Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Madge »

I know hey, Joey. The second Smugleaf/Wotter were on some artwork that included that godforsaken winged cyclops koffing before THAT was announced by CoroCoro, so I think those second forms may be legit, but the third forms and all the Piglit stuff just don't seem to be kosher.

If you have a look at http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/ ... k%C3%A9mon you'll see that starters tend to stay constant as biped/quadruped, and the Wotter and Piglit evos don't follow this trend.

Bulbasaur > all quadrupeds
Charmander > All bipeds, though one sprouts wings
Squirtle > all bipeds

Chikorita > all quadrupeds
Cyndaquil > All seem to be either quads or quads who are rearing on their hind legs
Totodile - All bipeds

Treecko,Torchic - all bipeds
Mudkip - breaks the trend, going bipedal in its second evolution; If legit I guess Piglit follows this

All gen IV stay the same bi/quadrupedalness also.

So yeah, Mudkip is the only exception so far, it seems bizzarre they'd make such a departure. We've never had a biped become a quadruped starter, and I can't think of any biped pokemon which become quadrupedal (I'm sure there's an example somewhere! - oh, I just thought of one, Bagon)

But yeah, totally with Joey on this. hence my denial earlier.

Btw- I heard your rattatta is in the top percentage of rattata. You want to phone me and talk about it? [/been done before I'm sure but WHATEVER]
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Joey »

Yeah, I'm pretty sure at least the two that showed up on that character sheet are real, since everything else on the sheet has proven true so far. But to expand on the others...

The third Tsutarja's colours look really different from the rest of the line, with the white and silver green. The third Mijumaru is strange because of the quadrupedalness, and the anime has shown that Mijumaru uses it's shell as a shield and tiny knife thing, and I can't see the third evolution doing that. The 2nds colours also seem a little off, too much blue. Pokabu just seems really way off. The anime has shown Pikabu shooting fire from it's nose. It's supposed to go from that to some kind of wrestler thing? It seems like way too big of a stretch to me. As for the pictures themselves... apart from coming from 2ch, which I don't really trust for reliable information, what the heck is up with the borders around them? Where are these images from that would have such a border? Why do they only contain the last two evolutions and not entire lines? Why doesn't Tsutarja have the same weird border? Add on that some people have already claimed to be behind these fakes, and I'm not trusting them until I see it from someplace legit.

Anyway, the other evening I tried to catch a wild hoothoot, but I failed! Don't worry I'll call again later though!
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Red Mask Corgi »

I really feel like these are fake..I mean we'll find out for sure in about 10 days, but I'm just getting flash backs from when Shaymin's Sky form was about to be shown and everyone kept posting the same image thinking it was real, only it was a prank. Also according to my sister, a forum pointed out that the last forms look very similar to other Pokemon; the final Grass has some Milotic, the Water apparently looks like Dialga, and the Fire looks rather similar to Rhyperior. Looking back at them they're not that similar but now that I can see it, I don't like how close they are.

So I'm really hoping this could be fake, even though I love the Grass. The final Water form is way too strange for it to be real, I know a lot of the fandom is going to be disappointed. It's too ridiculous.
Personally I was really holding out for an amazing boar for the pig so please please let them be fake. I want a quad pig D:

On another note, I love the idea of that Monkey trio for some reason. I might just catch me a fire monkey :3
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Alecko »

Madge wrote: So yeah, Mudkip is the only exception so far, it seems bizzarre they'd make such a departure.
Why? Or rather, why not? You said so yourself, Mudkip already bucks the trend, and there's nothing to stop them from creating a line that jumps from biped to quad.

(Also, all of Typhlosion's sprites have it on its back legs, as does the HGSS walking sprite)
Joey wrote:The third Mijumaru is strange because of the quadrupedalness, and the anime has shown that Mijumaru uses it's shell as a shield and tiny knife thing, and I can't see the third evolution doing that
Could yank off the shells on its legs or use the giant horn-shell thing.

I'll be the first to admit, I was disappointed at the Pokabu evolutions. Not my taste at all (another one wanting a flaming quad boar, here), but I don't mind Tsutaja's evolution and I really like Mijimaru's. I won't be devastated if these turn out to be fake, but I'm fine with them if they're genuine.

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Pyrostatic »

Ah, I wanted to see a quad flaming boar, a really vicious-looking boar like those in Princess Mononoke. Or something close. xD
The Otter's makes no sense. I'm still trying to understand why it transforms from otter (2nd) to something not an otter (3rd). I don't really know...

But the Grass Snake is the best for evolutions. It makes more sense and it is awesome! Echoing the, "Can it be 2 wrong and one official?" :P
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Red Mask Corgi »

Alecko wrote: (Also, all of Typhlosion's sprites have it on its back legs, as does the HGSS walking sprite)
Just wanted to point out that in the anime it switches from biped to quad quite often, and that the animals it's based on are quads. So I think like Cyndaquil and Quilava, it's a quad that has the ability to walk on two legs :3
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Madge »

Arrrrgh, it looks like those awful evolutions may be legit. I am still in denial but this new evidence (an interview with the Pokemon artists) is pretty damning:
Ken Sugimori, primary illustrator: I really struggled the most with the Water-type [starter] this time.

Yusuke Ohmura, illustrator:
There was talk of, "Wouldn't a sea otter be good for the Water starter?" But it was a really close decision in terms of what this sea otter would become once it evolves. In the end, we decided to have it evolve into something with a completely different appearance.

