Dress to Impress - an open-source Neopets Wardrobe app

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Dress to Impress - an open-source Neopets Wardrobe app

Post by matchu »

Oh, sweetie, you look adorable!
Dress to Impress
The super-simple, open-source Neo wardrobe app

Here's the deal. There are plenty of wearables databases out there. None of them make it easy to see how your outfit will actually turn out once you spend all your Neopoints. Our simple goal is to make things simple for you - and it doesn't get much better than this.

Just enter your pet's name, and get full-size preview instantly

What's that? Your pet is wearing a brand new item we've never seen before? No problem. We'll download the data then and there. In fact, that's the whole contribution model - type in a pet name, and we have the data. It's magic!

Contributing is easy! Really, really easy!

Just enter your pet's name, and we'll pull up a list of what items your pet could help model. And to make it double-triple easy, we'll mark which items you already have in your closet, because we love you just that much! :D Then just put those items on your pet real quick, click the button, and whammo! That's some free points for you! (We do our best to acknowledge and reward our top contributors for all their hard work, with fame, glory, and being better than everyone else.)

Everything's out in the open

That includes the project's source code. You can be confident that we won't try to do anything naughty - after all, every single thing that our site does is right there for your perusal. Quite simply, we couldn't get away with it.

This also means that absolutely anyone with good PHP/MySQL, HTML/CSS/JS, or even Actionscript knowledge has the opportunity to read the code, to learn, and to contribute. All it takes is a Github account to fork the project, make your changes, and ask for them to be pulled back in. We'll review your changes carefully, and accept constructive additions to Impress with ridiculous amounts of enthusiasm. No, seriously. We'll love you to death.

It's easy to stay informed and involved

We've got a neat little OpenNeo blog running to keep you posted on this and future projects. (There's already been a feature update almost every day!) There's also a forum to chit, chat, and pool your resources to rise to the greatest of highscore heights. Plus, we have a special area just for feedback and suggestions - and if you have any ideas for future, non-wearables-related projects, in the sidebar you'll see the "New Ideas" forum for exactly that. The feedback tab is on every single page, so any time you have an idea, put it in! :)

Well, that's that!

You read through the whole thing. That's pretty impressive. For that, I'll let you in on a secret. We're still missing a few pet types. Whereas new objects are worth 5 points, pet types are worth a whopping 25 points, so this is a really great, limited-time offer to get yourself way up high on the highscore list - and, surprise surprise, it's really, really simple.

Thanks for reading! Please check out Dress to Impress, and let me know what you think :) What does it do well? What could it do better? Thanks again :D

Please note that I'm aware of the existing wardrobe project here. I really, really promise this isn't a targeted attack of any sort - I started work on this before even going out to check what other sort of projects were in the works. However, I feel that what Impress lacks in its existing library it makes up for in user accessibility, and I would absolutely love to work in tandem - this is, after all, an open-source project, totally dedicated to contribution and getting things done. Thanks so much for understanding, and please give Impress a try! :D
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Re: Dress to Impress - an open-source Neopets Wardrobe app

Post by Madge »

Wow dude, this looks like such a plug, but I guess that's what it is!

I just want to post and firstly encourage people to have a look at it, because it's pretty bleeding awesome, and secondly I want to let everyone know that Matchu was aware of Scimitar's attempts at creating something similar and was very polite and classy about emailing Scimitar and giving the low down on what's up.

It's a really cool resource, and while it's a pity that someone from Neocolours didn't produce it, it's awesome that it exists.

Also, sign up for an account and you get points for showing the database new items/pet expressions.
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Re: Dress to Impress - an open-source Neopets Wardrobe app

Post by matchu »

(It's one of the easiest registration processes ever, I swear.)
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Re: Dress to Impress - an open-source Neopets Wardrobe app

Post by Seerow »

That is quite awesome, especially since it can model stuff on whatever pet base you want. Most wearable preview sites only show one or maybe two pets modeling an outfit which doesn't help much when you have a Peophin and they are modeling on a Chia!
I kinda of wish there was a way to browse all wearables on the site since I don't know most of them. Also a "remove/unwear" all button would be nifty! But still, great site.
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Re: Dress to Impress - an open-source Neopets Wardrobe app

Post by matchu »

These were just the sort of things that are somewhere in my to-do list in my brain :)

However, doing them likely involves getting more sleep. We'll see when that starts happening.
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Re: Dress to Impress - an open-source Neopets Wardrobe app

Post by Thistle »

Cool site, I added some stuff for draiks & aishas. :)
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