Monster MMORPG - Pokemon Style Indie RPG - [Browser Based]

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Monster MMORPG - Pokemon Style Indie RPG - [Browser Based]

Post by Alucard »

Hello everyone.

* In this thread there will be fair introduction to the game Monster MMORPG.

---- Game url:

* Monster MMORPG is a totally free to play, no download or plugin required, browser based MMO RPG game. The game is similar to Pokémon generation 3 games. The game requires registration in order to play.

---- Click here to Register Monster MMORPG , Register page screenshot

* Registration is fairly simple. You pick up a username, type your password, type your email address (we require verification), choose your over-world sprite image (your character image when you are walking on the map), and pick up your favorite starting monster. You can change your username 1 time for free from your control panel. Your email, password, over-world sprite and even your starting monster can be changed infinite times from your control panel for free. You can also setup your profile avatar from your control panel.

---- Click here to go your Control Panel (requires login) , Control panel page screenshot

* The game screen is complicated at the beginning. There is map screen which shows your hero sprite and other players’ sprite. If you are familiar with Pokémon games it will be really easy for you to solve out. You can move on the map with keep pressing w,a,s,d or arrow keys on keyboard. Or you can use arrows on the game screen (this has another feature multiple step for faster moving). Also hovering your mouse on other players’ sprites will bring you shortcuts to offer PvP, see their user profile etc.

---- Game main interface screenshot

* There are 3 types of enterable buildings in the game. First one is Monster Center (MC) which lets you to setup your monster team and heal your team. Once your all Monsters are fainted you will be teleported to last visited MC building gate. The second one is Monster Market (MM). MM lets you buy/sell items both at NPC and bazaar. Also you can buy/sell your monsters at the bazaar and trade your monsters with other players. There is no buy/sell monster feature at NPC. And the third one is Ancient Arenas. In Ancient Arenas you will fight with the strongest NPC of that particular zone to earn your badge. In order to enter these buildings you have to move forward to their gates.

---- Buildings screenshot , Manage monsters at your monster storage interface screenshot , A market page example buy monster from bazaar screenshot

* In order to catch wild monsters you have to move on the monster appearing areas. There are few different types of map surfaces that lets you battle with monsters. The most common one is grass areas. On grass surfaces you will encounter with wild monsters depending on that map appearing ratios. Once you encountered with a wild monster, you can either try to run away or battle. Running away depends on your team maximum speed monster and wild monster speed. If your team highest speed monster is slower than wild monster, you will be forced to battle. This rule doesn't apply rare class monsters in order to prevent macro usage. Also there is a rare chance you may enter battle even if you are faster once again in order to prevent cheating.

* The game has very detailed battle mechanics. There are numerous status effects such as burn, freeze, cripple and all works. A lot of item effects such as increasing critic hit rate, or causing burn with a chance. Also each captured monster is stored individually with total different 64 values such as its nature, abilities, private pet name given by the owner etc. These requires battle interface being complex too. But the game prints the every action in the battle interface so just being careful will let you to understand battle mechanics. You can catch only wild monsters. The NPCs monsters and other players’ monsters cannot be caught. In order to catch you need to decrease wild monster HPs to certain percentages. Battle screen will print all the info you need. Once you caught the wild monster it will be sent to your team if your team monster count is lesser than 6. Otherwise they will be sent to your storage and you need to go to the Monster Center building in order to get it into your team.

---- Battle interface screenshot

* There are 7 different classes of Monsters (Regular, Superior, Starter, Emissary, Zenith, Legendary and Ancient). The weakest one are regular and strongest ones are Ancient. All monsters are obtainable on the maps expect starter monsters. Wild monsters and NPC trainers monsters stats are boosted according to the monsters classes. This makes game more challenging and requires coming up with strategies. The classes of monsters determines the total stat range, the ability pools of monsters and the moves of monsters. The game has 207 different abilities, 148 different natures. All monsters gets random 3 ability upon entering battle wild monster battle from their predefined ability pool and 1 random nature from the all nature pool.

---- Click here to visit Abilities page , Click here to visit Natures page

* All monsters also have individual training points (TP) and unique values (UV). Wild monsters always come with 0 TP points and TP points are earned upon each successive battles. They have upper and total limits which effects the stats of Monsters. Also UV values are determined upon entering wild monster battles and they never change after like nature and abilities of that certain monster. You can see all details of a wild monster while in the wild monster battle.

