Which pets have we got outside of pet days?

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Which pets have we got outside of pet days?

Post by Jazzy »

Specifically, which pets have we received for the last few years (2006 earliest) for the following Neopian holidays?

March - Gadgadsbogen (Mystery Island pets)
April 14th - Grey Day
May 12th - Tyrannian Victory Day
June 2nd - Fyora Day (2010 was the Skeith)
Aug 25th - Mutant Day (2010 was the Ogrin)
Sept 15th - Chocolate Ball (I already know that '07-'09 were Ogrin, Bori and Gnorbu respectively - did we get any in 2006?)
Sept 20th - Faerie Festival (not sure if we get colours for this)
Oct 31st - Halloween
December - Christmas and Snow pets

I'm going to guess we don't get any colours for Valentine's Day, Discovery of Meridell or Discovery of Brightvale.

Thanks for any help :) I'm using the data for a potential site feature, and it'll save me some time if I don't have to fill in all the blanks myself!
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Re: Which pets have we got outside of pet days?

Post by thelonetiel »

Oct 31st, 2009 - Hallow Chomby
Oct 16, 2009 - Hallow Eyrie (right after, but not on, Eyrie day)

Oct 31st, 2008 - Hallow Gnorbu

Oct 31st, 2007 - Ghost Nimmo
Oct 25st, 2007 - Intro of Zombie, Aisha and Flotsam

Oct 31st, 2006 - Ghost Cybunny
Oct 7th/8th 2006 - Electric Elephante

Well, I covered one month, I hope it is helpful. ^^ If you just want for holidays, that works too, but I figured I'd grab other data while I was searching back news archives.

Sounds like a nifty section Jazzy, I look forward to seeing it finished. :)
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Re: Which pets have we got outside of pet days?

Post by Nogitsune »

The Royal Hissi came out this year in July on the Discovery of Meridell and there was no new Tyrannian pet on Tyrannian Day. I can't seem to get Neopets up, but I'll try to see if I can find others.
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