Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by bonecrivain »

Fullmetal Dragon wrote:If I had gone with just a grey mask, I'm afraid people would have complained it wasn't rainbowy enough. I can't please everyone at once, sadly. :c
It's impossible to please everyone, but I don't think anyone's asking you to. If everyone liked every pet, the pet limit would be even more frustrating than it currently is -- or we'd just have all the same pets on our accounts, which would be boring. Diversity is nice, and I think it's good to have some spectrum pets with more color than others. I love my spectrum montre, for example, with his minimal bands of color. I think he's perfect exactly as he is--he's my favorite pet for a reason--but of course not all spectrum pets would work well with that much black and white. I also really like the spectrum illumis (I used to have one), which is one of the brighter, more colorful spectrum pets.

There's nothing inherently wrong with the fact that the priggle is extra-colorful; it's just that there could be more of a balance. Most spectrum pets have a lot of white, and it's still a very popular color. In fact, the priggle might be the spectrum pet with the least white on it, although I haven't actually gone through the whole list to check. Again, though, that doesn't matter much on its own; the priggle just seems to me to be deviating from the norm a little, as far as consistency and rainbowyness goes. A lot of people are loving it, so that's good. Personally, I think that color is more effective when it has room to stand out against the white; my eyes get tired when they have nothing else to focus on.

I think that the heavily saturated colors in the face do make the quills look a little more washed out. I agree that they would be more effective as the focal point. The people who love glade will probably love this priggle--it's vibrant and colorful, but a bit too busy for my taste. That doesn't mean it's a bad pet. It just means I won't own one. =)
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by MissBatty »

I do love the Priggle, especially the fact that it doesn't look BARE. But I realized, once I got a closer look on DA, that the front paws are a bit...Off? Fat? I'm a sucker for anatomy in paws. Otherwise, I really like it.

I actually like the Manchu. AND his fully colored eyes! I don't think this is strange at all. Mostly because this is sorta how I have to color my eyes in Photoshop for dragons and such. But I also adore the fuzzy look on his tail! And, again, he doesn't look bare.
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Re: Spectrum Priggle and Spectrum Manchu

Post by Alicorn »

I have to say I'm loving on both of these.
I'm surprised I like the manchu so much, since I'm usually meh on them. But this one I can't help but like. I just love the way it's coloured, just the right amount of rainbow for it. And I quiet like the pose too, it's so playful. And add me to the club of people who didn't know that whole eye was one colour.

The priggle is just cute. The colours tips on the quills are so nice, the shading is lovely and the pose works so well for it. But my favorite part is the rainbow aura and the splash it makes. I just love that detail! To bad this is to cutesy to be Daray cause it would so fit him other wise.

Great job to both Lindsay and Rah! Yay for spectrum love! XD
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