~My Subeta Review~

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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~My Subeta Review~

Post by Hummingbird »

Instead of starting off with a big, long paragraph about how I came across this site, I'd just like to say one thing: I LOVE Subeta.

The artwork is beautiful, especially when it comes to pets and their colours.

It is a lot more realistic than Neopets, in the sense that it has a shop that sells phones and the like, as well as your own, human avatar.

Three shops can be owned by the player for free, meaning I don't have to keep changing categories every five minutes.

No snipers! Now you can actually have the chance to buy rare, expensive items from the main shops without a ton of lurkers getting hold of them first.

Friendly users: a dream come true for those of you that are sick of Neopia's hypocrites and argumentative folk.

Subeta's main shops are a lot more fun to browse and buy from. In Neopets, only about six rows of items can be seen in a shop per restock. In Subeta, however, it's fairly easy to get lost in a main shop due to its large amount of stock.

The site has a lovely layout---very earthy; a nice change after going boggle-eyed at Neo's unattractively bright one.

You're not constantly being bugged into buying something with real money on Subeta. Yes, there are advertisements for gold accounts, but it's better than being annoyed by adverts for NC-related games every time you refresh the page.

Fed up of having to check your shop till every few minutes, only to find it empty? Subeta notifies you of when an item has been purchased: yippee!

Your Shop Log will note down every single purchase from your shops, and you can also see how much sP has been earned in total!

All in all, Subeta is a fantastic site. It doesn't have the watch-what-you-say-because-this-is-a-kids-site attitude like Neopets does, but it is a well-mannered community that is great for those who feel Neopets is getting boring.

Overall rating: ***** out of five stars.
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