Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Tom »

Serebii has updated with lots of information about new pokemon - and it looks like the stater evolutions are not fake. Which totally makes me sad. ;_; Even since they were first rumoured, I was disappointed and desperately hoping they were fake - clinging onto this has become increasingly hard as time has passed. Pokabu, in particular, has a horrible deal, but the one that upsets me most is poor Wotter. I always always choose the water starter without a doubt - I love my water pokemon oh so much. I wasn't keen on Wotter when first released, but after a little bit of time, I really warmed to it - it's so cute and sad looking, I really want to give it a hug!

And then it evolves a couple of times and whaaat they look so different and it's such wasted potential because it's just looks so clumsy and the legs just look so horrible fake - not unlike bananas. I'm not even keen on the first evolution - the colours don't work great together and the design of the head is very 'simple'. The supposed typings (water, grass, fire/fighting) also suck. Why fire/fighting AGAIN? ;_; Seriously, Pokabu got totally shafted - though I suppose a dual-type is better than single. I do like the grass snake, though. Alas. I don't really like grass types so, dilemma. I think they could have pulled off grass/dragon, water/fighting and fire/dark, perhaps.

Aside from that, the other revealed pokemon look kinda cool. I really like the deer's evolution - well, in its summer form... the autumn and winter ones look slightly ridiculous and the spring one looks like it's wearing legwarmers? The afro bull looks kinda cool. And I like the mummy, too.
Subeta: Thomas
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Red Mask Corgi »

The new official pictures look better than the little beta ones so I have some hope that Wotter's final evo will look better in the game/art but we'll have to see. I'm not too unhappy with fire piggy's line so I'll still be picking him, though boxing him is still an option if I need to make room.

As for the new Pokemon, I really like the Mantis dragon, the Electric spider and the deer. The monkey trio is also cute. I can't wait to see more :)
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Rah »

I don't get it - I love the water starter and all it's evolutions! I /hate/ most humanesque looking pokemon, so I've always avoided getting anything that looked like a man in a suit (blazikenARGH) and the idea that that adorable little otter drops to all fours and becomes an awesome sea-lion just pleases me greatly. I love how it looks! I hate Pokabu's evos though, ughmanwrestlersinsuits.

I love the deer thing. I'm upset to see yet another rabbit that won't fit in my team (I WANT A CUTE GRASS BUNNY. OR FIGHTING BUNNY. STOP MAKING THEM NORMAL OR UGLY)
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Man... I wanted to start with fire again this game, but if that's what the final evolution looks like... man. :c

At least Smugleaf looks pretty cool.

ETA: Wait, all of Smugleaf's evolutions only have one type? AUGH! >_< Forget this, I'm just going to grab the first cool Pokemon I see in-game ASAP and pretend that's my starter.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Aqua »

I'm probably going for smugleaf, I never liked wotter and its evolutions don't help any, and pokabu's a pig, which is an animal that doesn't get me that excited. It'll be the second time I've used a grass starter (last was chikorita). :D

Finally seeing more pokemon I like, which is nice since a lot of the first shown ones were too cute for my liking. Favourites so far: Rankurusu, Gigaiasu (finally a Rock type I like hurrah), Desukan (the grin gets me), Denchura (tarantula yay!), and the dragon legends. Debating on if I like Ononokusu..
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Tiki »

I'm trying to like this generation. I'm trying realllly hard. But the designs just keep getting more and more ridiculous/blobby/skeleton-less/random bubbles and spikes and stripesplotches and moehawks and ARGH WHAT HAPPENED.

If I buy the game, I will probably just buy it used. :C And I will be stuck forever using the grass starter, because those other two... what in the hell.

I could almost like the water's final evolution if they had just left off the back two banana peels legs. Flippers. Whatever the hell they're supposed to be. If you're going to add a 50 pound shell crown and a 10 foot mustache and a completely useless stub tail, at least make the thing resemble a damned seal?!
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Iggy »

I forgot a Gen IV legendary (Regigigas) and a Gen V legendary in my count (Victini).

So, it's 14-13 and not 13-12.


Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Pyrostatic »

Well, it's kinda disappointing. I do like the evolved deer Pokemon, that is pretty awesome. I also like the Macaw-Eagle one.
The new puppy one kinda has a creepy face.

