2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

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2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Ailiel »

Well, it's that time again, where we look back at the year and see how far we've come... or not. And look forward to all the things we will fail to do next year! :D

Here's last years' thread, for reference: Neogoals for 2010

And for fun:

I looked through and it seems Cranberry, zebru, Wingsrising, and Iggy have posted resolutions every year! That's pretty impressive.

We had a bit of an update thread in September right here: Post Your Neogoals! My updates are fairly the same since then.

1. Do something about BD set. EITHER a very nice weapon OR a 100% freezer or something. The current set is pathetic.
My set did quite well in the war, I was able to cap everything. I added a few weapons, nothing too spectacular, but the time I spent training really paid off.

2. Somehow obtain a Draik MP or TP and get that Maraquan Draik for little sis.
Almost there! For real this time, no more spending sprees until this is done.

3. Get another row of trophies. (3 rows currently)
Nope, I have stagnated on trophy collecting.

4. Participate fully in any plots that come along.
Didn't do Altador Cup as I mentioned in September, but I rocked out The Faeries' Ruin.

5. Complete at least one series of Key Quest tokens.
I did not, but I want to now.

6. Avoid NC Mall as much as possible.
Buahahaha New Years Capsules. This just got worse and worse, to the point that my total $ spent in the mall hit over 100 this year. That is just sad. I should block the mall URL on my computer.

7. Somehow through some miracle obtain an UC MSP Poogle. Please please please!
As I mentioned, adopted Branniggan this year from a very sweet Meteor Games staffer. I adore him.

8. Train Braedan to 400 strength & defence.
Paused at 300 for now.

So goals for the next year I think are fairly the same. I would like to get Braedan to 400 boost, complete a set of KQ tokens (Ebay plushies?), participate in plots, paint/morph Noveli, get a freezer. Also I would like to bet in Food Club a little more regularly and buy a Xampher for Aetania (this has been a goal in the past). Not too concerned about trophies but a few more would be nice this year. As far as the NC mall is concerned, I would like to keep it under $50 this year please! Here is my all time total just to hold myself to that: 20,250 (Almost all of this amount was on sale cards so I haven't breached $200 yet, however I am fixing to.)

So what about you?
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Madge »

Let's have a look...

1. Get userlookups finished, with some sort of common theme/style that ties them all together (like my petlookups)
Not done. Didn't even try. Need to try it again next year. This was also on my 2009 goal list.

2. More work on petpages. These pets need "proper" petpages so I know whether they're done or not next year: Snowager, Poogy, Ash, Kiandril, Kate, FSM, Incredulous, Sans, Rusted, Uncky
None of them have proper petpages now. I didn't do anything on those poor guys' petpages!

2.5. More work on the story on Sail's petpage, the layout etc of Zoxot's
I did more work on Sail's story! I should finish the damn thing though, really.

3. Make some progress on getting Sail to 200 STR/DEF & 300HP
Sail's on 162/162/163, which is about 70 total stat points more than she had last year. Bit of a fail.

4. Give poogy a design and a nickname, possibly Moltara-themed
No description or nickname yet, but I gave her a moltara-themed outfit and kind of want to make her into a weaponsmith, I just need to actually do that goal.

5. Read more to Sail. I'll go for the lofty goal of 1,000 books (400 more than she's done now)
The goal was lofty on purpose, but she's read 963 - about a book a day.

6. Maybe try and feed a kad or two.
I didn't.

7. Finish NQI on Evil and make a start on NQII InSaNe
I actually finished NQI on Evil and InSaNe, and am up to Hubrid Nox's castle in NQII InSaNe, so I kicked that goal's butt. I'm nervous about Hubrid because I've heard he's really difficult to defeat, and in my Normal and Evil games I just skipped him.

My score is...
2/7, maybe 2.5 if I want to be really generous with myself. I failed this year.

So, goals for next year:
  • Get userlookups finished, with some sort of common theme/style that ties them all together (like my petlookups)
  • More work on petpages. These pets need "proper" petpages so I know whether they're done or not next year: Snowager, Poogy, Ash, Kiandril, Kate, FSM, Incredulous, Sans, Rusted, Uncky (the others either already have them or are being used for my own nefarious purposes)
  • More work on the story on Sail's petpage, the layout etc of Zoxot's
  • Get Sail to 200 STR/DEF & 200HP (to eventually get to 300 HP)
  • Give poogy a design and a nickname
  • Read more to Sail. She's read 963 now, so I'm going to aim for 1500 - lofty goals are my thing.
  • Maybe try and feed a kad or two.
  • Finish NQII on InSaNe
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Jamie »

1. Buy petpets for my three remaining permies, Kaluhwah, Syderro and Zayyii.
Syderro got a Darigan Drugal, the other two were neglected.

