RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by FaerieInGrey »

Very late, very delighted congratulations to Jessi and Lindsay (whose name I suspect I am writing wrong)!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Ailiel »

I don't know that I've ever posted in here before because real life is kind of meh for me a lot of the time. Not bad, but things stay pretty much in stasis for the most part.

But I think it is safe to report, now that it's been a few months, that I lost 55 pounds this past year (from last March until January, when I hit my goal of all the months to do it in). I also completed my first half marathon! Disney Princess Half Marathon, to be precise.

This is me with my fresh medal, taken directly after running 13.1 miles. I felt like I could go again.

This was taken later that same day. It was "Dapper Day" at the Magic Kingdom (an unofficial but completely awesome event where a bunch of people get very dressy and very vintage-y and run amok in the park) so I couldn't miss that, half marathon or not. To show I clean up nice too.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Marah »

Congrats Ailiel, you look stunning and I am very impressed by the half marathon! I have to run 10k in May and that allready scares me :) so half marathon... pffft. so impressed!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Wingsrising »

Ooo, sexy outfit! Looking good. :-)

I've been walking regularly thanks to Zombies, Run! and I even bought their 5k trainer app (although I haven't used it yet because it's too cold to run/walk outside and I'm not going to run through the hallways of the physics building, which is where I'm doing my walking) but I'm not even really that serious about being able to run 5k, I'm just hoping to increase my stamina a little. A half-marathon blows my mind. :-) Congratulations!

(Part of my issue with running is that the semester that I took gym in middle school I hated it so much that every Sunday night I dreaded going to school on Monday. I even flunked running for failure to run a mile fast enough. When I stumbled across the 5k program I was interested to discover that there are actually systems for training people to run... maybe I'd like running better if they'd tried one of those in middle school instead of sticking everyone on the track, telling them to run a mile, and letting the fast people make fun of the slow ones, which turned out not to be very effective for me.)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

I definitely feel like the culture that develops in gym class is enough to keep the fat kids fat--I still hate running because I have such strong memories of being mocked mercilessly for being overweight and having to run. I had to take gym every year until sophomore in high school. That's a hell of a lot of mocking over time. (I exercise in the privacy of my own home now; it's hard to change.)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Marah »

maybe I'd like running better if they'd tried one of those in middle school instead of sticking everyone on the track, telling them to run a mile, and letting the fast people make fun of the slow ones, which turned out not to be very effective for me.)
Do I ever disagree with you? This apparently sums up running/gym class everywhere. hated it.
But I rather like running now, I'm not fast but I did a half hour this morning, in the snow, because the weather hasn;t gotten the metereological spring memo yet...
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Wingsrising »

I only had to do it through elementary school and one semester in middle school, but MAN, that one semester in middle school was extra-sucky. We had to wear uniforms for gym and the bottoms were these really short shorts with sewn-in panties that didn't always cover our normal underwear and if you tried to tuck your underwear up underneath, the boys in class would shout, "Look! She's playing with herself!" And in general they would make sexual innuendo about the girls as they came out of the locker room (I even remember one of their favorites: "She's a carpenter's dream -- flatter than a board and needs a screw!" The gym teacher, of course, made no effort to stop this. Sneaking up behind the less-popular kids and pulling their gym shorts down was a popular pastime, too.

And people wonder why kids grow up not liking to exercise.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Cranberry »

Gym class was the worst. I was overweight back in junior high (a few years of chocolate bars and candy for lunch because it's easier than waiting in long lunch lines will do that to a kid), and I was good at badminton and okay at basketball and such, but I couldn't run for long and I HATED anything involving jumping. We did a high-jump type of thing one day and I flat-out refused to do it. I've always been a stubborn little thing. The teacher relented and let me assist her with the jumps instead. Our gym class was mostly useless, though -- on days when the gym teacher was feeling lazy, she'd just let us walk the perimeter of the gym, chatting with each other, for the full 45 minutes. I didn't take any gym classes in high school. And I've never liked running -- when I lost all the weight after university, I did it through long walks and eating better. I am in good shape now and can walk for hours and hours, but I still get winded fast when I run.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I liked gym classes from middle- to high-school only because i had a HUGE crush on a sweet guy who was also our star jock in my classes, and i could noticeably out-perform the obnoxious girls (who teased me mercilessly in the locker room) in everything. Then again, i always loved sports and the college athletic dome where we did some of our bigger things (like the mile run).

I don't run now because big boobies aren't cooperative - but i'm walking, horseback riding, and playing football, occasionally playing some basketball too. I'm not skinny anymore, and i'm out of practice in the horse riding (my leg muscles aren't as good, going to work on exercises for that), but i'm in decent shape otherwise.

