's a vastly inferior one.

I understand that the revamp process is two-fold: the art itself is updated, and the color is made to match the rest of the species. In this case, that explains the removal of the mouth (and thus the paw placement) and of the paw pads. I *understand* the reasons for this, but I don't think this forced uniformity is always in the best interest of the pet or even of the artist. It creates limits that I think sometimes constrict creativity, and in this case, I think it ruins the entire feel of the old angelic kora.

The attitude is completely different now. The new kora looks like a baby that's just learning how to sit up on its own, with stiff upright posture, and a silly "oops, did I do that?" paw over the mouth. I miss the kora's shaggy wings and the little belly. It always made me think of it as more of a fallen angel: one that wouldn't really be able to lift itself off the ground if it tried. The new wings are more nicely drawn, I suppose, but I, for one, loved the style of the old ones. I also don't see why the glowing head gem lost its glow. And why the shaggy elbow fur was removed and replaced with shaggy armpit fur.

But the part I'm most disappointed in is the way the ears are completely ruined. The ears were my absolute favorite part of the angelic kora, and now they're blobby and....ugh, I don't like anything about them.

Look at my pets--obviously I'm a fan of Rah's art. But I am definitely not a fan of this revamp.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by Jessi »

Hello Angelic Kora, I love you ;____;

I adore Rah's Koras - they're my favorite species of her, by far - and I absolutely love this revamp SO MUCH ;__; Wren might have to be one of these, because it's just lovely, and it really fits his personality. The shading on it is so soft and beautiful and I love everything about this pet *hugs it* The ears were actually my least favorite part of the old Kora, and I'm in love with the new ones xD;
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by Kamil »

Man, I hope Topher likes this revamp, since he's owned one just about forever; but just looking at it, I kinda don't think he will. For the reasons Bon's already mentioned - specifically, the complete personality change. I HATE when they do that to a revamp; it always feels so disrespectful of the current owners.

I don't know why the ears, gem, and belly had to change so - it seems to me that all of those could've been brought forward into the new pet. Instead, it's a completely different pet -- and unlike most colors, this is a color people had to spend real cash on at some point in time. And now the pet they chose to spend real money to own suddenly is totally and completely different.

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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by thelonetiel »

I am displeased. The old Angelic Kora was one of my favorite pets on the site. My first pet on Subeta is an Angelic Kora, and I'm definitely not feeling the change.

I liked the big feet (like the old Chibi Hikei, I adore cutesy animal toes), the innocent and pleased expression, the thin curly cue ears, the floofy wings. It feels like the only part of the pet that wasn't changed was the pose, and at that point I would've rather seen an entirely new pose than a constricted attempt to remake the original.

I can understand all the changes that were made, to bring the Angelic Kora into standards with Rah's new koras, as well as art and shading updates, but dang. Like Bon said, sometimes art standards really restrict creativity and quality. Thankfully, I have only one more pet that is likely to see a revamp soon, the Hydrus Hipottu, and that will probably be disastrous enough to let me forget my Chibi Hikei and Angelic Kora.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by Ierosbats »

All pet revamps are touchy subjects that need to be carefully considered. Whether an artist is revamping a base image or a colourfill or a redraw, they have to keep in mind that people can be attached to the smallest details in the old image. I think angelic pets are an even more delicate case because not only are people attached to the images, but in many cases they have paid them for them with real money. I did.

Backstabber was the first pet I potioned when I joined subeta. The angelic kora was the first pet I knew I wanted to own so I bought an angelic potion from the cash shop and that was that.

I absolutely hate this "revamp". It's not a revamp. It's not the same pet. It's a new thing entirely. Just because the new version is in a similar pose and is (over)shaded in the same colours, doesn't make it the same pet if all the small details are ignored. Compare the new and old glacier escalade images. THAT is a revamp. It's the exact same pet, but with updated art that fits the rest of the colours. That's how pet revamps should be done to keep pet art current.

Without any exaggeration, there isn't a single thing I like better, or at all, about the new angelic kora. The ears are a disaster. They were far and away my favorite part about the old one. I loved that the ear-bases looked like horns. I loved the dangly wisps with the little baubles at the ends. I loved the edges of the membrane parts. I hate, hate hate the stupid new noodle ears. They look like a bent wire hanger. It looks like there was no effort whatsoever put towards maintaining the membrane pattern.