2. Buy a Magical Starry Kau Plushie and any new Kau items that are released.
I have all the new Kau items but I haven't been able to get my mits on a Magical Starry Kau Plushie.

3. Do something with Lupinleeius - either train to 350boosts or finalize what he should be!
I bought him some new weapons and turned him in to a Halloween Gelert permanently.

So I kind of did some of the things I wanted to do. I'm so lazy, I could have easily done all of these but I wasn't very active again this year. New resolutions:

1. Definitely get petpets for Kaluhwah and Syderro.

2. Keep my Kau Gallery up to date - that elusive Magical Starry Kau Plushie

That's really all I care about at the moment.

[edit] Kaluhwah says 'Wow! I am very happy with my new Woolypapith.'

This year is off to a great start for one that hasn't even started yet xD
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Wingsrising »

Well, last year my goals were:

Goals for next year:
None really. I've not done much with Neopets except stocks and Food Club when the odds are too good to resist. :shrug:

Well, I managed that! :-) Except that I've basically stopped doing stocks and FC, too. I've collected Advent prizes and did a few of the easy steps in the plot, but basically I'm done with Neopets for the moment. :shrug:
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by hebdenhippy »

Lets look at my last years goals,

1. Get a well named UC Baby Kougra (the last UC I want!)
Got one! *Pokes Joahir*
2. Get a Maraquan Korbat
Still undecided if I want one
3. Make Kesro into a Spotted Lupe
Nope, I pounded Kesro
4. Make Clot into a Chocolate Draik (if they're released)
Pounded Clot too
5. Get up to at least 20 Art Gallery wins
6. Upgrade my Random Contest Trophy to gold
Nope, I did win the Random Contest again, but it was silver again
7. Finish designs for all pets
8. Finish the little images for my lookup for all pets

I'm pretty pleased with that, the most important one was the UC Baby Kougra, so I'm pleased to say I have one! My goals for 2011 are,

Get at least 2 more UC pets

Get up to 30 Art Gallery wins

Work on designs for pets
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Well, i got the Aboogala to attach - FINALLY. It never did work on Seaquus, but i sent the buggers to my side#2 and one DID attach.
Uroboross did change into something interesting and got adopted out.
AND i did get my computer back in its rightful glory shortly after last year's post, and it's still running great.


I've decided that Neightmare (also mentioned last year) would be better off as a Uni. The Peophin looks a little nicer in some ways, but the Uni fits her theme better. I GUMPed her, and it's a waiting game for the Magma Pool again.

I don't have any specific pressing goals. I do have two lab-adopt pets, hoping to get interesting zaps on them.

I'm looking forward to more Maractite pets, preferably a Peophin. I have a Peophin and the PB ready if it happens. The pet will eventually need a petpet, but i'll worry about that when/if i get the pet painted.

It would be nice to afford some fancy goals, might try for Booktastic as it might be affordable now. Better BD stuff is still way off. I'm not going to worry about game trophies - get mine mostly by sheer luck. I might try Kadoatie feeding - silver would probably make me happiest for the effort (and i like silver), though that seems like more madness and money than it's worth.

Whatever games/plots/etc. come up, i'm going to at least try to get somewhere with each of them. I'd rather have a piddly trophy than nothing at all.

I've given up on expecting myself to do anything artsy or custom-HTML/CSS for my pets. Those will come IF the inspiration hits.
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Faun »

Well mine last year were

Get a lab map.

Almost! I have about 750K right now. :3

Draw pictures of all my pets.

Actually, I started this two days ago. So far I've done Miyuzakii and Pipkin. :) I'll do it next year as well.

and, Get to 200 avatars.

I didn't even try this one. I only have 128. :P

That's pretty much it.
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Usul_Princess »

Mine from 2010:

-Get one more gaming trophy
Yes, but I don't remember which one it was. I was so focused on getting the Ice Cream Factory avatar that I didn't celebrate whatever trophy I added to my collection.

-upgrade my Cellblock trophy to gold
No. I tried *very* hard, and failed. I actually might casually try again next year.

-have one of my UC pets win the customization spotlight....because....it would be funny to take it away from a converted pet.
Nope. UC pets are very few and far between those trophies, but I re-entered Aneix, Caleroth, Coralane, and Orikita pretty often. Rendivir did win a PPL trophy this year for his Pandaphant.

I have a very short 2011 list:

Give a big chunk of my NP and NC mall net worth away.

I completed half of this already! I gave 1.8 million away to one NC'er, and she was pretty happy about it. Now I just need TNT to have mercy on me and sell the boxes in the mall so I won't have to buy 10 boxes that cost me $50.00.

Or, of course they'll let us give stuff away like NP items.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Xelio »

I was the last one to make goals last year. Wonder if I'll be the end this year or someone else will prevent my nasty, thread killing ways.

