So... what'd you get?

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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Alecko »

I got:
Queen Greatest Hits CD
LOTR soundtrack
Harry Potter 6 DVD
A lovely fluffy pink dressing gown
New pink purse
Couple of small tops
Lots and lots of different chocolates (my family knows me so well xD)
£125 (£100 from my parents, £25 from my boss o_O)

Considering I was expecting the Queen CD and money, I was very surprised! I also did get a lot of pink things, but I love them so it doesn't matter. Oh, and it doesn't really count, but we got paid at work (we're paid in cash).

Christmas Day ended up being good as well- I was in work at 7:20 and we started early so we could get out as quickly as possible. I hadn't really been looking forward to working, but it was good fun. ^^ Thankfully, the roads were clear so no driving on ice, though the car park was a bloody ice rink! We literally just ended up bailing out where our cars stopped in the morning. xD The ice had melted a little by the time we left (about 11:30) so it was all right getting out. Then it was back to mine for a couple of hours, pack, wrap presents, clean out Echo, then off to my parents house. Had a lovely Christmas tea and watched Harry Potter in the evening after blasting my Queen CD. Good day.

Edit: I also now have an Aurora Borealis calender! I was looking through my wardrobe and found it; my mum had bought it and forgotten about it. xD
Last edited by Alecko on 26 Dec 2009 07:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Kari »

A PS3 120GB model
A 500GB HD to stick inside the PS3
Lots of little bottles of alcohol, since I just turned 21

That's it :3 I already had Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3, so I've been putting hours into that.
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by mellaka »

I got an iPhone, yay. My old phone had a problem with the clip that held the sim card, which caused the sim card to fall out quite often, so I really needed a new one. I also got some other things including a paper shredder and the new Harry Potter DVD, which I'm going to watch right now.
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Alicorn »

Whoot! Christmas was fun. We got up, open presents, then headed to my wife's grandmothers place for christmas, spent the night and came home. Busy but fun times. And we have enough turkey to last us for ages. I was spoiled for Christmas. I got....
A clothes basket full of stuff for the apartment (both me and my wife got this, mixed with it was a very cool Asian calendar)
Pots and pans set (also for both me and my wife)
A hoodie
2 pairs of jeans (that need hemming, I'm so short XP)
4 books (The Farseekers, The Lovely Bones, Eon: Dragoneye Reborn and Heat Wave by Richard Castle (yes the one from the show XD))
2 graphic novels (Junjo Romantica 2 and Spike: Omnibus **drools on cover**)
Trans Siberian Orchestra: Night Castle CD
Wii Sports Resort (that comes with the Wii Motion Plus)
A wii motion plus for my second remote
My-HIME Box Set
Shonen Onmyouji Box Set
Tactics Box Set (I finally can see it Jessi! XD)
$25 gift card to Chapters
$20 gift card to Wal-Mart (Which I used part of today. They had a big sale on DVDs so I got the first season of Dexter for 10 bucks! Couldn't find the second season they had going on sale though. :p)
And some money
A couple breast cancer fairy figures
Plus I got some goodies in stalkings. So like I said, I got spoiled. **wiggles** It was fun! I'm glad for all the anime too! I haven't gotten myself any anime for a bit so I'm glad to have some. And it'll be perfect for when we're in the apartment cause we are going to have Satilite (atleast to start with, going to wait awhile before we decide to pay for it) so it'll give me plenty to watch. XD
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by daisybell »

I also got Spirit Tracks- I expected to get a DS game, I just wasn't sure which one it would be. I'll probably end up buying Scribblenauts and Bowser's Inside Story with some Christmas money, too (why did so many good DS games have to be released right at the end of the year? It's just daft, after months with nothing at all of interest to me).

I got two pairs of cow slippers... to replace my old pair of cow slippers which were worn out (I think they were one of last year's Christmas presents). I have no idea where this cow slipper trend has come from, since I don't have a thing for cows especially, but they are cute and I did need new slippers- my mum and sister failed to co-ordinate, so my mum bought cow print slippers to match the cow print pyjamas I asked for, and my sister gave me novelty ones shaped like a cow's head complete with ears and horns and a daisy in its mouth (yay!). I don't think I'll need slippers next year!

