Altador Cup 2011

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Altador Cup 2011

Post by Kari »

Team signups are open, and will be for a week! What team are you joining/have you joined? I'm on Shenkuu again, I've been with them ever since they started playing. Used to play Meridell but meh. You also get a free item for the different amounts of years that you've played.

There's a BIG change to Yooyuball this year, and people aren't happy of course. Instead of mouse control, you use the arrow keys to move and the spacebar to shoot. You can't see the entire field at once, and there's items you can pick up to speed up or increase goal size or do other things. You also can't pick who to control, it's automatic based on where the ball is at the time. Rather tough to get used to after 5 years of the same game :(
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Kantark »

I've just signed up for Shenkuu (again). Haven't seen the new Yooyuball game yet, I'll give it a go.

I notice Haunted Woods have taken on a Zombie player nicknamed 'Brains' (Weaknesses: intelligence)

EDIT: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Not good at all on my computer, sluggish doesn't even begin to describe it. The controls are unresponsive, even holding down an arrow key causes the player nearest the ball to shuffle along awkwardly and very, very slowly. Time is distorted (that 'three minute' game took well over six). Fortunately the practice team appear to be as inept as I was. In its current form, and on this machine, it is completely unplayable. What a shame :-(
Last edited by Kantark on 25 May 2011 11:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Fury »

Woo, go Haunted Woods!

Yeah, Yooyuball is now going to take a lot of getting used to... On a positive note though, I love the frame wearables!
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Gumdrops »

Those frames are gorgeous. I signed up with Meridell. I'll probably be focusing mostly on the side games. I know they're not as important as YYB, but the changes to the main game are throwing me off.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Madge »

They changed the game? I know it was due for an update but the descriptions do not sound very promising o___O
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by mellaka »

Yeah, I'm having a lot of trouble with the game. You can score pretty easily IF you can keep the other team from stealing the ball by just walking straight toward the goal, powering up and shooting straight at the goal. If you miss, keep stealing the ball off the goalkeeper and shooting quickly until it goes in.

I miss the old version though.

Oh and this is my 6th year with DC.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by EofS »

Wow. That is a spectacularly ill thought out game. Wow. You're chasing the ball back across the screen when suddenly you're controlling a different player and you're now running away from the ball. Just to name one, particularly egregious fault.

I joined Lost Desert, loyal as ever. Even though I fear they'll suffer the usual slip in quality after winning thanks to people piling on hoping to catch some of the glory.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Foghawk »


I actually supported LD every year... except last year, when I didn't play at all. Then I felt bad. So I made this!
(Conflation of real-world and fictional sports teams shamelessly stolen from E. Even though it makes way less sense to be talking about baseball.)

I haven't tried the new game yet, but I think I should be able to run it okay... then again, that may not mean it'll be playable.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Xelio »

Joined LD again and am loving Cemora's shiny new LD frame. After happily collecting my frame went to the AC boards and saw the madness. The solid mass of team boards were buried under a sea of complaint boards and those complaining about the complainers. With trepidation I read couple boards and tested the new YYB out. My eagerness for this cup has rather plummeted. It wasn't broke. It didn't need to be "fixed." An art update, sure, but this zooming from one side of the field to another and not being able to control players is terrible, among other short comings. If we have the mini-goals like last year (i.e. scoring x number of times with each player) we're totally screwed with not being able to select our players at will.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by zebru »

Still haven't decided which team I'll pick. I like to shake it up each year. Considering Faerieland just for the kicks. Or maybe Tyrannia. Also MI and Kreludor. Hmmm... will sit on it some more.

I was WTF over new yooyuball at first but it's playable once you start pressing shift a lot as you play to keep other team members off your back so they are not constantly switching. One thing I really don't like is that timer turns off during graphics time so each game lasts for what feels like forever. It would also be nice to have an option (a key to hit) to switch to your goalie since game rarely does this right.

It's not the best coded game in the world, that's for sure. So many little things that could have been done smoother.
Last edited by zebru on 26 May 2011 04:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by mellaka »

zebru wrote: One thing I really don't like is that timer turns off during graphics time so each game last what feel like forever.
Yeah, it's almost like we are being punished for scoring by making the game take even longer.
It would also be nice to have an option (a key to hit) to switch to your goalie since game rarely does this right.
That would be a good idea too.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I wasn't any good at the game before, and chances are i'll suck just as mightily with this version. I joined Meridell again. Chances are i'll also focus on side-games and not really get very far. We'll see.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Seerow »

I was never any good at Yooyuu ball, but I could at least manage a couple wins per round. I don't think I'll even bother that much this time. Having no control over the characters is just utterly poorly thought out, as EofS pointed out I'll be chasing the ball one way then switch characters and be heading the wrong direction.

I joined MI again anyway, I've been with them every year but one. Here's to hoping other teammates can figure this new game out and give us at least a decent year for once, since I will be no help whatsoever.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Jamie »

This is the first year I haven't gone with MI, I've gone with Meridell instead. Because every single year I've always tossed up between the two, finally gave up on loyalty. I just practiced and wow, the game sucks. It's so... disjointed and quick and I don't even know what the deal with Faerie Yooyuballs are, I was doing pretty well until I got one of them...
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Alecko »

This game is horrendous.

My first try I spent nearly two minutes chasing the same damned snow Yooyuu around because I'd missed the part about holding the space bar to power up your shot. Second try I got 8-2 to me. The game works fine if you grab the ball straight away, dodge the other team and shoot. But if the other team gets hold of the ball, then it just dissolves into a mess as they're shooting all over the place while you're jumping around between your team. :-/ I genuinely lost track of who I was meant to be controlling. I also agree that at the least, there needs to be some way of manually switching to the goalie.

The practice team also scored an own goal with a Darigan Yooyuu. We were juggling that thing between us for a couple of seconds before it finally went the exact opposite way it was fired. I swear the Darigan balls weren't that bad during the previous version.

Edit: Oh, I went with Altador. No real reason other than I liked the colour of the frame.
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