Goal 1 - Get all my pets settled onto which account they're supposed to be on
Made that goal easily with all the multiple transfers given to veteran accounts, but now I shift my pets around like mad all the time for kicks.
Goal 2 - Hatch a pirate draik egg, turn him male if need be, and paint him ghost
Sort of yes and no. I couldn't find a free name I liked, so I morphed my fire eyrie Bru into a yellow draik and painted him ghost. Would still like the pirate clothes, though. It's tempting to hatch another draik as a pirate... though that's more saving than I think myself capable of again.
Goal 3 - Get the highest level bank account, which will be accomplished on the way to Goal 2
Goal 4 - Double my site trophies (Currently have 2)
Done, thanks to Neoquest I and II
Goal 5 - Get the one NC mall item I covet, the Blooming Garden
Done, thanks mostly to a few awesome friends who no longer play
Goal 6 - Finish lookups for all my pets
I did two or three this year. That's not... so bad. Still have several to go.
Goal 7 - Finish an About Me petpage that lists my pets and other rather meaningless stuff I want to share
Didn't even start it

So mixed bag of success for last year's goals. This year will be a rehash of some and addition of new ones.

2011 Goals
Goal 1 - Get Pirate Draik clothes: Paint Bru pirate or hatch another draik as a pirate
Goal 2 - Finish lookups for all my pets
Goal 3 - Finish an About Me petpage that lists my pets and other rather meaningless stuff I want to share
Goal 4 - Be very active with Food Club and Stock Market
Goal 5 - Get in the Art Gallery
Goal 6 - Turn Paraktah into a legitimate Battledome pet with training and weapons to back him up
Goal 7 - Lab/trade labbed pets to get the paintbrush clothing sets I want
Halloween/desert lupe
Halloween bori
Island/desert/royalboy kougra
Island cybunny
Virtually all aisha, if I get the name I want from the purge
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Kantark »

::revives thread after Xelio's vicious assault::

Last year's:

Get portfolio up to a million stocks. - Should be on course to achieve this around April if I keep on buying daily and don't sell too many in the meantime.

Actually achieved this in July, currently I've still got 1,058,000 shares because they've been generally quite pants all year with a couple of nice exceptions.

Actively go after more trophies. - including Neopian Times if possible, but I expect I'll run up against the 'lack of any discernible talent' problem

The only trophy I got this year was the one I thought I'd be least likely to get, despite lack of any discernible talent.

Customise pet & user lookups. - 6 years and I still haven't done this, so I don't hold out much hope

Still nada. I'm on the lookout for any Userlookup or Pet lookup code if anyone could help by recommending any I would appreciate it.

Zap 1N4148 into a Robot Kyrii. - This one's out of my hands - Three and a half years and counting!

No joy here either, though the 4+ years of labbing did prove very useful in the Battledome during the plot. Yesterday I bought a bucketload of Green Kyrii MPs as they've sunk to around 20k (but Red is unbuyable... go figure!)

This year's:

Customise pet & user lookups. See above!

Zap 1N4148 into a Robot Kyrii. Ditto.

Get bank balance up a bit. I need to look at selling SDB cruft, sadly even the oldest freebie items don't seem to have become the money-spinners I'd hoped they would.

Get another side account and pet with a nice name in the Purge. But all the accounts that I'm monitoring and I expected to be purged have so far failed to do so.

Turn Igniferous Magma. Dream Pet Giveaway failed - so I'm going to have to do it the awkward way ;-) EDIT: Thanksfor the offer Cranberry - I'll be in touch! :-D

Submit more comics to the NT. I've got a couple of ideas floating around.
Last edited by Kantark on 03 Jan 2011 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Cranberry »

Kantark wrote: Turn Igniferous Magma. Dream Pet Giveaway failed - so I'm going to have to do it the awkward way ;-)
Want to transfer him to my side account and I'll do it for you? I know my 10-minute daily window (well, kind of... I found this scrap of paper that says "7:31am", but I wasn't smart enough to write down if that was Neo time or my own. ;)). We'd have to trade pets/trade back because my side account has four pets on it. Apparently you can successfully transfer Magma pets that way, though; it's just pounding that turns them red. Let me know.

As for my goals, I'll just quote my post from the September thread:
My goals from the New Year's thread:

1. Adopt my friend's old lab pet on a side; turn him into a Darigan Chomby. I can't do this until my side is old enough... another three months.
2. Pick a species and color for my namesake labpet, cran_b, also on a side. Turn her into that!
3. Win the gallery spotlight... which means actually learning how to code a layout. And buying all the items I still need.
4. Train Alaskawolf to 700 str and def. Not that it looks like we'll ever get a war again, but you know... I've been around long enough; I feel like I should make him as strong as possible.

