Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Joey »

You earned 105 points!
This includes 15 points from battling and 90 from helping the sick fairies!

As a non-battler, I got pretty screwed. Not that I really expected any differently, and there weren't any items among the prizes that I really wanted anyway, so whatever. I got 7 things total.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

The staff's stats have been changed a bit to make it a better t10 -- Jason forgot an icon type when tweaking it. :P

We gave out the key staff to the top 100 or so. That did upset some people, because some people earned 11k or 8k points while most others were at 2k or below, but we didn't want to give the top weapon out to just 10 or 20 people. We didn't want to give it out to several hundred, either (we wouldn't have been able to make it as good), so we settled on top 100ish. It's hard to strike that balance... but I think the prizes in general are pretty nice. I always love books and stat boosters. :)
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Seerow »

I too thought it would be a prize shop!

I take back my grumpy post about prizes I made earlier. I love how they were handled this year, mainly because staff spread the love to more than just the same top 10 overachievers. I got 1636 points and got the staff so I'm pretty excited. I'm both excited and bummed that so many books were handed out since they are going to be expensive and I'd like to have two of each (one to read to Ishka and one for my gallery). I also need another of those boxes so I can open it for all the adorable plushies, but I think that is going to be expensive too.
Still though, I am really happy overall.

Maybe next time to make the overachievers happier, for ever...2k points or so (so 2k, 4k, 6k) they could be given another random prize from the pool, or just like two of the books or stat boosters or something?
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

Oh, that's a neat idea, Seerow! I will remember that for next time. :)
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Wingsrising »

Personally, I'd have preferred a prize shop (which is also what I'd expected to be)... then maybe I could have used the points to get one thing that I wanted instead of a bunch of random stuff. I mean, the blue book is pretty, and the Aurora Chalice is kind of pretty except that it weirds me out a little by being very much NOT a chalice, but man... the orb and/or the sticker would have been perfect treasure items. :-/
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Cranberry »

We didn't have enough items for a prize shop, unfortunately. Because this was more of a mini-plot/activity, the artists didn't draw up a ton of prizes. Also, we couldn't let people buy a ton of stat boosters or multiple copies of the good weapons (because we wanted to limit the number out there), so we would have had to make those items worse if we'd done a prize shop... or set the prices so high that only the top few could get them.
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Re: Luminaire 2012 (Plot?)

Post by Marah »

My reaction to the prizes was a bit meh. I got 216 points and 7 items. *Makes grabby hands at all the pretty potential TC items I didn't get* :D
My personal problem is that if I have one of a fairly expensive book I don't know what to do with it, read it to my battle pet? But he has semi decent alchemy points and the scrolls I could make for him ask for such expensive ingredients that I don't have the SP to create them anyway. So keep the books for a reading drive? But what if I need them for a Treasure chest at some point. So, like always I tossed them in my vault, where I will do nothing with them so I can always, potentially, do everything with them :D
(Solution to all my problems, save more SP. But being frugal is too much like real life for me, so I will happily trudge along being extremely very proud if I manage to make 20 mil SP)

I'm not sure what to think of people who go for 2000+ battle wins. Is that normal?
I get that if you put in the effort you want a nice result, but to me this just looks like a few people making it not possible for an average enthousiastic player to get the top prizes. So even though I'm not coming anywhere near the top I'm really glad the 100 best got the top prize. Putting in a decent effort should be rewarded, regardless of wether a few individuals went all out insane on a teddybear or not.

Anyway, I rather enjoyed the plot. My 2 main points off improvement would have been the addition of even one little game or puzzle as a way of earning points besides battling (didn't even try restocking.) And if the faeries you turned in would have counted as also being released (I assume that nurse didn't put them in glass bottles after making them better) that would have been even better.
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