Real Life Resolutions

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Feral Koala
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Real Life Resolutions

Post by Huggles »

I saw the thread about Neopet's goals and realized there wasn't one for the world that doesn't go away when you shut your computer off.

I looked at my tiny list for last year, and I basically hadn't met any of them. So, in the interest of going green, I'll just recycle it.

1. Exercise more. Well, at all, really. I've actually been doing kind of decent with this one so far. My goal is 2 hours a day, everyday, and I've managed about 30 minutes to an hour 3-4 times a week for the past couple months. I blame barely having enough room for yoga and the pilates dvd lady trying to kill me for not sticking with it. Oh, and being bored with my DDR tracks. I'm thinking about fixing the space problem by removing all the crap from my brother's old room, but that always sounds much too much like work.

2. Play and finish all the video games I have before buying or committing to any new ones. It's really quite pathetic to realize that I have tons of games that I've bought and never played. I mean, literally have not played. At all. The play time on others could total to less than a half hour. In no particular order I haven't played: Max Payne, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2, Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Jak 2, Ico, and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. I've barely started or haven't finished: Kingdom Hearts, FFX AND FFX-2, FF7, Katamary Damacy, Parasite Eve, and all of the games inside The Orange Box save Portal.

I blame being really really bad and slow at most games, and lying. Specifically, the person(s) who told me Okami was 8 hours long for most people. I'm in it for something like 40 hours and I now know I've probably got around 40 more to go.

3. Get a second job, go back to school, or draw/write/learn more on my own. I'd kind of like to do all of these, but I'll settle for one. The last point may seem a little nebulous, but I assure it's you on par with the others for someone like me who isn't very self motivated. Read: not the slightest bit.

So, what are your resolutions and goals?
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Silver Link »

Here's what I hope to accomplish this year

1) Get a job. I graduated college last May and I'm coming up on 8 months with not so much as even an interview to my name. I've applied to about everywhere where I could be minimally competent enough and nothing. It's become like a numb acceptance by now but I have to keep pushing on

2) Finish playing video games I already own. Whenever I get close to the end of a game, I tend to stop playing and never come back to it. It started with Ocarina of Time and has progressed to include Majora's Mask, Super Mario Sunshine, Twilight Princess, and all of the games in my N64 collection (though for most of them, I usually get stuck in a certain place and then quit)
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Jazzy »

My resolutions are to clear my todo list just once (it's a bit of a monster of a list - since August I've completed 360 things), to draw more, and to finish my Burridge Lake Afghan. 90,000 stitches in, 50,000 to go. eek.

I can't complete Super Mario Sunshine because of that bloody level where you have to get the watermelon down the hill while the flippy guys keep breaking them. Not fun in the slightest.
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Madge »

1) Get better at roller skating and by extension roller derby; continuing to skate at least 3 times a week

2) Concentrate more on my studies - I don't want to have fears that I won't pass units again. If possible I want to worry about "Asian failing" rather than failing. ("Asian failing" is slang for "not getting High Distinctions in all your units" - far out it sounds racist but it's one of those things *wince*).

3) When university is in session, have lunch with my francophone friend once a week and speak french in order to get back into the groove

4) Eat healthier or something; learn how to use my slow cooker for delicious foods

5) Take up Peter Singer's charity pledge. It is going to be far less money to donate than last year's "Donate 10% of my income to charity" resolution (which I kept thankyouverymuch!). (His site says 1% of my income haha :P)
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Joey »

1) Sort out all my damn music. I got most of it randomly through friends and such, so all the fancy data that shows up on itunes is a mess. I want to get that all sorted out so I can use my ipod for more than just video game music.

2) Various things I should do more of: practice violin, study Japanese, finish some costumes, save money, and so forth.

I'm rather terrible at resolutions, but I think I can at least try and stick to the first one.
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Usul_Princess »

I lost serious weight in the last 6 months! 31 lbs to be exact, so we can cross off "lose real weight" for 2009!

(It totally happened the wrong way. I was extremely depressed since May, and now the weight is dropping off about 6 lbs/month.) Never touched the eliptical.

Distinctions matter not, the weight is off, and extra chins are as well.

For 2010:

-Get on the eliptical for more than a week! I hate being in a family full of active people. Unfortunately, I don't feel insecure enough to break a sweat.

-Get my B.A. by Spring 2012 Going 3/4 time until I'm finished. Two Associate Degrees aren't getting my salary any higher. I try making excuses "Well for my age I have a decent job" (I'm a Substitute Teacher). Which is great, but I'm getting up in basement-dweller age, so...yeah.

-Stop being boring? I need to get rid of my old "circle" of friends and get new ones who have more ambition. I need to learn to enjoy life while I'm at it, and stop whining about why I'm ironically aspiring to be a pregnant wife.

-Get some R&R. I don't like to give myself break because I'm convinced it's a sin of some sort.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Madge »

Hey Joey - there's a program that makes the music procedure a little more bearable that you can get at

I quite like it. There are also programs that automate the process but they are generally pay programs.
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by TCStarwind »

I don't think I had any resolutions last year. :D I haven't bothered thinking of any for this year, though. Should try, though.

