Nintendo 3DS

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Nintendo 3DS

Post by Elucifer »

Hey guys! Thought I'd bring up talk of the Nintendo 3DS!

It's out in Japan now.
It comes out to NA this month, the 27th of March. It'll cost around $250.
Europe will get it 2 days before the NA release, so March 25th.

Some launch titles include Nintendogs + Cats and a new Professor Layton game.

What do you guys think of this next gen portable, based off of Wiki's entry?
Will the 3D catch on? Any hesitation in purchasing right away?

I originally wasn't going to purchase, since $250 is a hefty price. BUT, after seeing Nintendogs + Cats, I have to have the portable. The dogs look so much better, and I really want to raise new champion dogs. I'm a virtual pet sucker, I know. :P

There's also a future Mario Kart game and other fun games to come along. So why not? It'll be my birthday soon too, so it'll give me a reason to care about turning 19. xD
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Jazzy »

I went along to a 3ds preview event, where I got to try out most of the launch games and demos of some non-launch ones, so here are my opinions:

I thought Nintendogs looked awful in 3d! The fur was very, very strange and looked like the pets had been electrocuted. It was fine once I turned 3d off but that sort of defeats the point of the 3ds :P Zelda was amazing, though, and Super Monkey Ball and Raving Rabbids were good fun. There's an utterly dire submarine game as well, and a fairly dull driving game (decent fun but controls too complicated for what it is). And the augmented reality game was a very cool proof-of-concept.

I was disappointed in how blocky the graphics are, and the 3d is reasonable but very twitchy - you do have to angle the console just right, which I found very awkward playing the driving game cos I kept trying to tilt the console to steer (I've got used to Need for Speed on my ipod's accelerometer).

So, my verdict was I might buy one when prices come down, but not til then. It'll cost the equivalent of $320 here from amazon ($375 on the high street) and it isn't worth that to me.

Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Elucifer »

Good insight. I don't know if they've improved on it since the preview event (was it E3 2010 that you went to?), but we'll see.
I honestly don't care about 3D and might turn it off if it really looks that bad for Nintendogs. But I'm just a gamer who doesn't mind gimmicks otherwise. If that makes sense? xD;;
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Jazzy »

It was a smaller thing, just under three weeks ago - they might well have improved upon Nintendogs, Rabbids and Super Monkey Ball cos those were only demos, but I think the Zelda, submarine game, Kid Icarus (very glitchy 3d, looked like the bg was in front of the characters) and Ridge Racer will be staying fairly much as I saw them.

Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Elucifer »

Huh, weird. Nintendo's usually been pretty good about fixing issues before releasing. I forgot about Kid Icarus' new game.

What's nice though is at least we can turn off the 3D. I might end up doing that if it doesn't look right. I'm also curious to see what games they release on the Virtual Console for it. I'd guess, if anything, Golden Sun would be on the list.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Faun »

I would love to get one, but it's too expensive for me. It's inevitable that they will release a lite version/more colours or something else so I might get one then.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Joey »

I'm curious about it, and would like to see a demo to try out this 3D for myself. I can't actually see 3D movies through the glasses, so I want to know if Nintendo has done it better. If nothing else I can turn it off when good games come out for it.

Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Elucifer »

I hope Gamestop will have a demo one up for display, just so that we can play around with it a bit. I'm certain they'd do that to get people to buy. I mean, 3D is the current fad right now, so to have a console with this feature w/o needing glasses is pretty big.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I'd be tempted if it weren't so expensive. I can't justify it. I already have two DS units. I'll certainly be oogling and test-playing it, though.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by TCStarwind »

Honestly, I hope it dies out. I don't want to game in 3D (I never understood this fad to begin with, I can barely see the effects myself). And I don't want to shell out $250 for a handheld when I could get a PS3 for $50 more. You can do more things with that, anyway. The price is totally redonk. I also just got my new DSlite for Christmas, so I wouldn't be upgrading anytime soon.

If anything, I'm going to hope the price drops (a lot) before a must-have pokemon game comes out, otherwise I may just have to quit Nintendo for good. Gaming is so not a poor person hobby.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Alicorn »

I don't know. It sounds pretty cool but I don't really need it. I'm happy with my DSlite. I'd probably only get it if the price went down (250, really, that's what I paid for my Wii. o.O) or if the next Pokemon game comes out and you have to have the 3DS. Other then that I'll not worry about it. I'm not really into the whole 3D hype.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Huggles »

There's no hot pink one slated for the US release. If there was, I might consider buying one simply to replace my pastel pink ds lite. Then again, I'm of half a mind to sell the entire kit. I'm planning on buying a netbook and it's getting to the point where the little ratty spinning the wheel in my brain has passed out. I have a tower pc. Then a netbook would be a smaller version of that. Then a 3ds would be a smaller version of the smaller version of my pc. Then if I got an iphone, it would be an even smaller version of the smaller version of the smaller version of my pc. I think the rat in my brain might spontaneously combust trying to figure out where it'd fit in a current gen console.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I'm fortunate that the only 3DS game I desperately want to own doesn't even have a release date yet (never mind confirmation that it's coming to the USA), so I have some time to save up for the damn thing. I'm definitely intrigued by it, though. I love my DS Lite, but I wouldn't mind owning this as well eventually, especially with all the upgrades (and also especially as a pokemon player who needs to trade over team members between games :P ). I just hope the 3D doesn't strain my eyes too much (and I know you can just turn it off, but what's the fun in that?).
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by hebdenhippy »

I got my 3DS last night and I'm liking it so far. The only game I got was Nitendogs since I didn't really like any of the launch games. I think the dogs look really good actually, their fur looks really fluffy. I got a Pomeranian called Noodles, she's pretty cute!

I like that there's a home button on the DS now, that's useful, and I also like that if you press power off button you get a screen first and it doesn't just turn the power off. I have accidently turned the power off during many games so this is very useful!

I had only seen a blue 3DS before but I bought a black one. I like it it looks pretty good but I wish it was blacker. It's more of a grey/silver in some parts and I think it would look better if it was all black.

I do find myself turning the 3D off now and again. Unless I'm sitting perfectly still and holding it in just the right place it just looks blurry and you get a double image. I have to hold it further away from my face than I normally would. My eyesight is bad so I would always hold my DS very close to my face but I can't do that with the 3D on, so I just have to hold it further away and squint (or wear my glasses, but I hate wearing glasses!)

I'm looking forward to some good games being released for this. I think the graphics are good, better than I expected, and I think a Mario or Zelda game could be really good. I wish they had released Okamiden for the 3DS, it came out last week and it looks really nice on the DS but I think it would have looked amazing on the 3DS.
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Re: Nintendo 3DS

Post by Cranberry »

My brother got one (the blue one) today. I am SO entertained by Face Raiders. I put Perez Hilton, Justin Bieber and Prime Minister Stephen Harper in there as the enemies and shot tennis balls at them as they flew around my kitchen. It was highly satisfying. The 3D looks pretty good, and I'm normally not into 3D at all. I think it's the stupid glasses I hate more than anything, and this doesn't require them. It didn't hurt my eyes.
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