Let's see, i went to another great Alan Parsons concert in lovely Napa CA and hung out with the musicians afterward (i'm officially a regular), and i plan to see They Might Be Giants in San Francisco in mid-June, though my husband won't get to go since he'll be taking some work-related classes during that time. Things are going well for us, and it still seems surreal compared to 8 years ago.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Ailiel »

In middle school gym was a one semester thing, we played basketball I think. In high school it was also just a semester, and we did weight training. So I never was exposed to running in school at all. Now it's become a hobby for me, a way to just get out of the house, get outside, be alone, and listen to music and just be for awhile. As weird as that sounds, it's really relaxing.

The only thing I hate about running is how grossly sweaty I get. I get soaking wet, and I have to wash all my running stuff in hot water immediately or else it gets this weird permanent funk. And I also have to shower right away. I usually run at night so it messes with my morning shower schedule. But otherwise running is awesome.

I've also been swing dancing as of late (last two months) and to my surprise it's really good exercise. I didn't think it would be able to compete with running, but I dance three times a week and I honestly think I get a better workout. I dance for several hours and usually run only 45 minutes unless it's a long run. But that's not my main motivation for going-- dancing is a nice social thing for me-- it's just a good bonus.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by thelonetiel »

One of the amusing things about dating people who don't know Neopets, but know I'm pretty into it... They send you Neopets things and have no context for them! Today I got this in an instant message because it was "adorable" from one of my guys (yeah, poly, cool kids are doing it).


Baad Neopets glitters! Old Aisha art! I have no idea where he found it, somewhere on the depths of internet I'm sure.

I also get random Pokemon things in "I thought of you!" messages, but the Neopets ones are way funnier (and by that I mean much worse quality).
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

That's cute!!! Neopets and romantic relationships, how do they work!?!?

I think it's adorable that they're making an effort.

My new boyfriend (who is awesome and if he keeps being awesome might be the subject of many more posts to come) loves My Little Pony (as do I), so I decided to be open with him about my love for neopets. I said that maybe his niece (who he adores, 2 years old so a bit young for neopets really) might enjoy the game. He of course promptly looked it up on wikipedia and then was horrorfied at how neopets integrates the ads into their content, and I guess rightfully so as children have difficulty telling the difference between ads and content. I believe he has a point, but I'm an adult so I know what an ad is!!

I did show him my pet summary page ( www.neopets.com/~Nouvelle ) and he not only read that but read each petlookup and told me which ones he liked best. So they make an effort sometimes?!

Regarding poly: yeah, it's for the cool kids, that's for sure. I stubbornly insist on being out, but the new paramour took it too the next level and told his family I had a fiance before they'd even met me. His sister called me a whore, his mother says I'm not a real girlfriend, and none of them want to so much as meet me. (It's been two months since he told them and his mother's slowly coming around to the idea of meeting me, so that's something). Of course, everyone in the poly meetup group we've asked for advice has said "lol, as if you came out, why the hell would you do that, poly people don't come out, we just live in the closet forever" which made me so upset because you (probably) wouldn't tell a lesbian to live her life in the closet today, but you probably would have 50 years ago.

Sorry for hijacking your subject to talk about myself, but this family issue is pretty big in my life at the moment and I was just now reminded of it whilst posting here.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Marah »

Don't worry about hijacking Madge. Bah, what a horrible reaction, hopefully his family will come around. Cyber space hugs to you.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Woe: Cairo has been sick for about two weeks now. A mild urinary infection turned into a full-blown bladder infection, which in turn lead to her losing her appetite and having to spend the night at the vet. She had to have a massive dose of antibiotics, and today had to go back yet -again- for another check up and some more meds: an appetite stimulant and an anti-nausea medication. The appetite stimulant worked and she finally ate dinner, but we just gave her this gross liquid anti-nausea medicine and she's pretty angry at me right now :c

Hopefully she'll start feeling a bit better soon.

sad Cairo is sad.

I also have an achievement however - three months of Weight Watchers + exercise so far and as of my weekly weigh in today, I've lost 40.8 pounds. I'm pretty baffled that right now I weigh 40 pounds less than I did in December, and I'm having a bit of difficulty wrapping my mind around it. Still a long way to go but so much further than where I started out!

ETA - also a bit late, but in Illinois you're required to take PE every single year from first grade through high school - every year. Every semester. I got out of it one quarter of the year in high school due to marching band, but to this day I still have anxiety about exercising in public due to the ridicule I faced in so many years of gym class. Lindsey and I go power walking/jogging nearly every night, and the first few weeks it really gave me anxiety. I've finally worked up to being able to go to our apartment's work out center - as long as no one else is in there, sigh!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fury »

Ailiel - Congratulations on your marathon! That's quite a feat. And you look so pretty, I adore your dress! <3

Jessi - I'm sorry to hear about Cairo, I hope she gets better soon. And a massive congratulations on your weight loss, 40 pounds is a lot to lose! Go you!
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