Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

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Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Foghawk »

There was an interesting newspost yesterday about Vanya's Workshop:
Hallo, leetle ones. Have you heard story of shoemaker and elves? Probably many have, but I vill telling short version for everyone else.

Once time, there vas shoemaker. He vas vorking very hard to make money, but he is having so many projects, he does not have time to finish them all. You maybe are not knowing this, but shoemaking is hard work! You must cut pieces for sides and bottom, glue them, sew them, make sure shoe is proper shape. Many steps, and many details! Poor shoemaker is falling asleep before he is done vorking, but when he vake up in the morning time, all vork is done.

This happens a few more times, and so he has clever idea to leave vork unfinished. He spies at his vorkbench, and sees that leetle elves come out in the night time to help him vith his vork. The version of story I know has some good, some bad: shoemaker leaves more and more vork for leetle elves and makes much money, and elves thinking "this is bad man, we are helping, but he does no vork of his own" and leave him. Shoemaker learns very important lesson about rewards of hard vork.

Point is, I have been noticing strange things in my vorkshop these last nights. I have not seen any elves, I am not crazy man, but still something strange is happening. I leave out parts for new pet to sew in the morning? They are moved, or some parts being missing! Today, I finish varnishing parts for malticorn. I leave them to drying, get cocoa, and when I come back they have been thrown in the fireplace!

Maybe you can come and look around in my vorkshop, see if you are noticing anything strange?
Visiting the workshop nets you the hidden challenger Two-Headed Dysfunctional Teddy Bear, who is easy. Like, super easy. Like, those of you with untrained pets are probably good for this one. It drops Bear Beanies and, on the fifth defeat, two new items: the Two-Headed Dysfunctional Teddy Bear Rosy Ribbon (a nice wearable) and the THDTB Peg Leg (a wearable T2 weapon, mediocre in damage output but with some defense and, I am told, a curse).

That's all that seems to have happened thus far. I'm kind of excited! It seems pretty late for a Christmas plot to get started, but then, I hear that a bunch of battle stuff is slated for New Years' Day, so maybe this is a leadup.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

There's not a bunch of battle stuff slated for New Year's Day! Purge and I promised the battlers something, but it's not huge. I hope everyone doesn't get all hyped up and hate it now, haha.

The teddy bear's not the only challenger here... that's all I can say. :)

(Also, the peg leg doesn't have a curse.)
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Marah »

Admin Note:
Just a bit of clarification since some people seem to be confused! Turning in fairies for medical help (including giving them to Melody yesterday) and donating medical supplies will give you points for prizes at the end of the event. Defeating the challengers does, as well. The more you donate and battle, the more points you will have at the end to earn prizes!
Really? They are doing this with faeries? I still need 700+ of those %$^@$^@$ things to turn in for the achievement. Faeries are at 40k now in user shops. Gaaah!
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »

Oh, dear. I think if I want to try for the layout it'll have to be next year.

40k, huh? Now I'm torn between turning them in and selling them! :-)

But yes, it would have been better if they'd picked a different item and/or made faeries much more common around the site. As it is it's impossible to get the layout just from fairies you find on the site... even over multiple years. I just stick then in my vault every year and I still think I had less than 100.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

I don't know if this will cheer you guys up at all, but battling will get you more points than turning in fairies, anyway, if you have even a half-decent pet. The harder the opponent, the more points it's worth, and we don't intend to cap points.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »

Not really, since I can't use any of my good weapons anymore.

So maybe I would be better of selling my fairies if they're not going to be worth much. Hmm.

It would be great if they could put out more information about how points are going to work -- we have nothing to go on when trying to decide whether to sell, turn in, or release fairies right now.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

We're discussing something "backstage" right now, so hold tight for an update (just waiting for Keith to weigh in). :)
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Gumdrops »

Why oh why did it have to be fairies that we turn in for points? I was thinking of going for the layout, but the faeries have been so scarce that I haven't even managed to release 100 of them. I haven't even gotten a regular Snow Fairy so I can't complete that one 'have all types of faeries in your inventory' achievement.

My pet is only strong enough to fight the first 2 challengers, so I'm probably not gonna get that many points anyway.

If they wanted us to hand in faeries, they should've made them floaters and made them as common as the pumpkins were.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Slugawoo »

I'm really annoyed about the fairies too. I was waiting for their price to come down, not for it to skyrocket.

I can't even set up an auto-refresher for them, since doing so seems to crash Chrome. The "random" events seem to be on some sort of timer too, so the fairies only appear every 15-20 minutes or something. Not worth it.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by AngharadTy »

Wow, couldn't have picked anything other than fairies, huh. Which is especially funny in that they don't look sick at all. You'd at least think maybe there could be new sick-fairy items that get cured and then we could release those. No? Okay.

Anyway, is this going to last past the 25th? Because as usual I expect a lot of us are completely tied up in obligations and cooking and present exchanges. Certainly I don't have a lot of time for the internet right now.

Also, wins past #10 count for these points, right?
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by TCStarwind »

Agreed with all above. This is just cruel. I have a couple fairies sitting in my inventory now because I don't know what to do with them. I want the layout, but I want to participate in the plot, and doing one is counter-productive to the other. >:[

Also, am I right in remembering that we can find fairies all winter and not just during Luminaire?
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

AngharadTy wrote: Anyway, is this going to last past the 25th? Because as usual I expect a lot of us are completely tied up in obligations and cooking and present exchanges. Certainly I don't have a lot of time for the internet right now.

Also, wins past #10 count for these points, right?
Yes and yes.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »

There seems to be a huge jump in difficulty between Susie and Clive. I've wiped out Susie 45 times so far and haven't beaten Clive once. Is it even possible for a Tier 4 pet to beat Clive?
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

Some have, but it's tough... he's geared more towards the tier 5s and 6s (it's roughly two tiers per difficulty when we make challengers -- so easy is 1 and 2, medium is 3 and 4, hard is 5 and 6, and so on). It helps if you can freeze him and then hit him hard before he gets a chance to toss one of the baubles he generates. Blocking dark and fire is good, if you can.

The people on the BC forum are great for helping with strategy or even weapon lends, too. I know they have a reputation for being elitist or dismissive, but it's mostly unearned -- I see them helping non-regular battlers out quite a bit. They're all in a super good mood right now because of the new challengers, too. ;)

Edited to add: People are having good luck beating the singer with pets lower than they're supposed to be for that level of opponent... the trick with him is to load up your weapons' mod slots with anti-freezing crystals (parched baguette are the best, but blessing of natural armor or parched tear are good too and are much cheaper) and then steal his sonic vibrato and use it against him (it lasts for 10 turns, so you only need to use it every so often). He'll barely hurt you if you manage that. I beat him 10x with my t6 pet, although it took a lot of losses to steal the vibrato enough times.

This thread links to a lot of useful battle threads. The Weapons Guide is excellent for helping people find good weapons that deal/block the right icons for a specific opponent.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Marah »

My main problem seems to be that subeta is fairly unresponsive and very laggy :( (Or possibly my computer?)

I beat clive 2 times with my tier 5 pet. I would love to get in a few more wins, maybe tomorrow!
(Also, any news on the possibility of getting different default battlesets for differents tiers? That would be so handy!)
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