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Re: Holidays

Post by Kantark »

Usul_Princess wrote:$3.35/gallon.
::does the maths::

Whoa, that's 57.3p a litre!
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Re: Holidays

Post by Jazzy »

Yeah, I was about to say! We're about to get a VAT hike and all the petrol stations have upped their prices in readiness, so the place here that does cheap petrol is now apparently $7.34 per US gallon.

My Christmas haul from my family was a little disappointing, in that I ran out of things to do with it rather quickly :P I got shower gel, some pyjamas, a calendar, some chocolate, a teapot with some tea, and a Mock the Week "scenes I'd like to see" book. So once I'd had a shower, put the pyjamas on, had some tea with the chocolates and read the book, I was a bit stuck, and ended up actually doing revision on Christmas Day just so I had something to do...
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Re: Holidays

Post by Fury »

So, how was everybody's Christmas this year? I hope you all had/are still having a great time! What did you all get? :D

I did the usual and spent Christmas Eve working but had a nice meal out in the evening with my dad, brother Dan and dad's girlfriend (he's still with the same lady which is a shocker, lol)
Christmas day was a lazy affair as always; we had a great lunch cooked by Dan, vegged in front of the telly and ate tons of biscuits and chocolate for the rest of the afternoon.

I also got lots of great presents, I feel very lucky!

From my dad:
2 x Vivienne Westwood neck scarves - one I asked for and one he picked out himself, both beautiful!
HMV Voucher

From my brother:
NANA illustrations book (Ai Yazawa) - ugh, this is gorrrgeous <3
Perfume atomiser - for my trip next year

From my dad's girlfriend:
LUSH goodies (shower jelly and soap)
Floral umbrella
Lindt chocolate bears

From my nan:

From my boyfriend:
Zelda: Skyward Sword LE Box with Gold Wii Remote (dying to play this omg)
Sonic: Classic Collection DS (nostalgiaaa~)
New Super Mario Bros. DS
Vivienne Westwood neck scarf (cute Macaroon print!)
Marnie (Alfred Hitchcock) DVD
Life (David Attenborough) DVD Boxset
Rammstein - Lichtspielhaus
Paul Frank phone sock

From my boyfriend's mum/brother:
A nice tin of sketching pencils
A big sketchbook

From a couple of friends:
A bunch of yellow and white roses
A silver necklace & bird pendant
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Re: Holidays

Post by Jessi »

This Christmas was weird for Lindsey and I because it's the first since we've been together (or living together at least) that we didn't head to Chicago to be with my family. It was actually the first Christmas for me EVER where I wasn't in Chicago with my family. It made it a little lonely, but the two of us still managed to have a nice Christmas and start a few of our own Christmas traditions!

On Christmas Eve, I made us a beef tenderloin roast which came out just perfectly medium-rare and so so so delicious. It's what we traditionally have for dinner at my parents so it was nice to keep that part (and it was seriously yummy). We ate our dinner, then watched Elf (our favorite Christmas movie!) and opened our stockings; we each got a chocolate orange in our stockings and some little goodies c: For the most part we just hung out, letting our bodies digest awesome food xD

On Christmas day, I had to head to work first thing in the morning just to feed the animals, and came home for us to open our presents. We opened the gifts we'd received from both our families in the mail and our gifts to each other. It was really nice! We took our time and joked about our gifts and my mom called at 9:30 AM to see what we got and I told her we weren't done yet xD Things I can remember off the top of my head...

From Linds:
-A new beautiful pair of knitted gloves/mittens
-The Wreck This Journal book (which is hilarious - I got her the same thing xD)
-Mudkip and Torchick plushies c: (we have a Pokemon Center in our mall xD You can buy plushies out of vending machines. it is amazing!)
-TWILIGHT SPARKLE TOY (I played with this a lot last night. I am going to do her hair today.)
-A reusable coffee thermos from the Nintendo employee store!
-A wallet which I am moving all my stuff into right now

From my parents:
-Lots of new socks, which is great, as I desperately needed them xD
-Two gorgeous new sweaters
-A very pretty long sleeve shirt
-Rocketdog boots that I can't wait to wear today xD
-New sheets
- 4 Harry Potter DVDs to finally catch us up on our collection

From my inlaws:
-Lots of Vanilla Sugar scented bath stuff from my brother-in-law!
-A lovely new scarf from my other brother-in-law
-A gorgeous vest
-New jeans
-A KU license plate holder for the car and a lovely KU fleece blanket that is so warm and makes me feel like a Jayhawk despite being in Washington State!