I also got books, socks, bath bombs and plenty of chocolate :D
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Kantark »

I got a vacuum cleaner (a Henry), which seems functional but I was overjoyed. I've also now got over 24 hours worth of Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes episodes on DVD. And Ferrero Rocher, which I can never have too much of :-)
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Fury »

I had a really great Christmas! I feel very spoilt as I got lots of lovely presents. From my dad, I got:

Jeremy Kyle autobiography
Jeremy Kyle 'Access All Areas' DVD (LOL, we watched it and it was hilarious)
A black t-shirt with 'Mrs Jeremy Kyle' on it (seriously, I love Jeremy Kyle but my dad went nuts. The t-shirt is rather brilliant though)
XBOX 360 wireless controller
Scribblenauts DS
A book called 'A Redbird Christmas' (looks very good!)
Blank canvas, paintbrushes and pencils
Obligatory Chocolates

My brother got me:

Psychoville DVD Boxset
A little Patrick (from Spongebob Squarepants) keyring made from Lego

And from my boyfriend:

A beautiful handmade skirt with a floral/bird print that I've been eyeing for ages
A big black & white handbag/shoulder bag in the shape of a Panda's head (adorable)
A little weeble-type kitten firgure with a motion sensor that meows when you touch it
A very pretty, elaborate necklace
And Rammstein - Volkerball (F**K YEAHHHH)

I feel extremely lucky. I had a great dinner cooked by my brother, a good slob in front of the telly and I've spent boxing day with my boyfriend Michael. I couldn't ask for anything more! I hope you all had a really good Christmas too!
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Mongoose »

I got lots of lovely kitchen things, I love baking. I got heart shaped cup cake moulds, sparkles for cake decorating, some gorgeous cake tins and a very posh smart casserole dish from my mum and my gran. They also got me some gift cards for Marks and Spencer so I can have some nice new clothes and some tasty food. I got an MP3 player and a handy pouch for it to keep me occupied at the gym (I'm so stick of the same 6 songs that seem to be the only tracks that play on the sound system there) from my fiance. He also got me the Simon's Cat book (if you have a cat check out - hysterical and brilliant), and a icing piping bag. My soon to be parents in law got me a plushie meerkat, which is adorable. All in all a lovely day with brilliant presents and lots of tasty food.
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Goldenchaos »

I got a jacket and some lotion stuff. And the Lumines game on Steam from my husband.

OH AND I GOT PASSIVELY FIRED FROM TOYS R US (seasonal work, still, lol)
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Ailiel »

I got:

5 new Neopets plushies (for the Key Quest tokens)
A new wireless computer keyboard and mouse
New Ipod headphones
all from my sister

A Waterford ornament
Two shirts
A sequined dress
from my mother

A digital picture frame from my father

Cookies, bubble bath, and hand sanitizer from various family

All in all it was a nice, cozy Christmas.
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Miguel »

I think it's a sign of getting old when you not only get given slippers for Christmas (I did), but you also really appreciate them (I did too).

I also received a lady in a box, aka TomTom (this was half for my birthday too though), pyjamas (in a box! I've never had pyjamas in a *box*), a pocket watch (very pretty), a little moneys, Kendal mint cake, chocolates, my favourite whiskey, a new scarf, some incredibly geeky cufflinks, a book of walks and hikes around Jazzy's area of the country.

And a present I'm not allowed to open yet! Will post an update on that later today.
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Jazzy »

Eek, are we going to have to go walking? Should I mention here that one of the things I did upon going home was rediscover my 4" stilettos I thought I'd lost? (And probably ought to re-lose because I'll break my neck if I walk down the hill in them.)

I got a winter coat (so warm!), shower gel, a calendar (click through if you like 1930s-style posters), a couple of mugs, some seeds, a wallet to put my railcard in and a bracelet. And I bought myself some very pretty wool (I picked the plum one, and it's 55% wool, 45% silk).
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by AngharadTy »

You have scrumptious and I'm jealous!
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by Kantark »

Mongoose wrote:My soon to be parents in law got me a plushie meerkat, which is adorable.
Aww, I wanted to get my mother a meerkat soft toy - ideally an Aleksandr (she's a big fan of the adverts) and it proved less than simple(s) :-P
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Re: So... what'd you get?

Post by MeZergy »

A subscription to National Geographic magazine, Princess and the Frog soundtrack, some rare teas from David's Tea, and lots of candy!
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