---- An individual monster detailed page screenshot (same for both tamed and wild monsters)

* Game has a very detailed Dex page which shows entries of all monsters. It provides a lot of sorting, filtering and searching features that makes your job easier. You can sort monsters by their total stats or how many there are of them in the game etc. You can filter them by their types, by the moves they know, by their class name basically anything you may need. You can also quickly have a peek of them with scrolling down. MonsterDex will be great source of information for you to understand monsters.

---- Click here to visit MonsterDex page , MonsterDex screenshot

* Each monster has its own Dex entry page. These pages shows all the information about monsters such as their individual base HP, Attack, Defense etc. stats, their class, types, catch rate (this is about catching rates with monster boxes), level gain rate (about how many EXP required for each level), base reward EXP (about how many EXP you will get upon defeating them in battles), AVG level in game, how many in game, reward TP points (after defeating in battles), the concept and drawing artists, the moves they can learn (some moves can be purchased from market and can be thought) and they will learn (when level up), their ability pool and many more stuff. You can also see their transformation chain and their bigger artwork images.

---- Example monster page: Monster Vesuverex , Example monster page screenshot

* Each player profile pages are also visible to all members. Game provides a lot of different statistics about each member such as Monsters Total EXP, Monsters Total EXP Rank, Different Monsters Count, Different Monsters Count Rank, etc. You can also see their team monsters and the monsters they have in their storage.

---- Example profile page screenshot part 1 , Example profile page screenshot part 2

* Game also provides very detailed online players and search a player page with lots of filtering and sorting features.

---- Search a player page screenshot , Online players screenshot

* Game also provides a tool for you to calculate/play with monster builds. A unique stat calculator page. It is open to public and doesn't require login. You can load your individual monster as well.

---- Click here to use unique Stat Calculator tool of Monster MMORPG game

* The game is composed by 19 different zones and total 520 maps. Each of first 18 zones represents an elemental type in the game such as poison, grass, flying etc. and the final one is named as mixed. Each zone has 3 cities and one of them are categorized as major city. Major cities do have battle arenas where you can battle with zone leader to earn ancient badge. Since the game maps are huge there some features to make players job easier. First one is pre-calculated path finding AI. All maps are coded in the database as positions and with a specially developed AI software, all coordinates map routes are calculated. What does this provide? This provide instant calculation of shortest paths for players to move other maps. With hovering your mouse over to the tracks on the maps you can see where those paths leads. But this is of course not enough. There are 2 map interface pages which lets you to search and have information about maps. They are like MonsterDex.

---- Click here to visit Game Zones interface , Click here to visit Search Game Maps interface

---- Zones page screenshot , Search map page screenshot

* Each map also do have individual page which shows detail information about that map such as you can catch with monsters on which surface types or there are which NPC trainers gives which rewards etc. Checking out your current map details would help you greatly.

---- Individual map page example: Game Map Lily Pond , Individual map page screenshot part 1 , Individual map page screenshot part 2

* The game has got total 3,000 moves but there is no MoveDex yet. However you can see move details from every page that you will need move information. There are 2 mechanical moves that is working on the maps. First one is Fly. Fly move allows you to quickly navigate between your previously visited maps. Caves and Monster Arenas are not flyable. Also in order to move through Fly zone on the clouds you need to have a monster in your team that knows Fly AI move.

* The second one is Hyper Surf. Having a monster in your team that knows Hyper Surf move will allow you to move on water areas. With this move you can also catch the monsters that appears with surfing.

* There are also 3 net items that allows you to fishing at the edges of water areas. You can purchase all these moves and items from market. There also MT (Mythical Tablet) moves that is sold at the market and can be taught to the monsters. You can teach moves from your my item page.

---- Click here to go Using Items interface (requires login)

* There are over 1,000 NPC trainers on the maps and you can battle with them every 24 hours. Because of the massiveness of NPC trainers there is a special NPC history tracking page which shows you detailed information about NPCs and your battle history for that day.

---- Click here to go NPC Battles tracking interface (requires login) , NPC battle tracking page screenshot

* Monster MMORPG also has a fully working private messaging system that allow players to communicate in private. This system also integrated with market system so you can have information about your monsters on the market quickly. In addition to the PM system there is a chat panel that is integrated to the main game page. This chat panel supports 30+ different language channels. You have communication with other players publicly while playing the game. This increases the game social aspect. Chat screen also specially coded and supports top trainers raking system, players map location, and other stuff. You can block other players that you don't like at the chat.