1. First order, pass math class. I fail epicly at math, and I can already tell this class is going to be hell.

2. Start exercising, probably when spring comes. I really want to go biking, but I don't have a bike, and they never seem to go on sale. Boo.

3. Stop procrastinating so much. Do homework at home instead of at school in another class the period before it's due.

4. Draw for myself, not just for school.
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

1: Drop a few gross habits that i've had since childhood. Sometimes i'll get close to kicking the one i'm most adamant about, then somehow i'll backslide. :P

2: Get better about keeping a cleaner house. But YAY for dishwasher!

3: Sort through and reduce some of the clutter of STUFF that we have. Really, do i need all this junk?

4: Rip and sort all my music, make actual headway on my long-in-progress favorite music project (with many stumblings and setbacks)...preferably completing it. I'll start again when i get my laptop back.

5. Exercise, especially to lose some fat and regain some mobility i lost when i broke my right arm at the shoulder and had it slung and thus "frozen" in place since the end of 2008. Make use of our new Wii. Hopefully my car (1985 Toyota Supra) will FINALLY get restored so i can make a fantabulous cross-country trip and have it here in California so i can go places - like horseback riding lessons (i haven't ridden since the arm injury).
Mistress Morbid
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Mistress Morbid »

Though I don't really make an intentional 'New Year's Resolutions' list, there are things that I just want to do regardless:

1) Try to eat better, and start taking vitamins. I tend to get sick very often, and I know I don't really take care of myself properly.

2) Draw more. I haven't sat down and drawn something for a very long time. At my previous job I was able to doodle all day long since it was so slow, and that was a really productive streak since I just filled sketchbook after sketchbook. I never seem to have time or motivation to draw now, so I hope to remedy that.

3) Attempt to finish or at least work on my fan fiction story. I started one, but hit writer's block pretty early so it's at a stand still.

4) Get into a Japanese language course. I've learned a lot of it on my own, but I really want to take a class since I love the language itself and hope to go to Japan in a few years.

5) Get another character to 80 in World of Warcraft. I have so many alts that I can never just focus on one at a time. I've been getting my main character pretty geared up in raiding so now I can pay more attention to my low level ones.
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Arviragus »

I guess I've really only got three things that I really want to focus on this year, although I'm sure more will pop up as the weeks go on.

1) Stop being so damn insecure. I'm never going to be one of the stick skinny girls, so I really need to instead start enjoying the fact that I could likely bench press them. I'm not fat, and I've got a wonderful guy who likes me the way I am, so I need to stop stressing about my thighs and arms being a little bit bigger around than some of my friends'.

2) Take charge of my money issues (read: being flat broke). Whether this is going to be addressed by me picking up a part-time job or sticking to my guns at my current job when it comes time for my performance review and not settling for a smaller raise than what I've rightfully earned I'm not quite sure, but I do know that sitting here and being stressed out about being broke is not making me any less broke. It's just making me more stressed.

3) Figure out what to do regarding moving. The wonderful guy mentioned in point 1 and I haven't been dating that long, but if things keep going as they have been, we're definitely going to want to see much more of each other. Problem is, he lives in Raleigh (2000 miles from here) and will be going to school in the fall so will be stuck there for 4 years. We've played around with the idea of me moving down there for the duration of his degree, but the idea of up and leaving everything I've busted my ass to achieve over the last 6 years terrifies me more than a little bit.
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by MeZergy »

1) Get a job and stop relying on parents for money: Yes, I live with them (I'm 19 give me a break x___o), but I never ask them for money, they just give it to me. Earning my own money would help me be more confident and if I want to move out, I can ;D

2) Get into a 4 year university: UMBC is my top choice. It's not an ART school, but regarding the last art school I attended, I would rather go there to pursue my master's degree. It was way too advanced for me.

3) Get an entirely new wardrobe: I am SICK of wearing tank tops all the time. I went through a phase for a few years where I couldn't wear anything with sleeves. It was uncomfortable and made me sweat a whole lot. I think I've grown out of it now and want to replace my wardrobe with more grown-up, professional attire.

4) Draw backgrounds: Geez man, I need to draw environments and shit. :|

5) Join clubs or a church: I am so unsociable. I hate people. I just need a fresh start somewhere. I tried to join clubs last semester, but... none of them ever contacted me and well... I just felt like I wasn't wanted.
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Huggles »

Ahh, WoW. I still have just my one 80, and virtually no pay time on any of my other characters. I even canceled my subscription. I have until February 2nd until it's deactivated. I suppose it's also a goal of mine to get my druid up to 80 so that when Cataclysm hits, I'll do a race change and finally have the troll druid I've always wanted. But, leveling was always my least favorite part of playing.
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Re: Real Life Resolutions

Post by Jax »

(just realized I hadn't posted mine, heh)

1) Stop being so paranoid and convinced people I don't even talk to hate me XD Stop being so shy on the internet too, that's a big weird one

2) Exercise, I'm at a normal weight but I'm ridiculously out of shape, and I come from a family with heart problems so might as well nip that in the butt now rather then when I'm 50

3) Get a normal, not internet sales job

4) Start doing my own art again and maybe just maybe do that webcomic I've always wanted to do (lolfatchance)
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