New pet: Xotl

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Joined: 18 Dec 2007 04:39 am

Re: New pet: Xotl

Post by Ontra »

Anatomy-wise, these are really poorly done.

I can't understand why the artist, who appears to have some rudimentary understanding of frog anatomy (see: scribble), would choose to give such a creature dog-like legs. Frogs don't naturally stand like that, unless they are in motion (they do not maintain poses in which their legs remain stretched out, as it's detrimental to their ability to jump). Lizards don't stand like that either, nor do salamanders or other reptiles/amphibians. With a reptile/amphibian, the knee should be jutting out to the side, not down, and as plantigrade creatures the foot should not be bending up in that manner.

The disconnect between the head and the body is especially jarring; the head and neck appear to be thick and heavy, and the body to thin to hold it. These either need to be in a sitting pose, or they need a thicker stomach and a heavy tail to provide a counterbalance to the ridiculously large head. These look like they're perpetually about to fall over!

Additionally, the front feet seem far too small for the bulging muscles in the forelimbs. A real frog has wide feet with long toes-- even if we were to say the inspiration was reptilian, the forearms are still far too thick for the feet.

The colourations are slightly more interesting than the usual Subeta fare, but still nothing to write home about. As a species, these are very disappointing.
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