---- PM system screenshot

* The top trainers ranking system also planned to provide most fair calculation for both new and older players. The rankings are refreshed each 24 hours since this process requires massive amount of database queries. Recalculation of all monster, battle stats etc.

---- Game also provides type chart table so you can see type effectiveness among monsters : click here to visit Types Chart table page

* Game also has another page that allows you to quickly navigate among monsters big thumbnails to find your favorite looking monsters. For example you like dog monsters and at this page you can quickly find the monsters that is a like dogs.

---- Click here to go Monster Thumbnails page , Screenshot of this page

* You can setup your own unique avatar or pick from game avatar gallery: click here to go Game Avatars gallery . There is also game banners page : Click here to go Game Banners gallery

* All game screenshots can be viewed from here: click here to go Gameplay Screenshots gallery

* The tutorial aspect of the game is far from being complete or perfect but there are 3 good sources. The quickest ones are quick how to tutorial page and extended game play tutorial video. Also there are dedicated game forums which you can check to see FAQ and other threads.

---- Click here to visit How To Play page

---- Extended gameplay tutorial video a bit outdated right now:

* The transformation of monsters in your team done manually. You need to go your team page and click transformation button. However some monsters are only transformed to other stage with usage of items. These transformations are done from items page.

---- Click here to go Manage Your Team interface (requires login) , Click here to go Using Items interface (requires login)

* The anti-cheating mechanisms of the game aims fair game play. To achieve cheating free gaming platform in such an easily cheatable genre (browser games) there are different precautions. The game mechanics requires very advanced software development for cheating. Secondly there is in game security image precaution which doesn't bother players but prevents bot users. Third there is monster buy/sell/trade public history page which identifies black market cheaters.

---- Click here to go Monster Buy/Trade/Sell history interface (requires login)

* Game also supports live PvP battles. You can offer a pvp battle to a player from player profile page, from chat screen quick link or from map screen hovering other player overworld image. Once you got PvP battle offer there will appear another badge on the game page screen that will notify you. PvP battles are also turn based and have auto refresh feature. There is also PvP battles leaderboard page

---- Click here to go PvP Leaderboard interface (requires login)

* MonsterMMORPG also has its own unique songs and a music player. This new cool feature is implemented recently. The songs are composed by our players voluntarily. Currently there are 25+ songs available to listen. However due to space limitation music player requires at least 1,280 pixel screen resolution. If your screen is smaller, you still can play the music with zoom out feature. In order to zoom out, keep pressing ctrl and use mouse wheel or keep pressing ctrl and hit "-" on the keyboard.

---- Click here to see Music Player and Songs screenshot

* Monster MMORPG also has approved Facebook application page. You can play MonsterMMORPG while staying in the Facebook. Facebook application is getting over 100,000 monthly visitors and doesn't require any permission from you.

---- Click here to visit Monster MMORPG Facebook application

* Game also has official Facebook page where you can follow the awesome giveaway events and news.

---- Click here to visit Official Facebook page of Monster MMORPG

* The game is mainly composed by volunteer contributors. There are over 60+ different artists who provided artworks to the game. Full credits list can be seen from credits page. There are total 1,801 different unique monsters at the moment. However currently no more new monsters are being added to the game but current monsters are being revamped or replaced with better quality artworks. There is almost an update each week that improves the game. All volunteered contributions are accepted by the game development.

---- Click here to go Monster MMORPG credits page

** Now I will write my humble Pros and Cons and my score for this game

Pros (+): Very advanced game mechanics, live PvP battles support, well planned top trainers ranking system, almost cheat free gaming experience, 1801 unique monsters, 520 unique maps, integrated chat system, PM system, market system, NPC system, badge system, huge content to discover and long term playing, no download not even flash player required to play, strong game servers, daily backups, good security, great potential for future

Cons (-): Very bad UI when compared to the game features, badly coded map movement system that feels lag there is lag, excessive amount of ads that bothers game playing, the game is far from being complete (like 15% complete right now), some of the monsters are very badly drawn, very complex interfaces and hard to understand at the beginning, lack of starting tutorials, lack of guild system, lack of game integrated PvP tournaments

* My final score is 6.8

* It has been already too long article but hopefully I was able to give some idea about the game. There are still a lot of things to discover and the rest is up to you. You can always contact me directly to ask questions. Either reply this thread or contact me via in game, email or Skype.