I've done the first two! Uekte is my darigan chomby. I turned cran_b into a spotted lupe. Haven't made any progress on the others, so I guess those can stand as my current goals.
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by invaderhorizongreen »

lets see this year I
1. completed my house and 2. got my pets painted the way i wanted. 3. got my gardens finished 4. cleaned out the deposit box 5. got over 13 mill in points FINALLY

now the goals for next year 1. pet clothes i want all of them on my list *pokes jelly list* 2. paint my uni royal for clothes then starry again 3. finish my gallery I need TWO THINGS a gold mote stamp and the air mote TCG (none for sale yet) 4. get a SOS and the g shield at some point 5. look up for all pets (dragging feet again) 6. work on my user look up (thought of but not executed yet)
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by zebru »

My goals for 2010 were:

- get Ocy to 700 strength and 550 defence via kitchen quests
Done! :mrgreen: I also moved Ocy from 550 to 700 defence using armored neggs (which was mostly
me being impatient - if I left it to kitchen quests he'd have gotten there anyways). Strength and defence officially done with.

- zap a petpet into a turmac
I got an ice turmac on Cos which I like a lot. I still want the unpainted one though!

- enter a random contest
Nope. Too lazy again.

- upgrade my Better Than You!! trophy to gold
Yes! And again it was thanks to Faerie Cloud Racers just as it was on my old frozen main.

- get Freaked Korbat or Petpetsitter game avatar
No. I didn't try very hard with Freaked Korbat, but I just can't do it with Petpetsitter. Vile game.

- stay away from NC mall capsules
Not nearly as much as I should have =( But I'm so moving that goal to 2011 and sticking to it! *firm nod*

- draw and submit a comic to TNT
No. I think I've been listing that as a goal for the last 3 years. Maybe 2011. is the year when I get some inspiration
and finally do it.

My goals for 2011:
Goals for 2010:
- get Ocy to 2150 HP (currently at 1577)
- zap a petpet into a turmac (unpainted)
- create a certain type of pet name I've been stalking for years
- enter a random contest
- stay away from NC mall capsules and generally spend less there
- draw and submit a comic to TNT
- get Neopian Battlefield Legends trophy
- fix my look up coding so the navigation on the side isn't beneath the user look up stats
Last edited by zebru on 07 Jan 2011 12:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Alecko »

- Buy stuff for gallery
- Make some new pets? Either a new account (I like the idea of an Eyrie account) or maybe open up a space on my main and do some zapping for clothes/fancy colours.
I logged in for the first time in nearly a year a few weeks ago, so I probably didn't log in again after posting in last years thread. But I am kind-of back in it now, so my main goals right now are:

- Cut down from three acounts to just one again.
- Get a Draik. (I'd like a Mutant one, but at the same time, cross-painting could be fun, so I'm not sure yet.)
- Buy a Quilin
- With all my leftover NP, start a Favourite Petpets gallery
- Enter at least one sort of competition.
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Re: 2011 Annual New Year's Neogoals

Post by Kamil »

Eek, I almost forgot to do this.

One thing the plot pointed out is that I disparately need a decent healer and a 100% freezer. I made all the caps nonetheless, but it took a lot longer than necessary. So that's first.

I'd love to have more trophies and avatars, and I'd especially love to have the Kad avatar and gold trophy. But I am so, so bad at it that I'm pretty sure I'll never make any progress. Although one of these days I will break down and go buy them one of their unbuyable requests and get the basic trophy part, at least, over with.

But I really, really want that avatar. *kicks at it*

Speaking of avatars I'd like to kick: Kelp and WoK are on my last nerve right now. -.- I'd like to get lucky and nab Better than You one of these days, but that will involve the game being one of the two or three site games I can actually play well. Come on, D-O-MIII. ^^

So far as pet goals go, I have a couple.
Spoiler: open/close

I have the Hissi, and the MI clothing already. For that matter, I have the desert clothes, just on a different account. I'm thinking of trying to trade Morgannah off for a pirate Hissi. I'm pretty sure her stats would net me at least a badly named one. I could then zap it until it changed species and toss it into the pound. If I were lucky, it'd do me a favor and change desert, if not, eh, no biggie.

The NC parts of this won't be too difficult either. I have most of it already, and I can easily trade for the bits I'm missing.
I'm stalking a name to use on this pet, but if I miss the name, I have backups that will work almost as well:
Spoiler: open/close

The pet isn't too horribly expensive to make, and again I have most of the clothing already -- except those damn icicles. And wanting a pair for this pet means I need two sets, because I really want them for my main account pets. x.x So that part makes me want to cry, but what are goals for, after all?
Having said that, I too would like to cut down on my NC Mall addiction, but it never fails that letting something go just means I end up spending more trading for it, somewhere down the line. So I foresee this bit being tricky to balance out.

Yay goals! =D
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