I agree that we need another rabbit and more cat-like ones. Dx
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Joey »

Well, so much for my large post of why the starter evos can't be real, since it looks pretty inevitable that I was wrong. I'm sure a couple of the new pokemon will grow on me enough to form a team. The new dark-type cat is cute.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by hebdenhippy »

Loads of new pokemon have been revealed. link link link. I think this may be all of them since apparently the game is now out in Japan so they can find out all the Pokemon.

There are a few I like in all of those, especially Tsunbeaa the polar bear, I think I'll definitely be having one of those on my team. The final crocodile evolution Warubiaru looks pretty good too, and I'm loving Shimama's (zebra) evolution. There's lots I don't like, but I think out of all of them I can find at least 6 I like, so at least I can have a nice team!

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Pyrostatic »

Eh, majority of them are definitely not my cup of tea. I think they're definitely running out of ideas. But that's just what I see, based on some of the designs of these Pokemon. But I do wonder, are they done with the Eeveelutions? They could have made a flying one, possibly. =o
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Madge »

They wanted to make this game have a "back to the basics" feel, so non-Issue pokemon aren't available before the elite 4, and none of the pokemon they introduced are related to earlier gen pokemon (aparently!!), so I guess that explains why they didn't do anything to eevee?
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by AngharadTy »

None? Not even the luvdisc-looking one? D=
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Madge »

Apparently not, but the source for that wasn't too reliable so I'm still naively hoping that Mamepato will hatch a luvdisc egg if you breed it while it's holding a sea incense, say!

But that's just hope =/.

Yeah, what they were going for was "Isshu is so far away that there's no pokemon in common, so the niche that zubats fill in Kanto is filled by the cyclops bat thing". Sort of like how Australia had marsupial wolves filling the predator niche.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Tom »

I'm quite ehhh about a lot of what's on offer here, I fear. I could quite easily go through each pokemon and nitpick, but I'll spare you all. Just some thoughts (fear, panic!)...

I have regrettably warmed to Daikenki (Wotter3) with its sprite, despite its stats and typing doing very little for me. Feeling a bit let down by the Choroneko evo with the stats, regrettably, as mediocre as I'd imagined them. I might still find a place on my team for one, though. Not a fan of any monkey evos despite liking their base forms. The fire evo, in particular... the only word that comes to mind is gay. Actually, the water evo is just plain horrid. But now I'm tempted to make a fire monkey, and it can be gay. Base stats are lazy. Would have liked to see some variety. Musharna looks very promising and I intend to get one, with the stats looking like a nice combo of bulk and power - and quite cute to boot. Gigaiasu looks quite promising - I can see the viability for trick room teams increasing this generation with some painfully slow pokes. Doryuuzu might be slightly broken with its huge attack and respectable speed. With 'sand throw' allegedly doubling its power, it's going to be a huge threat with great typing, especially when coupled with Tyranitar.

Gamageroge - ugly. Despite my love of waters, I doubt this will get a place. Monmon and Erufuun are extremely cute. Zuruggu and Zuruzukin look absolutely ridiculous, regrettably with wonderful typing. Shinpora looks crazy. I actually like Desukan and its pre-evo. The stats are pretty promising and its ability will definitely be interesting. I can see Abagoora getting a place in my team and can see it as being very viable in sandstorm teams with the boost to special defence. Aakeosu has crazy stats but a supposedly hampering ability, which halves its stats when it falls under half health - still, with wish-support and a choice scarf, it might be very viable. Dasutodasu has one of the worst designs ever. Chillarmy and Chirachiino are extremely cute and I can easily see myself using one. Rankurusu looks pretty promising, with a nice ability in magic guard (life orb boosts without the health reduction) and fair stats. Looks pretty similar to Musharna in that respect, though, so will probably choose one or the other.

Baibanira - ties with Dasutodasu in terms of shitty design. Not sure if I'm loving the design of Burunkeru, but the typing is awesome. Gigigear has a pretty 'meh' ability and design, but there's something somewhat appealing to about it to me. Quite like Shibirudon, especially considering levitate leaves it with no weaknesses. I love Shanderaa and will almost certainly be using one. Ononokusu has amazing stats and confirmed dragon dance - going to be quite the bitching to take down, especially with minimal weaknesses. Tsunbeaa - inappropriate fluff placing. e_e Maggyo - hideous design. Love the design of Wargle and am tempted to use one. And don't really care for legendaries in general. I do find the genie design rather lazy and Kerudio looking hideous. I also fail to see the point of Torunerosu when Borutorosu has superior typing and the same stats.


Yeah. In my head, this was short.
Subeta: Thomas
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