I hate the tiny wings. One of the things I appreciated about the old version was that the wings, even if they were a little cluttered, looked like they could actually lift the pet off the ground. These new ones look as tiny and pointless as the tutani's buttwings. The old ones looked like they came out of the shoulders. The new ones seem to be attached to the middle of the kora's back.

I think the paws are actually worse. Before they looked like they actually ended in digits. Now they just look like nubs. The scruffy elbow hair was such a tiny thing, I don't understand why it was arbitrarily removed.

The pose doesn't make any sense to me. Before it looked like a cat-like thing that had somehow managed to pull itself up into a sitting position. The new pose looks like some bipedal thing decided to sit down. Like bon said, it looks like a freaky baby that's sitting a little too upright.

I usually try to avoid the word "hate" when I critique pets/revamps. I don't always succeed, but I usually try my best. In this case, I really mean it. I'm not saying it to be mean, I'm just devastated about losing my favorite pet.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by AngharadTy »

I liked it on initial impression--it has a cute expression, and I like almost all of Rah's koras. But I like it less after reading about the sitting-baby thing... now it's all I can see! I realize I did like the old wings better, because they looked huge and super-fluffy. The new wings are cute, but sitting next to the old image, hmm... I like the old wings more. And the old ears, because of what I'll always think of as noodles, now, hehe.

I'm really confused about paw pads. They were super cute on the old one, and the feet look so bare without them. The glade kora has paw pads... well, a pad for each foot. Looks more like furless skin, mayyyyybe, I dunno, but it's clearly not just fur-covered, and... I'm not sure fur-covered makes sense anyway? I'm thinking too much about this.

On its own, I think it's really cute (if I could get over the baby thing). But... as a revamp... I dunno. That's much harder. I can definitely see that if someone had one, the things they liked might no longer be there. That always hurts. =(
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by Heilos »

I'm gonna have to disagree with a lot of people here and say I LOVE this revamp, even if I don't own a Kora. It just looks 1000 times better
then the previous old art and definitely looks a lot more like a Kora now ^^

I also don't understand why people think it's over shaded, it looks like fine with the 2-3 layers of shading subeta
pets have so i'm not sure what exactly is overshaded. Another thing is with the expression, i'm sure people would
have known that when this was going to be revamped that the mouth would have to go, since it's a species trait.

I do agree however that the paw pads should have been kept as I think that was an adorable feature of the old art but I can look past that.
Regarding the ears, they're actually a lot thinner compared to all the other Kora's ears and I can definitely see why the line thin ones had
to go as well, once again species trait. Last thing, I personally think the wings on the old art were incredibly ugly but that's a personal preference.
I can however understand how some people might be upset that certain features had to be changed but honestly the old art just doesn't
match up to the newer Koras ^^U

Overall I think this is a solid revamp but will probably go 50/50 with most people who own the pet
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by AngharadTy »

I think the ear-noodles and the tails are really strongly shaded. I like the shading on the arms and legs, myself, but I don't like the very distinct shading on the darker blue parts as much.

"Species trait" is always the saddest explanation for "things my pet lost during revamp." Because the owner doesn't own all koras--the owner owns this kora, and there was obviously a lot of reason for them to like this kora. Yeah, consistency, okay... That's great from a broad point of view, but "consistency with the species" is not why I like a pet! I still have an overlay of the old version of the reborn kumos up, because yes, the new art is great art, fantastic art, but it is not my Bonechewer. All kumoses are not sighthounds. Fine. Mine was!
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by Heilos »

I don't mean to use it as an excuse but that is what happens most of the time with revamps unfortunately ): It is good though that we're allowed to customize the pet art though to fit with our characters (even overlay old art) though I do understand people would rather not have to do that in the first place if the art kept the same old feel after a revamp. I'm not really sure where to find a middle ground in a situation of "do I keep features from the old art to please the owners of that pet" or "do I update it into something more consistent at the risk of people hating it?" Just my two cents XD
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kora

Post by AngharadTy »

Oh, I understand your point, definitely. I hope I don't seem to be, like, lashing out at you, hehe. It's just that, from a user/owner point of view, "consistency" is never a comfort, and more of a "hobgoblin."
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