Reading Drive

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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Kali_Lupine »

The only item that I went "squeeeee" over is the one from the reference from Crimson Petal and the White! I'll have to re-read it soon! I am, however, disappointed that there are not more items from books I have read, but I really only read true crime (and some other non-fiction) and literary fiction. I would have died for a Book of Negroes reference.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Griffin »

Yay, prizes :) As usual I know few references apart from the obvious classics and a few old books I've read. I never read much in the past, but recently I made a resolution to read at least one chapter of a book every day for the rest of my life(?), made easier by downloading several thousand new and old books for Stanza on my iPod, so I will probably gain understanding of all these references someday.

So, the 9 items I'm getting for TCs total up to 675 points. My 325 remaining points could buy a RoTL, but I dunno if it's worth it. Battling feels like a total waste of time and money until a battle event comes along, like two or three times a year, but then I regret missing the achievements and prizes when my pet isn't well equipped enough to finish everything off. Argh.

Oh yeah, and I'd like to borrow a Malice for the achievement, if anyone is willing to pass theirs around. c:
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Gumdrops »

I don't really need any of the new stuff. I'll pick up the beanbags and plushies for those respective collections though.

I'd like that Platinum Strands wig better in brown. But then, there are a log of wigs I'd be willing to plunk down SPs for if only there were in brown instead of freaking blonde! Sorry, I just get annoyed that some of the nicer hair dos are all in shades of blonde. The ones I want are anyway.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

Idle curiosity: are any of the weapons there worth buying?

I suppose not that it makes much difference as I never really battle. Just curious.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by TCStarwind »

If my absence in this thread wasn't clue enough, I didn't participate. XD Though, I probably should have tried a little bit. There are a few things I want, if anyone has any extra points to trade for sp?

So much a fan of the Hunger Games and Watership Down references. :D
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Wingsrising wrote:Idle curiosity: are any of the weapons there worth buying?

I suppose not that it makes much difference as I never really battle. Just curious.
AFAIK the jury's still out on the new weapons (though the Soma Tablets are apparently very interesting), but the Truth Serum is supposedly really good for a stealer. I have The One Ring, but I hardly ever take advantage of it because its one-use (though it looks like its healing ability has been changed since I last used it...?).
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by shaelyn76 »

I really like the banners that reference the Game of Thrones series. They are pretty and look very fluid. The Platinum Strands are nice enough and I will most likely end up picking them up, but I agree that I would like them better in a different color(which would defeat the reference purpose, but, eh).
I luckily don't like any of the Handmaid items because I really can't bring myself to have anything that even references that book in my possession. It was a great book, but the concepts it raised are scary as hell and hitting closer and closer to home in our political climate of late.
Does anybody know if the Book Shaped Box, Fan-Folded Papers and the rest of that grouping are a reference to any particular book or just all books in general?
The geisha items are very very pretty, but I don't care for the hair for my own use and I find myself never putting shoes on my HA so it would be a total waste of points to get those.
I liked the Princess Bride reference as well, but was surprised to see another one since the Matrimony Wig from the last reading drive was based off of that. And I was very much surprised to see only one item about The Hunger Games which is hugely popular.

I must now go and contemplate how to spend my points.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

Officer 1BDI wrote:
Wingsrising wrote:Idle curiosity: are any of the weapons there worth buying?

I suppose not that it makes much difference as I never really battle. Just curious.
AFAIK the jury's still out on the new weapons (though the Soma Tablets are apparently very interesting), but the Truth Serum is supposedly really good for a stealer. I have The One Ring, but I hardly ever take advantage of it because its one-use (though it looks like its healing ability has been changed since I last used it...?).
I have The One Ring from last year (in my wardrobe at the moment -- I'd forgotten it was even a weapon!)

I'm torn because the Truth Serum is sort of pretty and it's a good weapon and all... but I never actually battle and if I get it, I won't have enough left to get everything else I want. However, I'll still have about 200 points left if I get everything on the top of my list and I won't be sure what else to get...
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Kali_Lupine »

@Cyro I always love to hear about people wanting to read more because it is the largest passion in my life! I usually finish a book a day if it's not too long, like the one I am reading now (Roots)

I can understand how you feel about the Handmaiden's Tale Shea, the concept is pretty freaky. Margret Atwood is one of my fav writers, I wish there had been a reference to one of her newer books. But I was still really happy about the book they picked! :D PS- Oryx and Crake & her sequel Year of the Flood have pretty freaky concepts too.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Seerow »

I ended up getting 1305 points. I haven't had internet the last three days or I probably would have gotten it up to about 1400 but I'm happy with where I am. There isn't actually a whole lot I need from the shop actually. Several of the items are nice and I will not have any trouble spending my points, but I was a bit underwhelmed with the selection.
I think my favorite item has to be the Rumpus-Ready Plushie, though the RELR Beanbag is also right up there!

Someday I hope they branch out and do a bit more with modern books :P I haven't read most of the ones referenced since I mainly just read urban fiction nowadays.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I finished The Handmaid's Tale about two months ago and found it just as horrifying as most of you, so when I saw the items in the shop I felt a weird mix of fondness for the literary masterpiece and abhorrence for what the items represented.

I only got 450-or-so points (lulz), so I immediately splurged on a Truth Serum (which I absolutely love) and will probably use the rest to grab some TC items and as many books as I'm able. I hate sinking millions into "plots" like this, but I may have to reconsider that stance in the future. :P
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Alecko »

I ended up with 601 points. I was originally going to stop after donating 400 books (which got me about 570 points) but then decided to get to 600 so I could potentially get both the Reviver of the Lion and the Truth Serum. Right now, I'm unsure whether to buy them or pick up all of the books.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Marah »

I got 600-something points. Not bad for a first reading drive!
I'm pondering what to buy, I got the first "Want!" items and now I need to choose between the rest of the pretties :) There are worse things to do.
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