A review of every mutant ever on my website

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Re: A review of every mutant ever on my website

Post by Kantark »

Congratulations! If it's an acceptance (rather than held over) then it should go in.
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Re: A review of every mutant ever on my website

Post by mellaka »


I missed this thread when it was first posted, so just got around to reading through the site now. I really enjoyed it, since I've owned many mutant pets over the years, and like a lot that I haven't owned too. It was really cool to see the pre-conversion versions of many of the pets again, along with the really old versions that either I don't remember or that were before my time. It also made me want a Mutant Kau again.

I still have a UC Mutant Usul; I'm glad they left it unconverted as I don't like the new version. WHY they didn't do that with the Draik too, I'll never understand.
AngharadTy wrote: I have a mutant draik, mostly because it looks zombified, and I was sooooooo crushed by customization on his count. It was one of the worst changes, to me. It's just a lot of little things--more cartoony overall--and while conceptually the t-rex arms might be nice, I personally don't care for it on this pet.
I agree with that, though I never thought about the arms in particular. I just think the Draik really lost a lot of its original personality when it was converted, and the more cartoony version still makes me cringe sometimes. I remember when the old one was first released, I thought it was the best pet on the site, and it really got my attention. And all I could do was play NQII over and over until I could afford to get a Draik Transmog for myself (all of 1.2 mil at the time). I still have a Mutant Draik as my main pet, my battle pet, and ugh losing all those poses too just bothers me. As much as I liked my old Mutant Draik, it still bugs me that I didn't paint him Darigan before conversion happened.
For me: old Mutant Draik > UC Darigan Draik > new Mutant Draik

Anyway, great site. Congrats again.
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Re: A review of every mutant ever on my website

Post by Scythemantis »

When compared side by side I find the newer mutant draik to be so subtly different that it's hard to pin down. The wings kinda suck looking so much shorter, and I guess the really glaring difference is that the newfanangled one is based on the old one's happy pose, rather than it's more serious circle pose. That little upturned mouth corner makes a big difference in scariness.

http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.pht ... &issue=489

EDIT: Article's up! And I was awarded a grey meepit for it!
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Re: A review of every mutant ever on my website

Post by Darigan »

Good job getting published, Scythemantis. Welcome to the club!
I was afraid you could have problems since the original work criticized vairious aspects of Neopets, but you did a nice job toning it down.
Actually you have enough material for a Part 2, I would like to see that.
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