Registration problems

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Registration problems

Post by gomababe »

Hi guys, it's been a while. I finaly remembered about neopets and subeta yesterday while looking for something to do and I've been trying to re-register at Subeta with a new username since it's likely my old one was purged. The thing is I registered just fine, but for some reason I can't log in with the userame and password I put in earlier this morning. I've made sure it's not because my capslock was on while I was registering or anything. Is this a general glitch with the site or is it my laptop playing silly sods?
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Re: Registration problems

Post by Jessi »

It sounds like something you need to submit a ticket about, or email about. I haven't had any problems logging in, and no one else I talk to has either, so it sounds like you need to contact Subeta directly.
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Re: Registration problems

Post by gomababe »

Thanks Jessibean, I'vve fired off an email asking about it now. I just need to wait for a reply

Edit: I'm finally in again, now to work out where everything went so I can get the potions and pets I want this time around. I also need to work out what kind of story I want to create for them all
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