Darkmatter Torrey and Fester (revamp)

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Darkmatter Torrey and Fester (revamp)

Post by RNA »


I hate Torreys but the art is nice, at least. It's playing with the darkmatter - something I really like about recent darkmatter pets.
I don't understand why the Fester had to be revamped when the art was still pretty decent, despite the outdated design. There's a lot of pets that need more attention :S
The new one does utilize the image space more effectively but there's a lot of changes that I feel would never fly if it were a more popular pet like the Kumos, like the ruff color being changed.
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Re: Darkmatter Torrey and Fester (revamp)

Post by Seerow »

The new Torrey is very cute and it's great to see some more of them. I love the laying down playful pose and think it fits the species perfectly.

I am in love with the new Fester. I will be getting one of these shortly. The wings and feathers are so nicely detailed and I love how pissed off and angry this guy looks. The lighter neck ruff makes sense with this pet to keep it in line with the recent Fester revamp, all of them have lighter neck ruffs then the rest of their feathers.
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Re: Darkmatter Torrey and Fester (revamp)

Post by Ierosbats »

I think the Fester looks like it just flew into a window and got stuck on the glass. I don't get the pose at all (old or new). It immediately reminded me of the bloodred Irion because they both look like they just took a punch, the poor things. I think the forced perspective of the wings is off, too. It's not quite as wonky as on the spectrum endeavor, but still not quite right. I get that there's only so much you can do with wings in such a small box, though. It's not an easy problem to work around. The old one definitely needed a revamp but I think its proportions were better, even if the wings were a little rubbery. I like that a lot of effort went into keeping things like the darkmatter placement the same, though. That's always a nice touch when it comes to revamps.

The Torrey is just... bizarre. At first I thought it looked like roadkill, but then I realized what it was actually reminding me of: a Canadian commercial (for milk, of all things. Didn't realize milk needed advertising) where a guy with weak bones (from a lack of calcium) gets hit with a football and deflates like a balloon. The poor thing looks like it just collapsed in on itself, as if it couldn't support the weight of its own skeleton. Or like gravity suddenly increased and the torrey got sucked down to the ground and it's desperately trying to get back up.

I think these two look hilarious next to each other in the news. The poses are so strange and extreme... they look like they're dealing with some sort of catastrophe, like a hurricane.
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Re: Darkmatter Torrey and Fester (revamp)

Post by TCStarwind »

The torrey is cute. I'd like to see a bigger version, cause I feel like I'm missing out on a lot. XD Overall it's nice, and I really like to pose.

And thank cod the fester got revamped. The old one is okay, but I always hated its wings. They look so fat and heavy, it barely looks like it can fly. The new one has wings that actually look like wings. They seem a bit small but are otherwise very nice, lovingly detailed. And I feel like since the fester got a huge revamp anyway, changing the color of the ruff really isn't a huge deal. I think it looks better as silver anyway.
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Re: Darkmatter Torrey and Fester (revamp)

Post by Sunwolf »

Torrey - it looks like it's trying to resist being taken over by the Darkmatter, interesting. I love how it actually has pawpads instead of furry blobs for feet, yay! The enormous Popoko-tail is a bit of a turn-off, though.

Fester - holy shite, that is an amazing pet. It actually looks like a fierce bird of prey now, and the wings are stunning. I especially like how the Darkmatter are lighting up the wings, gorgeous! I'm not fond of the big cheek-bubble. May have to get one.
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Re: Darkmatter Torrey and Fester (revamp)

Post by ZomgethMew »

I'm neutral about the Fester, since I've never been a huge fan of them ^^; (I don't /dis/like them, tho) But omg, the Torrey is just, just adorable ;A; I think I might have to get one, fff. I'd love to see a bigger version :)
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Re: Darkmatter Torrey and Fester (revamp)

Post by Color Wheel »

The bigger Torrey, seeing as some have asked for it: http://fidele.deviantart.com/#/d5gp3co
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