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Re: Flight Rising

Post by Cranberry »

You can make a looooooot of treasure in the coliseum! I can get 100k an hour now with my well-statted level 25s. You'll learn what's fairly useless and can be sold straight from your hoard and what should go up on the auction house. Dropped familiars and apparel and eggs sell well in the AH, while most of the materials and battle stones can be hoard-sold, although some battle stones are worth a lot (such as Ambush), so always check. Keep and convert the food you need for your own dragons, and sell the rest in stacks. I sell my excess food in stacks of 30-99 for usually 50 treasure per food point (if you hover over any food item, you can see how many food points it's worth), so a 4-point food would sell for 200t, for example, and a stack of 99 of those would sell for about 20k treasure.
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by Aqua »

I signed up. :)

Is there any way to level up less painfully? The battle system is fun, but I'm at level 7/8 and it's taking forever to get higher because the difficulty seems to increase a lot without a lot of XP increase (I'm having to battle and leave so no chaining).. :? Maybe my abilities could be better, but I haven't really seen better ones I could get in the battle shop.
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by Cranberry »

It really comes down to how you distribute your stats and which battle stones you have. I use my friend Culex's guide and can easily level a team from 1-25 in less than 10 hours total. The trickiest part for you will probably be getting the six ambush stones; the price is way up on them now that people know how useful they are.
Last edited by Cranberry on 22 Apr 2014 04:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by Griffin »

I didn't feel like grinding for a few days to afford Ambushes for all my dragons, so I charged $5 and bought three for about 130 gems each in the auction house. Hey, it's way cheaper than buying a weapon on Subeta :P Did you get some gems for that, Cran?

Battling has been going very well after that. Taking my time, at the Bamboo Falls now...
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by Cranberry »

I did get some gems, thanks!
Hello Cranberry -

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Neat little bonus. :)
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by AngharadTy »

I found one ambush through fighting--I'm hoping to find more (for my second set of three dragons). Grinding mostly just seems to give me the +2 str stones, though, hehe. But I'm grinding in the place with the creepy bonepriests and skeletal serpents (after checking drop lists on the forum topic for that area and ambush is listed) because I want those, mmm.

The one thing I'm not sure of is how to get my goal dragon(s). I'm trying to get the color combo first, but that's tricky and I'll probably have to breed for it. So buying potential parents that have similar colors, trying to bracket the desired colors. And then.. make the resulting baby have the right species. And genes, depending on the parents... I dunno. It's interesting having long-term goals like that, though.

Ooh--also, Aqua, level 7-8 is the hardest range, at least in my experience (having done those levels twice). When you get to 9 and can start having more turns ahead of the others, that makes a huge difference. I had to restart the area quite a lot, but that's not so bad, really. I also dropped down to the previous area when I got too frustrated. I mean, I was already restarting and not getting the exp bonus, so going back to something easier was very helpful. And just in case you didn't read Culex's guide--the tips at the top are extremely useful. If one dragon dies in that round but you kill everything, don't restart; the health they get back usually absorbs at least one hit. So you can push on quite far with dragons that have pitiful HP left. In fact, through level 8 I think I was just hovering at ~10% life for most of the training.
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by Cranberry »

Breeding for a specific color combo can be annoying sometimes (like when you breed the same pair for three months in a row and get one-egg nests, or one color off from what you want, or males when you need a female), but it's a fun challenge. My big goal a few months ago was to breed orange/white/white ("tiger") imperials. There was nothing even close available at the time, so I spent a lot of time and treasure finding and breed-changing and putting genes on semi-close dragons, then breeding a few different pairs, then breeding their offspring... it took a few months to get my orange/white/whites, and another month or so to round out the rest of the orange range. It's tricker to breed for specific imperials because you can't just buy a breed-change scroll for them like you can with everything else.


I'm working on orange/rust/white tiger coatls now.
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by AngharadTy »

That must be so satisfying! (And gorgeous.) I want coatls--they look good in so many color ranges. So fond of imperials, too; luckily I snagged a few gorgeous ones rather inexpensively. That first day was great for newbies at the auctions!

(...no, I'm not posting here cause FR is down at midnight. Nope nope.)
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by Cranberry »

I really disliked coatls when they were first released, but they've grown on me. They look great in bright colors. I have a few:



My tiger ones will look like this, although I can't decide on Ice or Light eyes. I think Light would look more tiger-like.

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Re: Flight Rising

Post by AngharadTy »

I should start making a list of Really Lovely Dragons to someday aim for. I love the red rose effect on your male coatl! So pretty.
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by AngharadTy »

One of my Really Lovely Dragons is up for sale but I cannot handle the parents' names so I don't think I'll be buying him. Am I a dragon snob now? Hahaha.
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by Cranberry »

Haha, you're getting there!

It's funny to me how much my tastes have changed. When I started, I didn't care about tertiaries at all, so I just grabbed dragons with primary and secondary colors I liked. I wasn't really into iridescence and hated circuit and gembond. Eye color didn't matter to me. I liked wildclaws but I really wanted an imperial (they used to be expensive -- when I joined, a double-gened one cost 300k, and triple-gened ones in nice colors could still fetch over a mil). Now I think a dragon looks naked without a tert (but it has to be a matching or complementary tert!), I have several gembond and a couple of circuit dragons, eyes MUST match, and I'm getting a little tired of imps. Wildclaws are my favorite, and I have a new appreciation for coatls, which I disliked when they were first released.

I did this fun comparison of my lair in my first month to my lair six months later. Everything is different!
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by AngharadTy »

That is really interesting. I have a rather random assortment... but in comparison to, say, Subeta, it's clear I like a random assortment. I'm especially pleased with one of my most recent lucky buys, who grew up last night:

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Re: Flight Rising

Post by Cranberry »

Ooh, pretty colors!

Tomorrow (Sunday) will be the first day of Water's holiday. (There's a different flight holiday during the last week of every month, aside from December.) During the week, use all of your gathering turns in Water areas and you'll be able to pick up special currency. If you dig, you'll also have a chance at special treasure chests. You can also earn the currency by defeating Water and Neutral enemies in the coliseum. Here is my friend's list of the Water enemies. You can spend the special currency in the Festive Favors shop -- there will be three pieces of apparel and a familiar for sale. The familiar and one of the apparel pieces will retire forever after the week, but the emblem and armband will be back each year. You can also sell the currency for pretty decent treasure in the auction house!

I'm expecting some lag and maybe even downtime on the first day. Holidays used to be absolutely horrible, but the past few have run totally smoothly. However, there are going to be many more people than usual on the site and using the coliseum this time, so it might take a day or so for the devs to get it all running smoothly.
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Re: Flight Rising

Post by AngharadTy »

Ahh, thank you for all the info. I hope to make a good run of it. ^_^
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