And I just realized this is the first Christmas I haven't gotten new pajamas, what the heck xD

We opened our gifts, made breakfast (leftover fried up beef tenderloin and potatoes from the night before, yum!), and spent most of the day hanging out, playing video games and Lindsey's new Trivial Pursuit game I got her! For dinner, we had a roasted ham, cheesy potatoes and green beans, and we stuffed ourselves silly and spent the rest of the night looking at Subeta gifts and being flopped over each other like tired puppies.

It was nice getting to spend the holidays with our cats around, at least - something that has NEVER happened (well, Wyn spent his first two Christmases with me at my parents). Our kitties loved their gifts, our wrapping paper, and bits and pieces of both the beef roast and the ham :P They also love all our new clothes and blankets, which they promptly added their shed to.
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Re: Holidays

Post by Joey »

My Christmas was pretty cool, though a bit lonely. My brother and sister are off in Asia, so it was just me and my parents. We had a big dinner on Christmas eve, and barbeque on Christmas day. I got to skype with my siblings, which was cool.

As for presents, I pretty much only asked for money for my trip to Kyoto in spring, so I didn't get that many gifts. I did get some surprises though, such as the signed original cell artwork from Johnny Bravo, and the Powerpuff Girls complete boxed set. I also got two nice scarves, and the last season of Slayers from my brother.

So a small Christmas for me, but still a very good one. The animation cell is the best thing ever.
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Re: Holidays

Post by Seerow »

My Christmas was so busy this year!
Friday night I worked until 11pm then had to turn right around and be at work on Christmas eve at 6:30am to open for the day. I got out at 2pm, rushed home to take a shower then headed to my grandmas to celebrate. We have always done most of our Christmas celebrations on Christmas Eve and that continued this year. We had our traditional beef tenderloin fondue with french fries on the side then gathered around and opened presents. This year my boyfriend and my sister's were able to make it, though it was the first Christmas without our grandpa which was hard on all of us. I got so much stuff I can't even remember it all right now, but some highlights were a letter opener disguised as a samurai sword, some gorgeous necklaces, and a memory book my mom had made from Shutterfly of our cruise. My favorite is this really unique Japanese tall rectangle table that is hand painted and has carvings attached as well. My grandma got it from a garage sale this summer for $10! I don't have anywhere to put it at the moment but next year when I get my own apartment I will certainly be making room.

On Christmas day we gather for brunch then opened stockings. After that I headed up to join my boyfriends family for there Christmas, about a two and a half hour drive. Wish we could have stayed longer but I had to get back to town since I'm pet sitting this week. All in all it was a very busy weekend!
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Holidays

Post by Officer 1BDI »

My Christmas was kind of weird this year. My mom and sister are in New Zealand right now, so we had to do Christmas without them (first Christmas without my mom around...). My dad suggested we try to put our traditional Christmas dinner together anyway and he volunteered to cook the roast beef. "Cook the roast beef" consisted of him bringing chuck roast to the house, googling cooking instructions at the last minute, and dumping it in a crock pot before disappearing for several hours. To his credit it was actually really good, but it clearly wasn't our traditional main course. XD My sister did this ridiculously rich and addictive dessert made up of chocolate-dipped red velvet cake balls, my brother made mashed potatoes, and I did the Yorkshire pudding and gravy (and it actually came out! Hallelujah).

It was a small gathering: just me, my dad, the two siblings still in town, and my grandmother. My siblings stayed at my mom's house with me on Christmas Eve while my dad went back to his house* for the night, then came back in the morning. We made breakfast and then opened presents. I only got a couple of items: Mario Kart 7 and a Coldplay CD, but I've been told I'm getting a Coldplay concert ticket when they go on sale next month ( :D ), and I also got a substantial amount of money. Then we went to see Mission: Impossible.

...To be honest, my best present came about a week earlier. My best friend and I bought each other tickets to see Wicked and we drove up to LA last weekend to catch the play. The theater was gorgeous and wonderfully designed (even with our nosebleed seats we still had an excellent view of the stage) and the play was performed spectacularly. The only downside was that we had to face LA traffic both ways. :P

* My parents are separated, but still "together" in some sense. Hence the separate houses.
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Re: Holidays

Post by Tom »

I definitely enjoyed my Christmas this year! Last year I had a job as a Christmas temp, which was pretty horrible to be honest - working until late on Christmas Eve, catching the train back late and only managing to spend a couple of days at home with family and friends. :( This year I've endevoured to be poor but happy, haha. xD And it's been lovely! I also invited one of my flatmates to come spend Christmas with us this year, as he wasn't flying back to Hong Kong for the holidays.

I came back on the Monday and then he arrived on Friday evening - did some last minute Christmas shopping, including getting him three years worth of presents in the form of The Wire boxset which I kinda maybe purchased because I really want to watch it through. 8D I watched the first few episodes before term started again, but have been way too busy. It's not typically his kind of thing, but I think he'll enjoy it! (bad friend alert, bad friend alert...)

