RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

Kali and I are off to the cottage for a week. Yay for a week off work! :3 I'm so excited. We shall return next Friday. Though Kali still might pop on via her kindle.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Xelio »

Had my first day of class today and it went well. Been putting in long hours to get the room set up for the kids and it felt good to welcome them to my room for the first time. Due to weird schedule I didn't get to meet all my students, but really got on with the classes I did meet. I'm excited.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I've been pretty inactive online for a week and likely will be until the 24th or so. I'm having a GREAT time, well, aside from last night to this morning.

I went to the Happy Together Tour concert with some friends at the Ozark Fair in Missouri, with our little group invited backstage to visit with the backing band who we've been following even since their split from the musician our fandom is based on. Those guys are hot! :-) And so was Missouri - hot and muggy. Afterward, we had a bigger group at the annual FanFest gathering - though compared to other years this was a smallish 18 of us, all people i consider dear friends now.

The flights between St. Louis, Chicago, and Tri-Cities has been less smooth, though. The delayed flight from STL has me stuck in Chicago because it made me miss my connecting flight. So here i sit, waiting for the time to check on any possible openings in the next flights. I'll get home, sooner or later. Even an overnight chair-sleep and uncertainty in flights at the Chicago airport won't dampen my giddiness over this past week! :-D

And for the next two weeks i'll be hanging out with family and friends at home. Although i'm perfectly comfortable even for long stretches to have most of my social life online, it's refreshing to hang out with people i know and love in person.

EDIT: I'm home!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Bif »

MY GEL HAD THE CORRECT DNA BANDS!!!!! This has been months of lead up work and for the past two weeks either the gel or pcr has stuffed up and I couldn't confirm that I had what I needed. Now I can actually plant plants!!!

I'm a bit stoked. :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

So Alicorn and I have been wanting to move to a 2 bedroom for a while, and we had plans to move directly before where we are now. Buuuuuuuuuut then we found out our neighbor is moving out of her place on the end. When Ali told me that our landlord had left us a message asking if we wanted it, I told her to call right back and say we wanted it (sight unseen). We found out yesterday that we are to move in on the 1st of Sept...I seriously thought we would have longer to pack up than that because they usually take forever to clean out etc after someone moves out. But I'm so happy, because it has a deck!!!! Tons of room to sit and read with the pooch Lutie and for Sam's flowers and my tomato plants! And our own washer and dryer!!! Our neighbor is selling us her old portable dishwasher and chest freezer, as well as all her gorgeous drapes and rods for a kick ass price. Now I just have to stop Ali from tacking up posters all over the place heh.

In the end....MORE ROOM FOR MY BOOKS!!!!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

An unrelated achievement and woe combined:


So far I've gotten about 12 replies. It's getting to the point where they're calling about a job some 400 emails back. (Most of those jobs are not in Michigan, hence the reluctance to call me back knowing I'll be out of plane ticket money.) The good news is I've accepted an offer to be an ESL teacher in Seoul, Korea for a year. I have more faith in this interview because my passport is updated, and all I need is a visa.

The unrelated achievement is I've lost my double chin and can now wear a size 12 again. I lost about 35 lbs since February.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by bonecrivain »

Kali_Lupine wrote:In the end....MORE ROOM FOR MY BOOKS!!!!
Even if I hadn't read the rest of your post, that would have been enough for this to qualify as an awesome achievement. =) Congratulations on the new place! It sounds great, and I'm sure you'll have fun setting everything up just the way you want it. Pictures!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

Sooooo Tim Minchin will be in Detroit on September 30th. I have a car and money with which to buy a ticket and gas. I think I should like to go. I'm not sure what exactly this qualifies as since I've never actually driven that far, 2 and a half hours, on my own and I have a horrible horrible since of direction. Even if I borrowed my mom's car with OnStar and spent the next 30 days studying the route on mapquest, I have the distinct fear that I'll end up somewhere in Canada.

And it'll probably be a woe since tickets may be sold out.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »


I'm sorry, but seriously. He's fantastic. And he went to the same university I did so I've got to root for the local talent.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »


I bought a ticket. Canada's not so bad.

Today at work, my coworker with nice auburn hair and I played a lovely joke on another coworker and friend. It involved Prejudice and serious accusations on my part against my coworker of non-auburn persuasion, with my partner in crime agreeing with and attesting to her use of a certain word. IT WAS FUNNY, but you had to be there. I mean, we thought it was funny, but I feel I may need to watch my back in the future.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Cranberry »

I got tickets, too, to see Kate Voegele (and a band called Parachute that I'm unfamiliar with) at a club in Toronto in October. They went on sale while I was at work, so I tried to buy them on my phone, but they wouldn't go through. I had to call my poor mother and talk her through the purchase. That was a couple of days ago and I don't even think they're sold out yet, haha, so I needn't have worried. I'm excited, though... I've liked her for a while (I own all her albums) and have been wanting to see her live. This is the first chance I've gotten. Plus I get to visit my Toronto friends, who are all great. :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

I survived my 10-days-of-working stint (ended up with 53hrs ugh) and am now on my weeks vacation from work. Last week we had our grand remodel/reopening and it was a bit of a madhouse. Not so much customers but everywhere you looked there were groups of higher ups huddled around talking and man it was crazy.

Yesterday I went to King's Island with a group of friends, about a 3hr drive from where I live. I ended up driving and it really wasn't too bad, though this was the furthest I've driven in one go. Yay for growing up?!

I've been pet sitting for this couple since July 11th who went to go adopt a child, and they were supposed to be back originally on August 14th. However they kept having issues with the courts pushing back dates and now are having issues with visas and nothing seems to be going right for them :( Currently the tentative return date is September 14th. While I enjoy the pets I'm watching, I am in sore need of a break heh. And to go visit my new apt for more then an afternoon! I miss my cat and my new comp I haven't really had a chance to use.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

This is the weirdest achievement ever, but SOMEONE who knows our new address secretly gifted us some Ursula Vernon art! She is my absolute favorite artist EVER and I've longed to buy art from her and just... forget. So getting a gorgeous cat print of hers in the mail was a HUGE surprise! There's no note or anything in with it, however, and it was mailed directly from her so... someone is being sneaky! THANK YOU, WHOEVER IT WAS!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »


Had my wisdom teeth pulled today and it went surprisingly well. The top two were the only ones that ever came in so that was a relief and I was in and out of the place in under an hour. My mouth (and eyelids?!) were numb for most of the day and still hasn't completely wore off yet. I didn't even bleed that much really. Went so much better then I was expecting, my friend had a hell of a time when her's were taken out. And it only cost about half of what I was expecting to pay!

Ohh, another achievement! I've been eyeing the Planet of the Apes 40th anniversary blu-ray edition for quite some time now but could never quite justify spending $80 on it. Walmart has had it for $40 on their online store but was always sold out whenever I checked. I was up at 2am the other night and on a whim checked before I went to bed and they had them in stock! I promptly broke out the $20 gift card I got for my birthday and ended up spending a measly $20 on the set. The VHS collection of I have cost over $80 ages ago so I'm happy I got these for so cheap. Anxiously waiting for them to arrive, as they are one of my favorite movies of all time. And since I no longer own a working VHS I haven't been able to watch them for ages.

So pretty!
Last edited by Seerow on 30 Aug 2011 02:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »


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