New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Seerow »

I ended up with just under 145k points, which was enough for me to get everything I wanted. I bought the Faerie Paint Brush and the Destruction background straight away last night then waited until today to see where some of the prices settled. Bought most of the lower tier items with nps then snagged the rest of the stuff I needed. Opted to get the Hanso Charm instead of the sword, hope I don't end up regretting that later.

And yes Fury, the theme is gorgeous.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by thelonetiel »

I just remembered why I'm a bit disappointed in the plot prizes. I was really hoping they'd give us a "Free Fountain Faerie Quest Ticket" to use the rainbow fountain. I think that might've been awesome (probably because I've never been given a quest by her), though I am glad for the deflation of at least one paintbrush.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Madge »

Man, a free FFQ would have been sweet and would have had less of an impact on PB prices. Though the deflation is kind of hilarious to watch :)

Has any of the BD equip been nerfed yet? Will I hear it here first?
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Alicorn »

I'm so happy the epilogue and prize shop are finally out. So happy to have my pets back where they belong.
The epilogue was cute though I'm bummed not to hear more on Xandra. Wonder if they'll have her make a comeback sometime. I do hope so, I liked her. I also feel that King Altador searching for the lost statue of the Darkest Faerie could be and opening for another plot. Atleast that was my first thought when I read that part.
I earned 101,120 points. I was so shocked! I've never earned that much in a plot before. Though I also never fought in a plot before like I did this one. So I'm quiet proud of myself. They have some nice items in the prize shop and some of the descriptions made me giggle.
I have my eye on a few of the prizes but I'm going to sit on the points for a bit before I go buying anything. I'm so tempted to get the Faerie pb but there is only one faerie pet I like so I don't know. I definitely want the faerielands destruction background, such pretty art.
I also love the theme. I loved the art from the plot so I'm happy to be able to stare at it all the time. And I also like the trophy I got. I think it's pretty. ^-^;
In all, I really enjoyed this plot and hope they keep this up with future plots. Also, a free FFQ ticket would of been awesome.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by mellaka »

Cranberry wrote:The RotL isn't any less useful, just cheaper. ;) It's still an awesome weapon, and fairly rare.
Heh, I guess I should've said I'm sad to see the value of my item drop so significantly. I would have probably never sold it anyway; I even still have the Wand of Reality I won from NQ2 Insane.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

I've enjoyed the whole plot, but I'm not happy with the epilogue. There doesn't seem to have been even a moment of "hmmm, y'know, maybe Xandra wasn't entirely talking through her hat" on any of the Faeries' part. They're talking about getting Faerieland back into the sky (instead of staying on the ground to work alongside the pets there), and there's no indication that they've understood the lesson that they need to stop treating Neopets as inferior beings just because of the magical power gap, even though it was a Neopet who saved all their lives. That disappoints me.

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I've bought one of the baby wraiths even though my pets all have Petpets. I shall keep him and love him myself ^_^
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Faun »

I got 10,000 points, which I'm pretty happy about because I only did one step. I have no idea what I'm going to get.
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