Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

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Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by dauntedair »

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Wow, woodland is very nice. Definitely based off that what's-it's-name tree. The eyes are a very nice shade of brown, and I'd definitely get one if I had enough or an FFQ to paint one. I love how the mane isn't a part of the wood, as it usually is. Strawberry is fairly nice, the leafy mane is unsurprising but pleasant. Tonus often get not-so-nice pet colors, so they sure did a surprisingly good job. I'm pleased.
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by prinveli »

Woodland isn't like previous woodlands,but it's stil great

Strawberry is just strawberry

(Tonu's and Kacheek's had the same new colours)
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by TCStarwind »

It's nice to see that they're starting to vary up woodland. Trees can be so diverse, yet before this, all the pets have looked exactly the same.
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by Haken »

Oh the woodland is really nice :)
I like how they chose a different tree/wood instead of their previous ones. Gives more variety and interest to the colour :)

Strawberry is nice too. I like how they made the mane leafy instead of a normal green mane :)
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by Kantark »

Heh, I called Woodland and the leaf-wreath-mane. Though I never would've guessed we'd get two leaf-wreath-manes!

Woodland: nifty concept, using the birch colouring is a good call (even the leaves are birch leaves. Kudos!), it really makes it stand out from the other Woodland pets. The unusually thick outline around everything bar the mane and tail spoils it a bit - a shame, as otherwise it's excellent.

Strawberry doesn't have the same level of detail. Good idea using the leaves as the mane (the leaves don't match up to the smaller, prettier ones on Woodland, but once you take the different scale into account it's ok). Again the thick outline is offputting, but at least it's consistent. I'm also not keen on the lighter shade of green used on the body spots and toes.
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by AngharadTy »

It really does seem weird that they used such a thick line for woodland's body and such thin green lines for the leaves. I'm also not on board with brown sclera. That's just creepy. Overall it's quite nice (love the birch-ness), but those things make it much more meh.
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by Elucifer »

I like the Woodland cause it's finally breaking the mold with the colour. Birch trees are my favorite, so I like this. ^^
Strawberry is glaring.
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by icicledragon4 »

I really like the woodland tonu. The skin looks so much like the bark of a real tree. The texture and coloration, it's amazing. Even though the eyes are simple, theirs something very intriguing about them.
I wonder if TNT intended for both colors to be plants when they decided what colors to make for Tonu day, or if they realized that after the fact.
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by EofS »

Oooh, these are both very nice indeed. Strawberry, I like the use of a brighter green - makes it a less Christmassy colourscheme - and I think the use of the leafy mane/tail is very effective. Not looking entirely like a full on leaf, still a hint of hair to it. Very well done.

And then woodland... just wow. Finally some variety, and so well observed. The bark is so recognisable as a silver birch, even the leaves are accurate. The way they are attached to twigs, which hang down from its crown. And the curl of bark stripping away from the leg is just inspired. At first I was confused as to what it was, then I realised it's standing in for their knee swirl and was that thin bark peeling away. (I loved pulling that off as a kid.)

It's not perfect by any means - having thick lines on everything bar the main and tail looks decidedly odd. And if I had to connect any pet with a silver birch - the stocky Tonu is not the one I would pick. Tonus are more an oak tree. But on the other hand, to make a mane of leaves the birch was a natural choice due to the cascades of twigs. Makes me excited for a woodland yurble. Maybe a willow would be good for another heavily bemaned species.
AngharadTy wrote:I'm also not on board with brown sclera. That's just creepy.
I was going to suggest they should be the salmon-pink you see when you peel away the bark. But a) that would be seriously creepy in a peeled eyeballs kinda way. And 2) it would look like a rhino with conjunctivitis who has just charged through a hedge.

Other than those two minor points, I think I was onto a good idea there.

Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by Elucifer »

Wow Eofs, you know tons about trees! Amazing! =D
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by Kantark »

EofS wrote:And the curl of bark stripping away from the leg is just inspired. At first I was confused as to what it was, then I realised it's standing in for their knee swirl and was that thin bark peeling away.
I missed that on first lookings, and had to stare at it a bit to work out what you meant, but now I see it you're right -that's excellent. Some real thought and originality has gone into this Tonu, I'm impressed :-)
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by invaderhorizongreen »

well both of them are nice looking but not enough to make me want to get this pet . On the other hand i looked at the outfit with the spiky hair and thought it is the goblin king off labyrinth during the masquerade scene.
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by Kantark »

Oh, I was going to comment about that outfit but it totally slipped my mind - I thought it looked like Rod Stewart! But it could be David Bowie in Labyrinth too.
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by EofS »

Elucifer wrote:Wow Eofs, you know tons about trees! Amazing! =D
Eh, not really. But I did grow up in a house with a lot of silver birches. I think there were 8 when we moved in, though over the years we had to remove a lot of them due to illness or the risk of structural damage. But enough remain that the seeds are still endemic around the house for a large portion of the year. You just get used to finding the little buggers everywhere and anywhere. (The bigger problem is that my poor mum has her hayfever triggered by tree pollen, with birches being the worst trigger. Not fun!)
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Re: Woodland & Stawberry Tonus

Post by Rah »

Oh, that outfit is definitely based on Jareth from Labyrinth - the comment below it 'If you play Kiss the Mortog one more time, I'll turn you into a prince!' is referenced from when Jareth tells Hoggle that if Sarah kisses him, he'll turn him into the prince...of the land of stench!

I don't really see my lovely Jareth as a tonu, though :/ He's more of a kyrii.
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