Spooky Food Contest Mystery

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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Seerow »

Hmm I hope this step is up for awhile. I got locked out for 7+ hrs earlier today and just made it to level 4 and have a 5hr wait before I can continue on.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by thelonetiel »

These catacombs are fun! A nice puzzle/plot/interaction.

Jellyneo's guide is good: http://www.jellyneo.net/index.php?go=sp ... _catacombs

Basically, when you open a door, you get a summary text. Depending on what the situation is, you want to choose the right option. However, some have multiple "right" answers depending on what is actually going on behind the door - the silence for instance has several options and is mostly a guess unless you have a "curse" that lets you see on the other side.

Seerow, the leading theory is that we are locked out until midnight if you've finished the allowable number for the day. So yeah, the long wait times happen if you finish early in the day. Something like 5 a day? Basically means that everyone has roughly the same allowable pace, and no one can get way ahead. I've seen people on the boards on Level 20 today, so I guess that's my goal for my day off.

But I'm actually fairly enjoying this set, and I'm glad it is self limiting, because it would get weary doing more than a couple levels at a time.

Oh, and I keep finding doors in the corners of rooms. If you just want to get through quickly and not worry about collecting treasure (especially since you can only take 1-3 items with you anyway) I suggest aiming for the corners of the room. Not positive it is always that way, but it's been pretty consistent for me so far.
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Cranberry »

Once again, started off fun, now just annoying. I've done 40 floors and apparently it doesn't even stop at 50.
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by EofS »

I didn't mind the music one and didn't find it got tedious because it was only once a day. But this one... I'll confess I find myself hoping to get fatigue to give myself a break. (But I seem to just get a few seconds at a time until it leaps to an hour and then to the long one - or yesterday, straight from 5 minutes to 7 hours.)

Made it to 51 today, which was 22 levels. (Ok, so I did play tactically at the end trying to avoid the curse of fatigue - twice cleansing long ones - but that was because by that point it was actually fun. There's no skill or peril when none of the curses are actually bad. But when you're faced with the prospect of a 9 hour fatigue, suddenly the puzzle becomes more fun as you actually have something to outwit.)
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by thelonetiel »

A lot of the art is a little meh to me, but the riddle door is just soo pretty.

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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Kantark »

Those doors reminded me of the riddle doors in (I think) Labyrinth. I guess a door like that is a pretty common trope in fantasy books/films though.
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Gumdrops »

I enjoyed this at first, but I'm over it now. Maybe if there was a bigger prize pool, I'd still be having fun with the Catacombs, but at this point, I'm just ready for it to end.
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Jamie »

Have you caught a glimpse of the monster while searching The Perilous Catacombs? Surely it must mean we are getting close! Very close. Like, perhaps you want to get as many floors in as you can before tomorrow ends. We're not psychic or anything. Just sayin'.

Thank goodness, I'm up to 105 and I was overjoyed when I got a 7hr wait time. I've seen people on the boards much further along but I just can hardly deal with it anymore.
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Tom »

I didn't even make it to the double digits without getting bored. I can't say I'm particularly bothered either way, though. Looking forward to it wrapping up tomorrow.
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Jazzy »

Go down three floors today and the actual monster will pop up at the exit. If you choose "flee in terror" you can carry on looking round for treasure first, as the final floor awards you all the treasure you've collected on that floor.
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by thelonetiel »

I got to 47 or so, I guess I could've done better, but I've been busy. :<

Also, my major complaint is how full my inventory is, and Quick Stock doesn't work with more than 75 items (well, you click buttons individually). I have 192. :P
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by EofS »

You can still click for them all, it just will only then actually deposit 75 of them. So you click deposit all again, the next 75 go. Etc.

Did anyone miss any items they wanted? I did 86 or 87 levels with three pieces of treasure each, I have a loooot of spare items...
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Tom »

How did people do with prizes? I seem to have received just above bare minimum with the 5k prize. Annoyed that I didn't get the avatar, and I don't seem to be the only one. A few people in my guild seemed to have put in a lot of effort with not much reward; lots of people with 100+ floors not getting the avatar at all. Lots of people asking for a clear explanation of the tiering for prizes in tickets, etc, but TNT appear reluctant to give any further info, just claim it's 'not a glitch'. Which may be true I suppose, but I don't see it being fair in any way.
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Gumdrops »

I got everything except the Mini monster petpet. I didn't max out cheering the first day or two, so maybe that's why.
I hate when TNT doesn't give us explanations for prize tiers. I kinda understand the avatar one, because they've always wanted us the users to figure things out (which is why we still don't know the exact way to get the Cell Block avatar).
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Re: Spooky Food Contest Mystery

Post by Jazzy »

That's a good point - I'd completely forgotten about the cheering part. I got all the prizes except the mini-monster, and I had supported Scarlet during the contest, but you're right, I also didn't max out the cheering.

Was it possible to get the avatar if you hadn't originally supported Scarlet?
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