Petpet Match for a Striped Aisha

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Petpet Match for a Striped Aisha

Post by TraditionsRule »

The personality:
Olivia loves the finer things in life, and will do pretty much anything to get them. Lie, cheat, steal- if you can think of it, she's probably tried it or has a good reason not to try it. She looks out for herself first and foremost, letting other neopets take the blame for her actions. It's not her fault that she convinced that elderly man to give her his life savings- he should have known better! She lives primarily in Roo Island and Neopia Central.


A good match:
I'm torn. It could either be something luxurious/exotic, or something sneaky that looks innocent.
Either way, it needs to be independent enough to handle her lack of attention/affection unless she needs it for a con. Some kind of misguided loyalty probably needs to be there, or a love of conning people/enjoying pleasent things.

I'm thinking something either blue (only if it's a color match), yellow (that looks like gold), or purple (purple is a royal color). But I'm really open to anything. I've been looking through petpet colors but nothing has jumped out at me.

So far, all I've noticed was a Yellow Tapira, but I'm pretty iffy.

Any help is appreciated!
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Re: Petpet Match for a Striped Aisha

Post by Rakumel »

Well, let's see...I'll give it a shot. If you like any of these, say so and I'll post the name.

Image Not a great color match, but has a sneaky look to 'im.
Image Image Kind of looks like treasure.

ImageImage ImageImageImageImageImageImage

A few color and shape matches.
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Re: Petpet Match for a Striped Aisha

Post by TraditionsRule »

Oooh I really like that Gold Mauket. I think I'm gonna go with that, thanks!
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Re: Petpet Match for a Striped Aisha

Post by Jazzy »

Just as a slightly different option, a reasonable colour match and good for a "con" type petpet, a Diddler:
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