We spent Christmas Eve around the house - he has exams in January (and he's in his fourth year) whereas I helped my mum with the standard festive baking traditions and lazed around the house, watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music. My brother and his girlfriend came over and we talked, drank, ate - they stayed a while, but had to leave as they were driving to London to spend Christmas with the girlfriend's parents.

For Christmas Day, we headed over to my uncle's (on my mum's side) where my dad had dropped by, so I opened his presents - a nice amount of money and a gift card for Sainsbury's, which is definitely going to be helpful - in London, there's a store less than a minute away which I always hawk out the bargains in. xD My mum also got me some money and some small stocking fillers.

My favourite present suprisingly came from my brother (who had admittedly missed my 21st - not even a Facebook message in sight!) - an xbox 360 with a couple of games (Bioshock 2 and Street Fighter 4) and a controller. It's second hand but I set it up today and everyone seems to be working fine. It was totally unexpected and amazing but I am seriously worried for my academic commitment hahah. I love gaming but haven't had a console for years and only have a few things for my laptop. I've been nagging my brother to give me our joint PS2 back as he has a PS3 and xbox 360 which he plays devoutly - but I definitely welcome this gift! I ordered FFXIII as soon as I got home, which I plan to complete before term starts on the 9th and eeeeeeee have been psyching myself up for, alongside GTA IV, Fallout 3 and a second controller.

Lunch was lovely and was nice to spend time with my relatives who I don't manage to see enough and my friend really enjoyed his day! Today was pretty lazy; only real event was seeing the new Sherlock Holmes (my friend told me it was awful just before watching it - I feel like this clouded my judgement and thus ended up picking through the flaws and being disappointed) with my mum and friend, but still lovely nonetheless. Lots of family things and meeting friends before returning to London on Thursday evening to welcome in the new year. :)

(and what do I give to Neocolours this year? Why, a Christmas essay of course!)

Also, Officer, you make me want to go see Wicked for a third time. XD It's been almost a year and a half - far too long!
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Re: Holidays

Post by Jamie »

So, this is my last Christmas before I graduate university and will be a 'grown up' who has to work all over Christmas and won't be able to see my family. So I took a whole month off form work to fully enjoy this one since it will be my last in a while. I had my last day of work on the 15th December and drove home (about 9hrs) to the family on the 16th. Have been relaxing around the beach (Christmas here means at least 30degree C!) and childhood home. I've been really enjoying myself, eating way too much!

Oh, my roommates and I also threw a Christmas party on the 10th Dec which descended in to a complete mess (in the best way possible)... Here is a picture of my two roommates and I, beware... cross-dressing:
Spoiler: open/close
(that's me on the right, Mrs. Claus)

For Christmas I got:

- 2 Colognes (Black XS & Burberry)
- MONEYMONEYMONEY (I bought myself a Water-Proof Digital Camera and a Tattoo out of it)
- Platinum Edition of Monopoly
- Lots of underwear, which I asked for.
- A LOT of Toblerone, since everyone knows I love it
- A Dove-Men's Skin Care Pack
- A Navman GPS
- Cinema Vouchers
- iTunes Gift Card

I feel like I'm forgetting stuff, but oh well. I'm driving back to Brisbane tomorrow where I'll spend a couple of days and then on Friday I'm flying to THAILAND!!! I'm going to the infamous New Years Eve Full Moon Party near Koh Samui.

So if you never hear from me again, I had my drink spiked and ended up floating in the Pacific Ocean...
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Re: Holidays

Post by Kantark »

Had a crazy Christmas this year. My sister got married two days beforehand which kept eveyone busy preparing for weeks and then three rather busy days, but it went really well. My job also got very busy unexpectedly and I didn't get all the time off I was planning to. So Christmas Eve was spent doing most of my shopping, fortunately it wasn't exceptionally busy and I survived (I *hate* shopping at the best of times!). Christmas Day I wrapped everything :-)

Christmas Day itself was very laid-back - we were all so tired I think I spent a good portion of the day dozing. I received some great presents - some lovely pictures to decorate the house, Tim Minchin DVD, some technical books I'd asked for and lots more. And then we ate and drank and were merry.

I think I'm still recovering, though - I've only just go out of bed and it's 10.30. Ouch.
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Re: Holidays

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

We didn't do anything on Christmas day this year except call some friends and family while watching the Mythbusters marathon. Flying across the USA during the holidays is ridiculously expensive.

We did treat ourselves and a friend to a Mannheim Steamroller concert two weeks ago, and it was FANTASTIC. I only regret not having seen them before. I developed a little fancrush on the drummer, Tom Sharpe (look him up if you like drummy goodness)...not that it's anything unusual for me.

A friend also hooked me up with WoW, which i mentioned in AaToW.