---- Game Developer Official Public Skype: MonsterMMORPG

---- Click here to Send PM to game admin CeFurkan (requires login)

---- Click here to go Monster MMORPG contact page where you can see contact email

* I will put some screenshots thumbnails now below for you to have quick idea and check.

---- Here few monsters

Image Image ImageImage

---- Here few game maps

Image Image Image Image

---- Here few gameplay screenshots

Image Image Image Image
Last edited by Alucard on 21 Mar 2014 09:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2013 12:02 pm
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Update 2.2.3 On Monster MMORPG A Browser Based Indie Game Wi

Post by Alucard »

Update 2.2.3 On Monster MMORPG

*** This is one of the very important update recently happened

*** For the Sunday, 300% very special bonus event started. Both Gold and EXP

*** Battle animation can be turned off/on from control panel. Now it is remembered

*** Now you can click your username at right top to go your control panel

*** First few maps now have arrow images embedded to show exits and entrance to the monster center, shop or caves

*** Pathfinding feature implemented to the game

---- Pathfinding or pathing is the plotting, by a computer application, of the shortest route between two points. It is a more practical variant on solving mazes. This field of research is based heavily on Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path on a weighted graph.

---- In our game pathfinding works as to show you shortest path to the exits. In short a path to the route changing locations.

---- Pathfinding normally very hardware power consuming stuff but we are doing preprocessing to make it lightning fast.

---- Preprocessing still continues so pathfinding is supported to maps between 1-220. But in couple of days hopefully it will be supported at all of the maps.

---- Pathfinding can be turned off/on from control panel

---- Here pathfinding image

*** Players starting positions to the game at the first map greatly randomized. So they won't compose a crowd at the front of monster center

*** Individual donation page added to the game. In order to view that page you need to login and have more than 5 monsters total

*** 7 Monster images completely revamped. Henrie is back ^^ (If you are still seeing old images please hit F5 or refresh the page)

*** All monsters on maps re-assigned

*** All NPCs and their monsters re-assigned
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

* Monster MMORPG V 2.2.4 Change-logs

* 5 Monsters images are revamped. 3 Of them got also name change

* 8 Monsters images slightly improved

* 200% EXP boost event started for the weekend

* Now when an error occurred while sending a private message it should keep your message instead of making message blank. Minimum private message title length reduced to 3 characters

* Several new curse words added on chat filter. If you believe there are still please pm me

* Now you can not send empty title messages with using multiple space characters

* Press F5 or refresh page to see updated images as always
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

Monster MMORPG V 2.2.6 Changelogs and awesome event announcement

* Alright guys here starts the schools holiday at Monster MMORPG.

* 31 monster images updated.
---- 6 new professional revamps
---- 2 improved professional revamps
---- 23 free images that replaces old images and improves quality
##### Some of the monsters names changed

* Have fun

* Here the list of professional revamps (thanks to those talented artists)
---- Please refresh the page or hit F5 to see updated images

* Here the free improvements (thanks to all those talented artists)
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

Monster MMORPG Another Game Patch Is Live Right Now : V 2.2.7

* All monsters on all maps re-assigned

* All NPCs on all maps re-assigned

* All NPC monsters re-assigned

* For until the school holiday event ends now the EXP & Gold bonus is 300%

* Very rare monsters giveaways are continuing on our official Facebook page make sure you follow

* 5 Monster images updated. 3 of them are commissioned and 2 of them are volunteered


* Volunteered ones

* Commissioned ones
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

Monster MMORPG V 2.2.8 Beta Update IS NoW LiVE

* Press F5 (or refresh button in browser) to see updated images

* For a week 100% bonus EXP & Gold event started

* Total 22 monster images updated. Some of them also has got name changes.

* 1 image is professionally revamped (Paid)

* 21 monster images updated by volunteer artists contributions (Free)
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

MonsterMMORPG V 2.2.9 Change logs

* Press F5 (or refresh button in browser) to see updated images

* Total 13 monster images updated. All of them are from volunteered artists. Expect one of the artist is i recently commissioned. The commissioned monster is not ready yet although.

* 1 image is done by this new commissioned artist as a freebie

* 12 monster images updated by volunteer artists contributions (Free)
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

* Press F5 (or refresh button in browser) to see updated images

* For the weekend 200% bonus EXP & Gold event started

* Total 10 monster images updated. 2 of them are from professional commissioned artists although the artist Firefox didn't take any money from us this time as well ty to him.