Sugimori: Of course, we want to make the starters into Pokémon that remain with the player throughout the game, so we hope to make them evolve into creatures that offer a surprise to the player. We always make an effort to throw in some twists and create third-stage evolutions that have an impact.

Ohmura: There was also talk this time about dividing the three starters into Japanese, Western, and Chinese styles of design. Tsutarja was based on Western design, and Pokabu was rooted in a Chinese style, so I was told, "Let's make Mijumaru into a more Japanese-style design." Someone even asked, "Can't you make Mijumaru into a samurai?" [laughs]

Everyone: [laughs]

Sugimori: I worried about it for a while, and I eventually went to go see the sea otters at the aquarium. I happened to catch the sea lion show while I was there, and I became aware of the sea lion's power. "Well, let's try blending a sea otter and a sea lion," I thought. I came up with the idea of making the shell on Mijumaru's stomach into a sword (katana) and using it to fight, and that's how I completed Mijumaru and its evolution."
(got it from Bulbapedia: http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/P ... to_surface )
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Red Mask Corgi »

Of course, we want to make the starters into Pokémon that remain with the player throughout the game, so we hope to make them evolve into creatures that offer a surprise to the player.
Um..is that really likely to make them stay? Usually we keep the ones we like the most, and we pick the starter we favor [either on what it is or what type it is]. If it evolves into something that's a surprise isn't that likely to make us box it if we hate it?
I mean those who actually liked the otter and DON'T like the final evo aren't likely to pick/keep that starter. So I don't know. I don't think that line of thinking makes sense. Hopefully they have Everstones in this Gen.. .__.

On the plus, if the otter line is supposed to be based on a samurai, then there's a chance it might be Water/Fighting.. I know some are against Fire/Fighting but I know Heilos is pulling for Water/Fighting :>
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by AngharadTy »

The first pokemon I ever had was Torchic, and I tell you, when it evolved into Combusken, I was aghast. I ran to the internet to see if the final evolution would be better (could it have been worse?!) and was relieved to see Blaziken. Hurriedly leveled my Combusken to get it to evolve again, heh. After that, I decided to look at the final evolutions of my pokemon to see if I wanted to keep them. Never judge from the first form. ;P

If those evolutions are real, I'll definitely go with the grass snake.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Jessi »

I feel rather alone, but so far a -lot- of these new Pokemon fall flat to me... and the evolutions of the starters are no different. The only one I like is the snake, and I'm getting a big deja vu feeling that I had from DPP - the only starter I liked, at all, was the turtle, and even though I wasn't THAT fond of it, it's what I ended up using because of it.

I'm just... not blown away by -any- of the new Pokemon so far. Nothing makes me want to say "OH! I can't wait to get that one!" I feel like the style is just so ridiculously different that I can't get into any of them. That's part of why I've been so quiet on this thread. There has yet to be one new Pokemon that really gets me excited for these games.

(also still pouting that our Pokemon won't follow us anymore, blah!)
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Goldenchaos »

I realllly hope that is not Wotters evolution..I always pick the water starter as my first pokemon..and if it turns to that crap. I may just keep it in its first stage.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Red Mask Corgi »

I ditto the dislike at losing the following Pokemon. I wish the space they're using up with moving sprites had been instead used for more overworld sprites [..I have no idea if that data would be the same or anything, just saying I'm sure plenty of us would keep still pictures if it meant we still got our walking buddies]. Sure they want to keep the feeling that Red/Blue had but why not include the feeling of Yellow? :<

And once again this Gen does something people don't like: tons and tons of Legendaries.
# There are 156 new Pokémon within this generation; 153 within normal gameplay and further 3 event Pokémon (#647, #648 & #649) that will be distributed in a manner similar to Darkrai, Shaymin & Arceus in the previous generation
# In regards to a few numbers and details;
* #633 through #635 are a Dark/Dragon-type evolution chain
* #638 is a Steel/Fighting-type Legendary
* #639 is a Rock/Fighting-type Legendary
* #640 is a Grass/Fighting-type Legendary
* #641 is a Pure Flying-type Legendary
* #642 is an Electric/Flying-type Legendary
* Reshiram is to be #643
* Zekrom is to be #644
* #645 is a Ground/Flying-type Legendary
* #646 is a Dragon/Ice-type Legendary
* #647 is a Water/Fighting-type Event Legendary
* #648 is a Normal/Psychic-type Event Legendary
* #649 is a Bug/Steel-type Event Legendary
A pure Flying?! Finally!
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Jessi »

Ten legendary Pokemon?! TEN? JESUS. That seems like overkill. They've totally destroyed the entire point of Legendary Pokemon. Instead of having 3 or 4 really special Pokemon, you end up with 10 just pain-in-the-ass-to-get Pokemon.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Iggy »

Wow @ three fighting legendaries. That's...actually interesting.

While I totally agree with Jessi, I'm pretty sure 12 legendaries is LESS than Gen IV. Lake Trio + Dragon Trio + Darkrai/Cresselia + Shaymin + Arceus + Heatran + Manaphy/Phione(Which is considered legendary, lolwut?)

There were 13 legendaries last generation, excluding form changes.

So, that's not so bad, once you think of it that way.

And, not all of them are dragons. But, there are still too much of them.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Aqua »

At least there aren't a ton of psychics this time around. D: I'm personally happy to see there is a bug-type legendary (provided that list is real), too bad it's from an event though; my favourite legends always seem to end up as events. :/
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