Mom did give me a $70 credit to spend on the Mannheim Steamroller collector's box of Fresh Aire (their non-holiday music series). And my brother and sister-in-law sent us some neat little games.
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Re: Holidays

Post by Fury »

Happy Christmas everybody! I hope you're all having a lovely time! What presents did you get/give?

From my dad:

- A printer/scanner (this is a wonderful surprise and brilliant as I can now scan my artwork in at home instead of sneakily at work!)
- Two sets of Letraset ProMarkers (gorrrgeous pens)
- Coffee for my Dolce Gusto machine
- Novelty socks

From my bro:

- Assassin's Creed Revelations (XBOX 360)

From my dad's girlfriend:

- A red toaster (to match my red themed kitchen haha)
- A red tealight holder
- A nice set of Lemon Sherbert shower gel/body wash
- Pocky

And then money and smellies from my nan and aunt. I have a few bits to open from friends tomorrow but I feel very lucky so far! My dad, my brother and I have spent the whole day lounging around in front of the TV and gorging ourselves on chocolate and biscuits. My brother cooked a really good traditional lunch and I've been interacting with this gorgeous creature:


Hope you're all stuffing your faces full of naughty goodies and enjoying yourselves!
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Re: Holidays

Post by Usul_Princess »

Alice, is that you in the picture? You look adorable with that haircut. :)

I got January's rent paid. *nods in approval* It's only sad that I have double that amount in bills, which makes it only slightly harder to appreciate it.

*Notices she didn't post in 2011...and doesn't remember what gifts they were either.*

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Holidays

Post by Wingsrising »

My big gift was a gift card from Best Buy -- my parents couldn't decide whether to get me a new iPod Touch or a TV. (I've already ordered the new Touch for in-store pick-up tomorrow. :-) I think they think I need a new TV more than I think I need a new TV. I got my current TV for free from my housemate from grad school, who got it for free from a friend from high school, so it's not state-of-the-art, but it still functions.) I also got a Thermapen instant read thermometer (approved of both my Cook's Illustrated and Alton Brown), a couple Good Eats DVDs, a cool necklace I saw in a local art gallery I really liked, and various miscellaneous stuff.

I also got some cool presents on Subeta and I feel bad because I was so wrapped up in work stuff I forgot about getting people virtual presents totally. :-( Next year. Thank you, guys!
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Re: Holidays

Post by Jessi »

This was our second Christmas alone in Seattle - but our first holiday as a married couple, so it's been very, very sweet <3 Last night we had a delicious dinner and opened our stockings (CHOCOLATE ORANGE!) and just relaxed around the house. Woke up this morning lazily and laid in bed with our cats before we finally got out of bed to open our gifts!

Lindsey got me some absolutely wonderful gifts--
- Some new My Little Pony toys (I love being five)
- New socks and pajama pants/shorts!
- The MARU Book! (Maru is my favorite internet cat in the world)
- An adorable cat bank that looks exactly like Cairo. We are going to name her either Bast or Giza. I can't make up my mind. THOUGHTS?
- New copies of my favorite Mercedes Lackey books, which I've read in the bath tub so many times that my old ones are destroyed
- A handmade sleeve for my Starbucks coffee cups so I can stop wasting cardboard!
- A Kindle skin!
- More plushies for our plushie shelf (an ugly doll and a fat little owl!)

From my parents--
- A GORGEOUS green peacoat that I loooove
- A bunch of camping gear
- A beautiful blanket for our bed
- A 'travel journal' for all the road trips that we take - SO cute!
- More pajamas, always a plus (pajamas are one of those things I NEVER have to buy myself in the end!)

Oh, and my dad got me a rug with a moose on it. I collect moose plushies, haha, so I think he thought this rug was just awesome. It is currently in my bathroom. It is pretty epic:


From my inlaws-
- A new purse
- Lots of scarves (I made the mistake of telling my MIL once I love scarves, so she gets me at least 5 every year, haha)
- Even more socks!
- A gorgeous new sweater that I am already wearing

I also got a beautiful new moleskine from my BFF Sara, back in Kansas, TONS of Subeta gifts, and some gorgeous art!
picture of my "IRC" buddies, from left to right - Subeta user Ariel, me, and Subeta user Amanda! This was gifted to Ariel and I by Amanda <3 We are wearing snuggies!

An adorable chibi of Winifred, gifted to be my Subeta user Twocents and drawn by Subeta user Starfruit!

AND I got a gift card from Subeta user May to get more art ;___; SO EXCITED.

We went to the movies today, which I've NEVER done on Christmas before but Lindsey has, and we saw the Hobbit - I thought it was wonderful! Now I'm about to get our ham out of the oven so we can eat and relax the rest of the night <3
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