Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

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Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

Post by Kantark »


The Darigan has a sinister expression but the teeny claws on its stumpy legs look rather comical, reminiscent of the legendary Darigan Poogle in a way. The tail spikes have a nice texture to them. In the smaller pics the darker purple blotches on the face give the inpression of stubble which kinda works on this pet.

The Strawberry is pleasant but not Neopia-shattering in its brilliance. The seeds look flat and not dimpled in to the body as has been achieved on some Strawberry pets. I'm not sure strawberry leaves should be shiny either (as on the neck ruff).
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Re: Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

Post by RNA »

And I was thinking "huh, they haven't made a Darigan Gnorbu yet" when I was looking through all the Darigan pets.
I feel a little let down. It looks rather pathetic and the Darigan bits look tacked on. Given the basic Gnorbu art the claws throw off the balance of the whole art.

But I have an Gnorbu I named after myself and I'm a great big Darigan Minion so maybe I'll end up getting one to dress up :P
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Re: Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

Post by weirdguy »

Yeah, it looks more like a Gnorbu wearing a Darigan costume. Coulda made the fur puff into chitinous plates or something, lol. Agree with the phoning on strawberry too.

Gnorbus are still fun, just hard to design for sometimes.
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Re: Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

Post by Silver Link »

It's sheer laziness on their part concerning the Darigan Gnorbu. Definitely not as horrendous as the Poogle but there's no inspiration to it
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Re: Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

Post by Madge »

I don't care what you haters say. I love the tail on the darigan gnorbu. It is so ridiculous compared with the rest of the fat round body that I can't help but find it adorable, I guess :P
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Re: Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

Post by Color Wheel »

Darigan: This seems to get mixed reactions; either you find it ridiculous, or you love it. Personally... I really like it! Yes, it has problems, but considering how cute and chubby Gnorbus usualy are, this was a pretty impressive attempt.

I really like the spotted texture, and the shading and texturing on the plates looks amazing. I also love the plates on the nose, which just really fit, and the color scheme's rather nice, not to mention the underside of the tail's a great touch. Now, the claws... they don't bother me much personally, but they do look a little awkward and aren't really necessary. The expression's good, though I'm almost wondering if the eyes should have been pupil-less. I feel like something could have been done with the Gnorbu's regular side markings - maybe make the sides of them jagged? The mane is rather plain compared to the rest of the body as well. It seems like it needed to have a rougher, messier, less groomed appearance. I really liked weirdguy's suggestion to make the mane into the same plates as used on the back.

Tl;dr - Your milage may vary, but I really like this, even if it has some problems.

Strawberry: This has a very nice, appealing color scheme, and I love the leafy mane and tail. It's only downfall is that seeds are a bit too evenly placed; maybe it would have helped if some of them were facing different directions. They also really could have used some shading around them, to make them appear dimpled into the skin like a real strawberry. And while I understand, it's a bit odd that the seeds don't go over the markings.

Tl;dr - Perfectly nice and appealing to the eyes, though the seeds leave something to desire.
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Re: Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

Post by Darigan »

I'm surprised to see people actually liking the Darigan Gnorbu. Personally I find it the worst Darigan pet so far.
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Re: Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

Post by macky2dope »

i personally think that the darigan is ridiculously cute, long tail, claws, and all.. though i am having some issues figuring out what the heck is happening on its back:


i'm thinking maybe one spike in the middle of its back and one on either side (almost like fins), but it's just not registering very well to the eye. anybody have a better theory?
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Re: Darigan and Strawberry Gnorbu

Post by Madge »

Good catch. Looks kinda like wings, I guess?
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