* Commissioned artists

* 8 monster images replaced with better ones by volunteer artists contributions (Free)
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

MonsterMMORPG new update V 2.3.1 change logs

* 1 New monster added to the game. It was a long time since we added a new monster to the game :) This new monster is professionally commissioned monster. Actually i was gonna use this also for improving an existing monster artwork but since community requested we added it to the game as a very strong legendary.

* 5 Monster images are updated professionally (by commissioned artists)

* 5 Monster images are replaced with better ones. These are not new but those which replaced with commissioned ones replaces other worse quality monsters.

* All monsters on all maps re-assigned

* All NPCs on all maps re-assigned

* 200% Bonus event started for weekend

* All default abilities of monsters re-assigned

* Press F5 or refresh your browser cache to see updated images

* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)

** New monster #1801 Werebear
** 5 Monster images updated professionally (commissioned artworks)

** 5 Monsters that has image and name replacement with better images
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Free online Monster MMORPG game MonsterMMORPG another update

Post by Alucard »

MonsterMMORPG another update - check out if you are looking for an online Pokemon MMORPG game

* 2 monster images are updated via professional artist (comissioned) (hit f5 to see updated images or refresh the page)

* A new great filtering feature added to the game. Now you can search for the monsters that can learn particular moves that you want to filter.

--- For example you can list the monsters that can learn Absorbing Ray move

* Facebook comments added to the individual pages of monsters and maps (at the bottom of the pages)

* 100% bonus event started for the weekend

# Updated monsters

# Monsterdex new filter screenshot

# Facebook comment plugin for monsters and maps individual pages
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

Monster MMORPG V 2.3.3 Change Logs

* 3 monster images are updated via professional artist (commissioned) (hit f5 to see updated images or refresh the page)

* 100% bonus event started for the weekend

* Very special giveaway event is going on our official Facebook page (1 Ancient 1 Legendary)

# Updated monsters
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

Free indie game Monster MMORPG V 2.3.4 - The game now have its own unique music and music system

* 100% bonus event started for the weekend

* Thanks to Santy, Fiesh and XerxesTexasToast we have 27 songs at the game npw.

---- Music player can be turned on or off. If you are logged in this choice will be saved.

---- In order to see music player you need to have at least 1280 pixel resolution screen. However you still can play if your screen is lower resolution. Use ctrl mouse wheel or ctrl +,- key buttons to zoom out page.

---- Songs are default set to repeat. Best way is opening a page, start playing songs at there and continue playing game at other pages.

* 1 Monster image updated (commissioned)

* 2 Monster images replaced with our existing monster images.

---- Monster Id 80 is now Hermitslime, Monster Id 997 is now Hulkapow (previously Monster Id 80), and Monster Id 667 is now Zantorious (previously Monster Id 997)
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Jazzy »

Sorry, Alucard, but you're blatantly spamming the same post to over 100 forums each time. I had tolerated your linkspam but it's fairly obvious that you aren't intending to engage in any non-promotional activity on this forum. Consequently, I'm not interested in you using Neocolours as a Google manipulation tool.

I have stripped all of the links from your posts and if you want to make further promotional posts, they cannot be in the form they are now - you will need to encourage a proper discussion, not just linkspam. Is that clear?
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Alucard »

Jazzy wrote:Sorry, Alucard, but you're blatantly spamming the same post to over 100 forums each time. I had tolerated your linkspam but it's fairly obvious that you aren't intending to engage in any non-promotional activity on this forum. Consequently, I'm not interested in you using Neocolours as a Google manipulation tool.

I have stripped all of the links from your posts and if you want to make further promotional posts, they cannot be in the form they are now - you will need to encourage a proper discussion, not just linkspam. Is that clear?
wow that is too harsh :(

what benefit did it bring you or neocolours or anybody removing links and images ?

now all posts looks so dumb
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Re: Monster MMORPG V 2.1.7

Post by Jazzy »

The reason why I've removed the links and images is that Google uses links and images from external websites to determine how high up in the page rankings a webpage will get, which you are undoubtedly aware of. This is fine if it's happening organically (ie, if an ordinary user is posting them) but not when it's being posted by someone who makes literally no effort to engage with the community otherwise. Neocolours is not a promotional platform. I have no problem with you saying to people "hey, I've got this great new website, come and try it out - what features would you like to see?" but you're posting identical posts to over 100 forums every single time. You're manipulating Google rankings and making Neocolours look like a linkspam forum, like those ridiculous blogspot blogs.
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