Mutant Poogle

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Mutant Poogle

Post by Cranberry »

I had to right-click and check the url to see what color it was, because I had no idea. It doesn't look much like a mutant or a poogle (it reminds me of a chubby little dragon), but I like it anyway. The glowing misty effect is well done, and the horns look nicely detailed.

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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Kantark »

Ha, I didn't think this one would take long to get posted!

Yeah, not a huge resemblance to the bog-standard Poogle - but something of an improvement I'd say. It's GLOWING from inside its EARS! It's glowing from everywhere, like it's having great difficulty holding itself together, jets of plasma sprouting from its tail and the rift in its head. Little wisps of red smoke coming off the spikes too. This badass poogle gives the other badass poogle a run for its money.

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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Reconnection »

I freaking love this thing. Looks like something from like.. Where The Wild Things Are.. or something.. xD
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Griffin »

Looks like an MMORPG boss of unusually cute proportions... :o gj neo
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Jazzy »

This is amazing! I don't want one, because I'm not particularly keen on the colourscheme (mainly the red and yellow), but the little details about it are so well done, like the lighting on its left horn. Definitely looks like the same artist as the Acara.
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by AngharadTy »

I love it so much. If for no other reason than the perfect glowing eyes. But also, all the other reasons.
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by MalionX »

wut is this a neopet? No way! Let's take a moment of silence that the mutant colour still allows us this level of creativity.
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Scythemantis »

Yeah, it's nicely drawn and terrifying and all that but what even REMOTELY makes this "mutant?" I thought the Acara was the worst and least mutanty, but this is just some sort of alien space-energy Balrog demon thing.

This is like if a Maraquan pet came out and it was an alien robot in desert camo with tank treads. It doesn't bother anyone else in that regard at all? Even the site itself touts the theme of mutants as being "weird" things with slimy tentacles or too many eyes, and once all the mutant slots are gone - which will only be one more year or so - there may never be a weird, slimy, tentacled neopet ever again. Ever. Every opportunity for one is precious, and this opportunity was thrown away in favor of an entirely unrelated Satanic Dinosaur.

I feel like they're using mutant as a dumping ground for redraws they're too chicken to actually make a whole new color for. They probably have some idiotic unwritten policy to never do another redraw color due to their dress-up fetish, so they're just shoving whatever new things they can into poor, abused Mutant. As a new color, this would be great. As a new mutant, it offends me the most of any single thing on Neopets.

And they didn't even make any mutant petpets. Worst mutant day ever.
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Kantark »

Scythe wrote:It doesn't bother anyone else in that regard at all?
I do understand where you are coming from... this is definitely not 'organic' in the style of, say, the Kau - it seems composed entirely of rocks and light. However it's not the first inorganic Mutant we've seen - the Acara springs immediately to mind and that seemed to be quite well-received. And it's not as if this only happens to Mutant; we've seen Woodland pets with more stones than foliage and Camouflage pets that would only look inconspicuous in a wallpaper factory for example.

Since Customisation we've seen 8-bit, Woodland, Wraith and Swamp Gas to name a few so TNT aren't completely averse to redraws these days. It would be completely possible for them to launch a new paint brush to encompass slimy/tentacley things in the future so don't write off more organic beasties in the future. (I had a quick look at Mutant, looks like it's only the Nimmo and Wocky to go?)

I suppose the thing I like about Mutant is the thing you find so infuriating - that it is probably the most diverse paint brush on the site. No two Mutants are remotely alike, there is no standard blueprint for any part of these pets, you could never predict what a new Mutant would look like on the basis of what's come before it. It's like a clean sheet to the artist and that seems exceptionally rare on Neopets these days.
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Huggles »

Somehow, I'm reminded of both Deathwing from WoW and Nicodemus from The Secret of Nimh. I really like this.

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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Scythemantis »

I disliked the Acara for the same reason; I know it's well received, and I do love diversity, but it's like these pets are what Darigan was supposed to be, but of course now they totally neutered Darigan.

Aren't swamp gas and woodland customizable, not redraws in the same sense as baby, mutant and maraquan? I mean I get the feeling TNT never wants to release a new color that entails completely unique new body types. They're just weird about the customization not wanting to release a new species because of the clothes, when I'm sure people would be excited enough for a new species to totally let that slide.
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Kantark »

Scythe wrote:Aren't swamp gas and woodland customizable, not redraws in the same sense as baby, mutant and maraquan?
I... don't know. I'd assumed that since they have lots of foliage and branches sticking out that clothing wouldn't work but now I've looked at the Woodland pets they do all seem to be in the standard pose for their species. I think you're right.

WRT a new species, the thought that customisation now means it's highly unlikely we'll ever see a new species fills me with gloom. There was a question in the editorial which touched on this a couple of weeks ago, let me find it...
the NT wrote:Is the reason you're reluctant to add another Neopet because you'd have to redraw all of the clothing items? ~pennycents_
Yep. We're pretty sure the artists would rightfully walk out the door and never come back if we told them they had to update well over 5,000 wearables to put on a new species. Otherwise we would love to, because it drives us nuts that we only need a Neopet species that starts with the letter "V" to complete our Neopet alphabet.

You guys wouldn't mind if we changed "Bori" to "Vori," right?



If we ever did attempt to introduce a new Neopet, it would not be backwards compatible with older wearables.
That's not a categorical 'no', but as you say it would mean people having to accept any new species would not be backward-compatible with clothing. I can imagine they're worried about receiving thousands of support tickets along the lines of "I bought $clothingitem from the mall but it doesn't work on my $newspecies, refund please"
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Scythemantis »

Yeah I saw that, it was a pretty wishy-washy answer of them.

I think they should just make some lab-ray-only species or others obtainable some weird new way. People would then realize why they might not be customizable, because they're like strange "secret" species anyway.
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Color Wheel »

For the record, both Swamp Gas and Woodland are fully customizable, just like any other colors.

And on the subject of new species, we did get this note from Editorial 593... ( ... l&week=593)
TNT, imagine this scenario: you guys decide to release a new Neopet species, and your artists are faced with the prospect of having to redraw every multi-species wearable in existence to fit this new Neopet... show me a picture of their reaction. ~melissa773

HAHAHAHAHA. We imagine it'd be something like the image below, followed by quiet sobbing and about half of them not ever coming back to the office after lunch.


Yeah, not looking hopeful. As someone who's done quite a few Neopet edits in the past, I can't blame them.
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Re: Mutant Poogle

Post by Pulse »

10/10 design. Love it.
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